Series News

News on the series, Young Justice. Season One covers the first season, Invasion covers the second season, Comic covers the tie-in comic book series, Legacy covers the tie-in video game, Season Three covers the third season, Home Entertainment Releases covers DVD and Blu-Ray releases, Soundtrack covers soundtrack releases, Toyline covers any toy merchandise releases, and Conventions and Interviews covers news only about convention appearances or general interviews. In most cases a link will accompany each headline back to the original article.
News on the DCAU originates from animation and comic book related news sites, personal staff forums or comic book conventions. Fans beware, in some cases, false news does get spread among the Internet.
Season One - Season Two Invasion - Comic - Legacy - Season Three Outsiders - Season Four Phantoms - Movies - Home Entertainment Releases - Soundtrack - Toyline - Conventions, Interviews, and Misc.
Season One News
November 20, 2009: Tequan Richmond read for the part of Aqualad on Young Justice. Tequan Richmond's Twitter Account
January 24, 2010: A new series called Young Justice is in development. It stars Nightwing, Superboy (Connor Kent), Arrowette, Impulse, Aqualad, and Martian Girl (Miss Martian). AFI Thread Page 2
January 27, 2010: Stephanie Lemelin blogs she was cast as the voice of Arrowette in Young Justice League and unspecified supporting characters. She also reveals an image of Arrowette. Stephanie Lemelin's Blog
February 18, 2010: Young Justice is in the pipeline and another series is, too, but not greelit. TAG Blog
April 21, 2010: Young Justice announced at CN Upfront. It's first season will have 26 episodes, Sam Register is Executive Producer, and the Producers are Brandon Vietti and Greg Weisman. Characters named are Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis. WF Article
April 26, 2010: Phil LaMarr has done voicework on the series. Realm Cast Post
May 20, 2010: Marina Sirtis will voice Queen Bee, a recurring super villain. Motor City Comic Con Q&A Video
June 15, 2010: The new Aqualad, Jackson Hyde, will debut in the Brightest Day comic book. Geoff Johns reveals some details about him. The Source Blog
July 21, 2010: Rob Lowe will voice Captain Marvel, an important recurring role. TV Guide Article
July 22, 2010: Will be set in the present, a young DC Universe. Superman been around for 10 years, Robin for 4 years. Justice League will be 16 members and base is Hall of Justice. Zatara, Captain Atom, Black Canary, John Stewart, Captain Marvel, Red Tornado, Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Hal Jordan, Flash, Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, and Speedy/Red Arrow will appear. Redbird cycle will appear. Heroes will have civilian appearances. Not everyone is going to survive. Possible others like Mary Marvel, Wonder Girl, and Aqualad/Tempest will appear. WB SDCC Preview Video
July 23, 2010: Batman is voiced by Bruce Greenwood, Aquaman by Phil LaMarr, Green Arrow by Alan Tudyk, Robin/Dick Grayson by Jesse McCartney, Kid Flash/Wally West by Jason Spizak, Aqualad by Khary Payton, Superboy/Connor Kent by Nolan North, and Miss Martian by Danica McKellar. Black Manta is Aqualad's father. Captain Cold, Ice, and Icicle will appear. Young Justice will act as an undercover unit in the Justice League to combat increasingly efficient supervillains as the Justice League's high profile prevents them from stopping more and more criminals. Takes place in Earth-16. UGO Article
July 24, 2010: Robin is 13 years old but has the most experience and been a hero since age 9. Aqualad is 16 years old and the leader. Kid Flash is 15 years old and not as fast as the Flash. Superboy is 16 weeks old, will take on the name Connor Kent, and is a new interpretation. Miss Martian is 16 in Earth years, 48 in Martian, and is the niece of Martian Manhunter. DC Podcast
July 25, 2010: Peter David will write several episodes including the first and it involves Secret. Peter David Blog Entry
July 27, 2010: There will be Batman villains like Mr. Freeze and other characters from that corner of DC, obscure characters, Batman will be in some action, no firm air date yet, and Robin will the team's strategist, brain, hacker. The Batman Universe Video Q&A
July 29, 2010: The supervillains are getting organized and influence the creation of Young Justice. Comic Hero News Article
July 30, 2010: Weisman and Vietti wrote out a list of 50-60 teen heroes then sifted through them to compile the core 6. The tone of the season is secrets and lies. We'll start off with four teen heroes but one won't join Young Justice. We won't see the core 6 together until Episode 6. A 7th regular will be added halfway into the season. An 8th regular will join at the end of the season. The Justice League is only 3-4 years old. Comic Hero News Q&A Video
July 30, 2010: The series premiere is slated for November. Ask Greg Weisman 7/30/10 Reply
August 2, 2010: Kelly Hu did a voice on the show. Buzz Focus Kelly Hu Video Q&A
August 4, 2010: Greg Weisman has a "small, fun voice role." 123 Films! 8/4/10 Radio Interview
August 6, 2010: The producers have complete access to DC characters. Expect the storytelling format to be similar to "Gargoyles" and "Spectacular Spider-Man," stand-alone episodes yet arcs that culminate at certain points. The pilot will be two parts and the season will end with a bang. CBR Article
August 6, 2010: Greg Weisman is also Story Editor. He wrote four episodes already and maybe two more. Ask Greg Reply
August 7, 2010: Stephanie Lemelin comments that Artemis has a "lot of sass." Stephanie Lemelin's Blog
August 16, 2010: Red Tornado will have a mentor role like in the Young Justice comics. Ask Greg Reply
August 16, 2010: Expect more Young Justice and Teen Titans characters to appear. Ask Greg Reply
August 17, 2010: Among the list of Raven, Zatanna, Starfire, Wonder Girl, Harley Quinn, or Joker; some of these characters will appear in season one. Ask Greg Reply
August 18, 2010: Some voice actors that worked on Spectacular Spider-Man will be working on Young Justice. Ask Greg Reply
August 19, 2010: In development since March 2009. Greenlit in October 2009. Sam Register wanted a show, something with Justice League or the young characters or something like that. Register threw out Young Justice title. Superman been around for 10 years and Batman for 9 years. When they're training together or hanging out, there will be moments of levity, because they're teenagers. Also trying to show a complete picture of their lives..their home lives, their school lives. Superboy's biological donors will be explored on the show. There will be an interesting way into how Aqualad becomes leader of the Young Justice. Batman and Red Tornado have really big roles on an ongoing basis. Superman, Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Aquaman, and Flash have large roles. Others have lesser roles. Captain Marvel has a big role Nolan North voices Superman, too. Mission Impossible set up to the show. Comic Book Movie Interview
August 23, 2010: By episode 16, 135 existing characters from the DCU will have appeared. Ask Greg Rambling
September 1, 2010: Ice was not in any clips shown at Comic-Con or elsewhere. Ask Greg Reply
September 3, 2010: 17 scripts are complete, Post-Production begins later on in September, there are 147 name characters from the DC Universe by Episode 17, each script is an average of 33 pages and 235 lines, voice recording is complete on the first 13 episodes, partially recorded on episodes 14-16, episode 17 recording will be on September 7th, 47 actors have been used as of Episode 13, Episode 18's script is being written, Episodes 19-22 are in outline, Episodes 23-24 are in beat outline, Episodes 25-26 are approved premises, and the staff has 7 writers: Staff Writers Greg Weisman and Kevin Hopps, Freelancers Andrew Robinson, Nicole Dubuc, Jon Weisman, Tom Pugsley, and Peter David, and Brandon Vietti also is involved. Ask Greg Rambling
September 13, 2010: Superman is 33 years old at the series' start. Ask Greg Reply
September 13, 2010: The series is not in continuity with any other previous WBA/DC animated project. Ask Greg Reply
September 13, 2010: Greg Weisman reveals episode writing credit order: (1) Greg Weisman, (2) Greg Weisman, (3) Kevin Hopps, (4) Andrew Robinson, (5) Nicole Dubuc, (6) Jon Weisman, (7) Tom Pugsley, (8) Kevin Hopps, (9) Nicole Dubuc, (10) Andrew Robinson, (11) Greg Weisman, (12) Jon Weisman, (13) Tom Pugsley, (14) Kevin Hopps, (15) Greg Weisman, (16) Nicole Dubuc, (17) Andrew Robinson, (18) Peter David, (19) Greg Weisman, (20) Jon Weisman, (21) Nicole Dubuc, (22) Kevin Hopps, (23) Peter David, (24) Jon Weisman, and still being determined which of 25 or 26 Greg Weisman and Kevin Hopps will write. Ask Greg Reply
September 14, 2010: Stephanie Lemelin describes Artemis as a "hot mess." Boston Globe Article
September 16, 2010: Michael Chang is working on Young Justice. Ben Jones Formspring Reply
September 17, 2010: The main directors under Brandon Vietti are Jay Oliva (11 episodes) and Michael Chang (10). The other episodes are being guest directed by Sam Liu (1), Chris Berkeley (2), Matt Youngberg (1) and Victor Cook (1). Ask Greg Reply
September 28, 2010: Phil Bourassa, Brandon Vietti and Greg Weisman enjoyed coming up with their new Aqualad character. His name isn't Jackson Hyde like in the comics. Ask Greg Reply
September 28, 2010: The Joker did appear in development material but that doesn't confirm nor deny he will actually appear in the series. Ask Greg Reply
September 29, 2010: Young Justice will premiere on Cartoon Network as a one hour special event in November 2010 then the series will officially begin in 2011. WF Article
September 30, 2010: Besides Aqualad, more original characters will appear but may or may not be before their comics debut. Ask Greg Reply
October 9, 2010: The one hour pilot is set for November 26, Killer Frost and the cold villains appear in episode one, The sidekicks follow the Justice League to Project Cadmus and stumble onto Superboy, Weisman and Hopps will write a comic book special for January, Robin's parents were killed at Haley's Circus and was adopted 4 years ago, Kid Flash's goggles can see in different light spectrums, Garth is this Aqualad's best friend and will appear, Aqualad can bend and control water with his mystical eel tattoos, Red Tornado will act like a live-in den mother, Black Canary is the combat trainer, will see a lot of Zatara, Captain Marvel will hang around a lot since's he's really a 10 year old, Robin keeps his identity secret but shares it with Kid Flash, will know why Zatara appears and not Zatanna by season 1's halfway point, will know why Speedy isn't on team by first episode, The Guardian will appear and is voiced by Crispin Freeman, and Project Cadmus is made up of various characters good, not so good, and ambigious. Newsarama Article
October 9, 2010: Episode one takes place on July 4th, from Gotham City to Star City to Pearl Harbor to Central City to the Hall of Justice in Washington D.C. and each episode will have a date. The first season takes place in about six months time. May see Jay Garrick and Wonder Twins. The show will air regularly starting in January. IGN Article
October 10, 2010: Artemis appears in Episode 6 as Green Arrow's new sidekick. 99% of characters appearing are from the DC Universe. Black Manta pops up at some point. There will be several story arcs, some long, some 3 episodes in length. Aqualad's name is Atlantean (Cal-Du-Ran). In Episode 22, Batman will be questioned why he let a 9 year old become his sidekick and some will agree with his answer, some won't. Pendragon's Post Q&A
October 12, 2010: Speedy has been active for 3 years, Kid Flash for 2 years, and Miss Martian none at all. The villains will be making their own covert ops young supervillain team to counter act the Young Justice. io9 Article
October 12, 2010: 5 Minute NYCC footage of Episode One. YouTube Video
October 29, 2010: Kelly Hu will voice the mother and older sister of Cheshire. IGN TV Article
November 2, 2010: Brandon Vietti talks costumes. Brandon Vietti Blog
November 9, 2010: Aqualad's Atlantean name is "Kaldur'ahm" or "Kaldur" in shorthand. Ask Greg Reply
November 10, 2010: Bombshell is on the master list but won't be in the first season. Some existing stories will be adapted along with new ones being made. Ask Greg Reply
November 11, 2010: The one hour pilot, "Independence Day" will air on Cartoon Network on November 26, 2010 at 7 pm Eastern/Pacific. CC Article
November 12, 2010: Martian Manhunter is was born 135 Earth years ago and is the biological equivalent of a 45 year old male. Ask Greg Reply
November 13, 2010: There are plans for the 90's style Superboy costume. Brandon Vietti Blog Reply
November 16, 2010: Episode 26 story beats have been worked out and finalized on hand written on 3x5 cards that are currently tacked up on a wall in Greg Weisman's office, the Episode 24 story outline is complete and ready to go to script, the Episode 22 first draft of the script is complete, there was a Tuesday morning recording the voice actors for Episode 21, Episode 18, 19, and 20 are currently being storyboarded, Episode 16 storyboards are complete and are currently being noted, revised, and cut to the proper length, Episode 14 storyboards were shipped to Korea this week and designs are being worked on at Warner Bros. (WB), Episode 11 designs for backgrounds, characters, and props are being finished up at WB, Episode 10 background paint is in progress at WB and in Korea, key animation has been completed on 153 scenes, Episode 7 ink and paint on models is in progress at WB while animation layout has begun in Korea, Episode 6 key animation has been completed, inbetweens are in progress, and 110 scenes are in the process of being colored, Episode 5 arrived from Korea (Moi Animation) last week and is now being edited, Episode 3 is edited and locked for time while awaiting retakes from Korea, and there was a meeting with composers (Dynamic Music Partners) Monday morning to discuss music for the episode, and Episode 1 and 2 were completed last week and are ready to air. Brandon Vietti Blog Entry
November 17, 2010: Various promos rounded up. Brandon Vietti Blog Post
November 18, 2010: Cast and Crew Information for "Independence Day" episodes. WF Article
November 19, 2010: Jesse McCartney talks about his role as Robin. ET Article
November 19, 2010: Images, Clip, and Synopsis for "Independence Day" episodes released. WF Article
November 24, 2010: Jesse McCartney talks about Robin. Robin and Dick Grayson will get showcased and a few focus episodes. There might possibly be a Russian mission. USA Weekend Article
November 24, 2010: Toon Zone reviews the pilot. TZ Article
November 24, 2010: World's Finest reviews the pilot. WF Article
November 24, 2010: Producers talk about the show; costumes like Kid Flash's padding and the theme of secrets. CC Video
November 25, 2010: Producers talk some more about the show. CC Video
November 25, 2010: Brandon Vietti talks about voice recording. Brandon Vietti Blog Entry
November 26, 2010: Additional crew details for pilot. WF Article
November 26, 2010: Jesse McCartney hints at Robin's eventual role as leader and a love triangle between Kid Flash, Miss Martian, and Superboy. CBR Interview
November 28, 2010: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, reveals concept art for a victim of Mr. Freeze, based on Phil Bourassa. Jerome K Moore Deviation
November 28, 2010: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, reveals concept art for Superman. Jerome K Moore Deviation
November 28, 2010: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, reveals concept art for Superman Statue. Jerome K Moore Deviation
November 28, 2010: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, reveals concept art for Hall of Justice Pantheon. Jerome K Moore Deviation
November 28, 2010: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, reveals concept art for another victim of Mr. Freeze. Jerome K Moore Deviation
November 28, 2010: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, reveals concept art for a G-Gnome Fetus. Jerome K Moore Deviation
November 28, 2010: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, reveals concept art for Genomorph Trolls and influences. Jerome K Moore Deviation
November 28, 2010: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, reveals concept art for John Stewart. Jerome K Moore Deviation
December 1, 2010: Phil Bourassa, Lead Character Designer, reveals production turns of Blockbuster from the pilot episodes. Phillybee Deviation
December 1, 2010: Phil Bourassa, Lead Character Designer, reveals production rough of Captain Marvel. Phillybee Deviation
December 1, 2010: Greg Weisman posts credits for "Independence Day" movie and others not credited. Ask Greg Ramble
December 2, 2010: Greg Weisman talks about Aqualad's Water-Bearers. Ask Greg Reply
December 3, 2010: Greg Weisman talks a little about his 139 page timeline. The first Black Canary was born in 1943 in this Earth-16. Ask Greg Reply
December 4, 2010: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, reveals concept art for Catherine Cobert, a character cut from "Independence Day" but whose design may be reassigned to another character. Jerome K Moore Deviation
December 4, 2010: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, reveals concept art for Dr. Spence and Dr. Desmond. Jerome K Moore Deviation
December 10, 2010: Jesse McCartney talks about Robin, his relationship with Batman, and his leadership potential. Comic Book Movie 1min 33sec Q&A
December 15, 2010: Official Young Justice wallpaper available for free download. WF Article
December 15, 2010: Cartoon Network lists a Young Justice premiere on January 7th at 7 PM Eastern/6 PM Central. CN Search Page
December 16, 2010: Jesse McCartney talks about character dynamics; Robin and Superboy and Robin and Kid Flash. Tales of Justice Blog Entry
December 17, 2010: January 7th at 7 PM airdate is tentatively slated and two more official Young Justice wallpaper available for free download. WF Article
December 20, 2010: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, reveals a rejected character design clean-up for Speedy. Jerome K Moore Deviation
December 21, 2010: Cartoon Network posts 30 second commercial. CN/FB Video
December 21, 2010: Greg Weisman reveals Black Canary is 24 years old. Ask Greg Reply
December 23, 2010: Episode title and synopsis revealed for January airings. One title from Febraury also revealed. WF Article
January 7, 2011: Two stills of Mr. Twister revealed. Splashpage MTV Article
January 7, 2011: Still of Miss Martian in her bio ship revealed. The Source Blog Entry
January 10, 2011: Greg Weisman shares a production update: Episodes 3-5 are completed, Episode 6 is very close to being completed, Episode 7's music, sound and visual After-FX are bing worked on this week, Episodes 8-10 are being animated, Episode 11-12's animation begun overseas, while the WBA team finishes color models, Episode 13-16's layouts are being done overseas while the WBA team finalizes line-art models, Episodes 17-22 has its scripts in revision (Weisman is currently giving notes on the last act of the board of Episode 18 and supervising a dialogue edit of the recording session of Episode 22 this week), Episode 23 is being storyboarded, Episode 24's recording session is tomorrow, Episode 25's notes on the first draft script are due tomorrow, and Weisman is in the process of writing the first draft script of Epiosde 26. Ask Greg Rambling
January 11, 2011: Discussion with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti on character conflicts. Comic Book Movie 2.5 Minute Q&A
January 13, 2011: Artemis is revealed to be half-Caucasian, half-Vietnamese. Ask Greg Reply
January 14, 2011: By episode 24, there will be 174 characters taken from DC Comics. By episode 25 and 26, about 180. Starting with Issue 7 of the comic, Greg Weisman and Kevin Hopps will resume writing duties. MTV Splash Page Interview
January 18, 2011: Representatives for Cartoon Network confirm leaked voice actors and characters from credits of "Fireworks" (Jeff Bennett as Red Tornado, T.O. Morrow, Nick Chinlund as Sportsmaster, John DeLancie as Mr. Twister/Brom Stikk, Khary Payton as Brick, Peter MacNicol as Professor Ivo/Amazo, Vanessa Marshall as Black Canary, Danny Trejo as Bane, and Arnold Vosloo as Kobra). WF Article
January 18, 2011: Early review for "Welcome to Happy Harbor." Comic Vine Article
January 18, 2011: 2 clips and and 27 images released for "Welcome to Happy Harbor." WF Article
January 18, 2011: Greg Weisman confirms he is writing the season finale. Ask Greg Reply
January 18, 2011: There is a master plan about revealing who the members of the Light are, there are major sub-plots for Zatara, Captain Marvel, and other teen heroes, and in "Drop Zone," the team's first mission involves a rogue country producing a neo steroid called Venom. They are caught in the middle of a battle between Bane and Kobra. AWN 3 Page Interview
January 19, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals the Justice League was founded about seven years prior, but the public has only known about it for the last three or four. Ask Greg Reply
January 21, 2011: Toon Zone reviews "Welcome to Happy Harbor." TZ Article
January 21, 2011: Exclusive Clip of "Welcome to Happy Harbor." Splashpage MTV Article
January 21, 2011: TV Guide Q&A with Jesse McCartney. TV Guide Article
January 21, 2011: KSite TV reviews "Welcome to Happy Harbor." KS Article
January 21, 2011: Main cast and crew list revealed about "Welcome to Happy Harbor" and synopsis details about "Drop Zone" revealed. WF Article
January 21, 2011: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti talk about "Welcome to Happy Harbor." Comic Book Movie Article
January 25, 2011: Two Clips and Images from "Drop Zone." WF Article
January 25, 2011: Exclusive third clip from "Drop Zone." io9 Article
January 27, 2011: The repercussion of events in "Drop Zone" will have an impact on the rest of the series. The episode beings in a number of different enemies that Young Justice will face throughout the series. CBM Article
January 28, 2011: The title of episode six is "Infiltrator" and it will air on February 11th. WF Article
January 28, 2011: Roy Harper/Speedy is 18 years old. Ask Greg Reply
January 28, 2011: The series timeline is at 149 pages. Ask Greg Reply
January 28, 2011: Victor Cook will direct episode 20. Ask Greg Reply
January 28, 2011: Greg Weisman posts the correct timestamps for "Drop Zone." Ask Greg Ramble
January 29, 2011: Episode titles and synopsis for February airings and one episode title for March revealed. CC Article
February 2, 2011: Greg Weisman confirms that Batman was formally elected as the Justice League's current leader and he isn't the only leader they've had. Ask Greg Reply
February 2, 2011: Clips and images for "Schooled." WF Article
February 3, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, reveals Dick Grayson in a Prop Character Design. Jerome K Moore Deviation
February 9, 2011: Greg Weisman states Zatara is 40 years old. Ask Greg Reply
February 11, 2011: Clips and images for "Infiltrator." WF Article
February 11, 2011: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti preview "Infiltrator." CBM Article
February 14, 2011: Logan Grove recorded (at least) an episode as Garfield Logan. Laura Modeling Success Stories
February 16, 2011: Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Artemis, and eventually Miss Martian and Superboy will have friends outside the circle of the six of them. Ask Greg Reply
February 17, 2011: Clip and images for "Denial." WF Article
February 18, 2011: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti preview "Denial." CBM Article
February 19, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a Cutting Room Floor design of Mary West and a younger Wally West. Jerome K Moore Deviation
February 19, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts character design for Teekl. Jerome K Moore Deviation
February 24, 2011: Production Update: As of February 23, 2011, all scripting and recording has finished. Episodes 8-9 are in post-production, Episodes 10-13 are being animated in Korea, Episodes 14-15 are having their models colored, Episodes 16-18 are getting final models on characters, props and BGs finished, Episode 19 is in checking, Episode 20 is in timing, Episode 21 is in storyboard revision, Episodes 22-24 are awaiting storyboard notes and revisions from their directors and/or the producers, and Episodes 25-26 are in storyboard. Ask Greg Rambling
February 24, 2011: Production Update Part Two: In season one, there will be 179 named characters from the DC Universe. 66 total actors were used. Kevin Michael Richardson had the most roles at 11 and Jeff Bennett, the second most at 10. The episodes that required the fewest actors were 3, 9, 12 and 24 that needed 9 actors each. The episode that required the most actors was 25, which needed 19 actors. Ask Greg Rambling
February 25, 2011: March 2011 schedule and episode synopsis' revealed. New episodes for March 4th and 11th weekends only. WF Article
February 25, 2011: "Welcome to Happy Harbor" will be reaired on April 3rd. CC Article
February 25, 2011: The Flash is 35 years old and Batman is 32 years old. Ask Greg Reply
February 25, 2011: The Red Tornado file from "Welcome to Happy Harbor" is disavowed because it contradicts content already planned for future episodes in the series. Ask Greg Reply
March 4, 2011: Two clips and 15 images of "Downtime" released. WF Article
March 4, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a Cutting Room Floor design of the Flash Family. Jerome K Moore Deviation
March 5, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for Lori Lemaris in "Downtime." Jerome K Moore Deviation
March 5, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for background character (unofficially named Beluga Boy) in "Downtime." Jerome K Moore Deviation
March 7, 2011: Greg Weisman posts full credit list for "Downtime" including three not credited. Ask Greg Rambling
March 8, 2011: Two clips and 7 images of "Bereft" released. WF Article
March 9, 2011: In "Drop Zone," the French member of the Light was L-6 and voiced by Nolan North. There are 7 members of the Light total. Ask Greg Reply
March 10, 2011: Wonder Woman's role will expand a bit as the series continues. Ask Greg Reply
March 15, 2011: Eventually, it will be revealed that Black Canary is not the only Leaguer giving the team tips. Ask Greg Reply
March 29, 2011: Cartoon Network's April schedule shows series in reruns. WF Article
March 30, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for Alfred Pennyworth. Jerome K Moore Deviation
March 30, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a designs, used and unused, for the Flash Family. Moore also reveals Jay Garrick is 90 years old and since the Speed Force, from which the various Flashes draw their power, also preserves some measure of youth and vitality. Hence, Garrick looks younger. Jerome K Moore Deviation
April 6, 2011: In addition to 12 sisters, Miss Martian also has 17 brothers and something like 300 cousins. The Martian race is alive and well. Martian Manhunter arrived on Earth due to a Zeta-Beam accident. Ask Greg Reply
April 8, 2011: There is no Speed Force on Earth-16. But the Flash is considerably faster than Kid Flash, which is something the show will explore eventually. Ask Greg Reply
April 12, 2011: There's obviously more to Madame Xanadu's story than revealed so far. Ask Greg Reply
April 13, 2011: Jay Oliva, director, posts a storyboard from Clayface teaser in "Downtime" episode. Jay Oliva Deviation
April 14, 2011: Red Arrow will be seen as a civilian eventually. Ask Greg Reply
April 26, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for Coral and Topo from "Downtime." Jerome K Moore Deviation
April 27, 2011: Episode 10 "Targets" will air on June 3rd. Logline also revealed. WF Article
May 4, 2011: Greg Weisman confirms full names of Justice League and Justice Society of America, Wonder Women is the princess of Themyscira in this continuity, and Hawkman and Hawkwoman are from Thanagar. Ask Greg Reply
May 4, 2011: Wonder Woman is 90 years old. Ask Greg Reply
May 5, 2011: Where Kaldur'ahm lives, in Atlantis, will be addressed in Issue #5. Ask Greg Reply
May 12, 2011: Episodes 10 and 11 are finished and ready to air in June, Episode 12 is in post-production and the Sound Mix will be done tomorrow (May 13th), Episode 13 is in post-production and the edit should be locked later today, Episodes 14 to 19 are in Korea being animated, Episodes 20 to 24 are in Korea in layout, while final models are being completed at WBA, Episode 25 storyboard is in checking and track and came out slightly too long (Brandon Vietti and Greg Weisman will be cutting slivers out of it before it ships), and Episode 26's storyboard is in revision. For season two: Episode 01 is in script, Episode 02's outline is waiting for notes that should come in today. Episode 03's outline is being edited by Greg Weisman this week, and Episodes 04 to 10 are in outline. Ask Greg Ramble
May 16, 2011: Aquaman has no magic (as do most Atlanteans), though he does have a version of his classic fish-telepathy and he's WAY stronger than most other Atlanteans. Ask Greg Reply
May 16, 2011: Lagoon Boy is 12 years old, Garth and Tula are 16, Garth is the top of his class, and Tula is able to do everything Kaldur'ahm can but without Water-Bearers. Ask Greg Reply
May 16, 2011: In the city of Poseidonis, most of the population doesn't have visible gills. In Kaldur's hometown, most have visible gills. Ask Greg Reply
May 25, 2011: "Targets" will not air on June 3rd and is to be determined by Cartoon Network. WF Article
May 25, 2011: Greg Weisman confirms the Clayface that appeared in "Downtime" was Matt Hagen. Ask Greg Reply
May 25, 2011: The reason the Justice League was formed will be eventually revealed. Ask Greg Reply
May 25, 2011: Black Manta is aware that Kaldur'ahm is his son. Ask Greg Reply
May 25, 2011: Jay Garrick is 92 years old and was a member of the Justice Society of America according to Greg Weisman. Ask Greg Reply
May 25, 2011: The Justice Society of America was active between 1940 and 1951. During 1941-1945, they expanded to become the wartime All-Star Squadron. Ask Greg Reply
May 26, 2011: Icicle Junior is currently 17 years old. Ask Greg Reply
May 26, 2011: Greg Weisman lists voice actors for minor characters from episodes 1 to 9. Ask Greg Reply
May 27, 2011: CN releases June 2011 schedule. Young Justice continues in reruns. WF Article
May 29, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for Brick's thugs from "Welcome to Happy Harbor." Jerome K Moore Deviation
May 29, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for Paula Crock from "Downtime." Jerome K Moore Deviation
June 14, 2011: Cast and Crew Details for "Targets". WF Article
July 1, 2011: Season One production update: Episodes 10-15 are done, 16-18 are in post, 19 just got back from overseas animation, and 20-26 are being animated. s8 Tweet
July 12, 2011: Season One production update: Episode 16 awaits only the final on-line, Episode 17 will have its sound mix on Friday, Episode 18 has been edited and work progresses on scoring and sound effects, Episode 19 is ready to begin post-production, Episodes 20-23 are being animated in Korea, and Episodes 24-26 are in layout in Korea, while final color models are being finished in the States. Ask Greg Ramble
July 17, 2011: Phil Bourassa, Lead Character Designer, posts design for Psimon. Phillybee Deviation
July 17, 2011: Phil Bourassa, Lead Character Designer, posts character expressions for Superboy. Phillybee Deviation
July 17, 2011: Phil Bourassa, Lead Character Designer, posts character turns for Batman. Phillybee Deviation
July 17, 2011: Phil Bourassa, Lead Character Designer, posts character turns for Robin. Phillybee Deviation
July 22, 2011: Reruns return starting Friday, August 5th in the 6:30 to 7 pm slot with "Schooled!". WF Article
July 24, 2011: Two clips of "Targets". TZ Article
July 24, 2011: Comic Con's giveway card features Ocean Master, Vandal Savage, Count Vertigo, Queen Bee, and Joker. Tumblr post
July 24, 2011: Comic Con's giveway card features Hugo Strange, Monsieur Mallah, The Brain, Zatanna, Rocket, and Wolf. Tumblr post
July 25, 2011: Rerun schedule from August 12 to September 2 revealed. WF Article
July 25, 2011: Batman and Superman both started out when they were 21 years old. Superman started 12 years ago and Batman, 11 years ago. Ask Greg Reply
July 29, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for Wendy Harris and Marvin White. Jerome K Moore Deviation
July 29, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for Mercy Graves. Jerome K Moore Deviation
August 1, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for Lucas "Snapper" Carr. Jerome K Moore Deviation
August 1, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for Karen Beecher. Jerome K Moore Deviation
August 1, 2011: Season one production update: Episodes 16-18 are done, 19-21 are in post-production, 22-25 are in animation, and 26 is in layout overseas with final color models going out today. Ask Greg Ramble
August 5, 2011: San Diego Comic Con 2011 attendee describes previews of Young Justice seen at WB Booth: Miss Martian and Superboy kissing, Dick Grayson at Gotham Academy with a red headed girl, a giant plant overrunning city, Tawky Tawny, and a group of villains, including Joker and Black Adam. Young Justice Tumblr Post
August 6, 2011: Future episodes will show more of the alien aspect of Miss Martian. CNI Roundtable 16:07
August 10, 2011: There will be a prison episode and an episode focused on Red Tornado. Upcoming cameos include from old Teen Titans characters, Justice League characters, Milestone characters, but all sorts of different areas of the DC Universe in general. MTV Geeks! Clip
August 16, 2011: "Targets" is scheduled to air on Cartoon Network on September 16th at 6:30 P.M. Eastern Time. WF Article
August 17, 2011: Green Arrow and Black Canary are a couple. Ask Greg Reply
August 18, 2011: Greg Weisman elaborates a little more on the 1940s as a time when "there were heroes...but that most retired, died, went underground, etc., long ago and that there was a fallow period without super-heroes until Superman showed." Ask Greg Reply
August 26, 2011: "Terrors" is scheduled for September 23rd and "Home Front" for September 30th. Loglines included. "Terrors" star Superboy and Miss Martian going undercover at Belle Reve Penitentiary while "Home Front" stars Robin and Artemis defending the Cave from invaders. WF Article
August 29, 2011: Production Update for Season One: Episodes 10-19 are complete, 20-23 are in post production (staff previewed music for 20 and spotted music for 21), and 24-26 are still being animated. Ask Greg Ramble
September 14, 2011: Production Update for Season One: Episodes 10-21 are complete, 22 in post and mixing sound next week, 23 in post and will be edited/looked on Friday, 25 just came back from Korea and retakes to be called, and 24 and 26 are being finished up in Korea. Ask Greg Ramble
September 16, 2011: Greg Weisman notes Mammoth and Shimmer are 18 year old twins. Ask Greg
September 16, 2011: Greg Weisman notes Kent Nelson lived 106 years, not aged by Nabu like in the comics, Cheshire is 19 years old, and Green Arrow is 32 years old. Ask Greg
September 16, 2011: Greg Weisman confirms the first superhero on Earth 16 depends: A pre-Kent Nelson Dr. Fate, Vandal Savage, Black Adam, Ra's al Ghul, Dr. Occult, Rose Psychic, or Crimson Avenger, who debuted in 1938 as the first "Mystery Man." If Ra's al Ghul knows Batman's secret identity or not and uses Lazarus Pits or not will come into play in Issue 11, confirmed Alan Scott was a Green Lantern and his ring works on wood, the JSA was asked by Congress to unmask due to communist fears in the 50s and they disbanded because of principle, why the Team was fighting Clayface in "Downtime" is answered in Issue 12, and certain people in certain governments know certain heroes' identities. Ask Greg
September 16, 2011: Greg Weisman confirms Joe Chill was the killer of Bruce Wayne's parents. Ask Greg
September 16, 2011: New Cartoon Network trailer reveals Superboy with Wolf and what appears to be the Super Cycle, a scene featuring several super villians: Count Vertigo, Poison Ivy, Black Adam, Wotan, Ultra-Humanite, Atomic Skull, and the Joker, and Captain Marvel with Aqualad, in his stealth suit. Young Justice Tumblr Clip
September 18, 2011: A preview of "Terrors" from 1 minute 49 second to 2 minute 16 second marks. CC Episode 49 Clip
September 20, 2011: Mr. Weisman notes Robin and Kid Flash have known each other for less than two years and Wally has known Dick's secret identity less than that. Ask Greg
September 20, 2011: Mr. Weisman confirms Mercy is a cyborg, Clayface's origin will be explored in Issues #11-12, Lex Luthor is 46 years old, and Ra's al Ghul is between 600 and 700 years old. Ask Greg
September 21, 2011: Peter David blogs he just watched the completed version of the first episode he wrote (Episode 18) and it is tentatively scheduled for November 11th. Peter David Blog Entry
September 22, 2011: Two clips and 13 images of "Terrors" released. WF Article
September 24, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for Amanda Waller. Jerome K Moore Deviation
September 24, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for Belle Reve guards. Jerome K Moore Deviation
September 27, 2011: Episode titles, airdates, and loglines for Episodes 13-15: "Alpha Male," "Revelation," and "Humanity." Title and airdate for Episode 16 "Failsafe" WF Article
September 29, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals Red Arrow supports himself finacially through an inheritance from his parents and a trust set up by Oliver Queen before he lost his fortune. Weisman also confirms the founding members of the Justice League. Ask Greg
September 30, 2011: Greg Weisman hints New York will appear in season one. Ask Greg
September 30, 2011: Greg Weisman states Aquaman is 29 years old and Mera is 27. Ask Greg
September 30, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals Batman and Superman knew each other for about 10 years or so. Ask Greg
September 30, 2011: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti previews "Homefront" with thoughts on the episode. CBM Article
October 3, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for Prime Minister Tseng and General Singh Manh Li. Jerome K Moore Deviation
October 4, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals some characters who know Batman's secret identity: Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Clark Kent, Princess Diana, and Ra's al Ghul. Ask Greg
October 4, 2011: Production Update for Season One: Episodes 13-23 are done and ready to air, 24 and 25 are in post-production, and 26 is almost done being animated in Korea. Ask Greg Ramble
October 6, 2011: Coran Stone posts a drawing of the Alice in Wonderland poster made for the episode "Homefront". kizer180 Deviation
October 6, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals the byword for the remaining episodes of season one is "escalation," things will ramp up from episode 14 to 26, there will be a few hints about an alien invasion in season one, and so far there are 219 DC characters used. WF Interview
October 8, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts an unused design for Mr. Tawny. Jerome K Moore Deviation
October 8, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for Mutant Macaque. Jerome K Moore Deviation
October 8, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for Giant Elephants. Jerome K Moore Deviation
October 10, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for Uncle Dudley. Jerome K Moore Deviation
October 12, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals how he became the voice of Snapper Carr. Ask Greg Reply
October 13, 2011: Greg Weisman notes the tragedy involving the Flying Graysons took place in the month of April. He also reiterates there is no Hawkgirl on Earth-16, just Hawkwoman. Ask Greg Reply
October 14, 2011: Joker will be voiced by Brent Spiner and Poison Ivy, by Alyssa Milano. TV Guide Article
October 14, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals the titles of episodes 17 to 26. Ask Greg Reply
October 14, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals Paula Crock is 48 years old, Sportsmaster is 55, Mera is due in February, Miss Martian has been watching Earth television for decades, Captain Marvel has been in the Justice League for two years, Roy Harper graduated high school a month before the events of "Independence Day," and Wolf is a combination of a new character and an established one from DC Comics. Ask Greg Reply
October 14, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals the translations of dialogue done in foreign languages in "Bereft" and "Targets". Ask Greg Reply
October 26, 2011: Greg Weisman confirms Kal-El's ship landed on Earth 32 years ago. Ask Greg Reply
October 26, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals Artemis admired Green Arrow from a distance, the Justice League is autonomous but has relationships with the United Nations and the U.S. government, and Sportsmaster is not a current member of League of Shadows because he has larger responsibilities. Ask Greg Reply
October 27, 2011: Peter David confirms episode 18 will air on November 18th. Peter David Blog
October 27, 2011: In an interview, Brandon Vietti explains his duties as producer. The Kubert School Interview
October 28, 2011: "Failsafe" will air on November 4th, "Disordered" will air on November 11th and "Secrets" on November 18th. Loglines included. WF Article
October 31, 2011: The GBS News that Cat Grant reports for stands for Galaxy Broadcasting System. Ask Greg
October 31, 2011: Alfred Pennyworth is 64 years old and regrets not parenting Bruce Wayne hence he treats Dick Grayson and Wayne differently. Ask Greg
November 1, 2011: Production update for season one: Episodes 16-25 are complete and ready to air. Episode 26 is in post production. Ask Greg Ramble
November 13, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a design for the Kobra Venom vulture seen in "Alpha Male". Jerome K Moore Deviation
November 14, 2011: Robin's motorcyle concept designs. Alexander Kubalsky deviantArt
November 14, 2011: Arrowette compact bow concept designs. Alexander Kubalsky deviantArt
November 15, 2011: Clip and 10 images for "Secrets" airing this Friday. WF Article
November 15, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals Kent Nelson gave up wearing the actual Helmet of Fate but fashioning a half-helmet that did not submerge his personality. Using magic studied and gleaned by osmosis during his years as a tool of Fate, he still pretended for a time to maintain the Doctor Fate identity but was significantly less powerful. Kent started out as Dr. Fate when he was 36. Ask Greg
November 15, 2011: Greg Weisman confirms Rose Psychic, Dr. Occult, and Crimson Avenger were not members of the JSA. Ask Greg
November 18, 2011: Greg Weisman confirms Dick Grayson is in the 9th grade and elaborates he is a freshman in a six year school. Gotham Academy goes from 7th to 12th grade. Grayson is in his third year at the Academy and Artemis started her first year. Ask Greg
November 18, 2011: Greg Weisman disavows the year 2011 on Dick Grayson's trophy from "Schooled." It is intentional there is no year for the present events. But the days of the week are based on the 2010 calendar. According to his master timeline, now at 185 pages, relative to events in the past - the present is currently set in 2010. Ask Greg
November 20, 2011: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts a cutting room floor design for a teenager dressed as Beetlejuice which was to be used in "Secrets". Jerome K Moore Deviation
November 22, 2011: Wonder Woman no longer uses her Diana Prince civilian identity but still goes out incognito on occassion. Ask Greg
November 22, 2011: Production update for season one: Episodes 19-26 are complete and ready to air. All work on season one is done. Ask Greg Ramble
November 23, 2011: Brandon Vietti blogs about the official end of production on the first season. Brandon Vietti Blog
November 28, 2011: Greg Weisman talks Martian powers in the Earth-16 Universe. Ask Greg
November 29, 2011: December schedule released (all reruns). WF Article
December 5, 2011: Greg Weisman notes average Martian lifespan in the Earth-16 Universe is about 200 Earth years. Ask Greg
December 5, 2011: Greg Weisman hints Green Arrow and Black Canary's relationship will be explored in the series and comic. Ask Greg
December 5, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals Zatanna is 14 years old. Ask Greg
December 5, 2011: Greg Weisman confirms the Terror Twins were eventally taken to Belle Reve Penitentiary to await trial. Ask Greg
December 9, 2011: Greg Weisman talks about the hierarchy of the Light: seven leaders, below them there are allies and operatives and individuals with specific skills, and below them there are minions and so on. Not all operatives know who the seven leaders are. Sensei knows only of Ra's al Ghul and Psimon of Queen Bee. There is a handful of individuals (2-5) that know who all seven are. Ask Greg
December 12, 2011: Greg Weisman confirms Sensei is not the father of Ra's al Ghul on the series. Ask Greg
December 12, 2011: Greg Weisman revealed Raven, Cyborg, Starfire and Beast Boy were all on the master list of teen heroes, but for various reasons - including but not limited to their prominence in Teen Titans - they didn't make the cut to be part of the Team's main six. Ask Greg
December 13, 2011: Greg Weisman confirmed Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon are not dating but she is interested in him. Ask Greg
December 13, 2011: Greg Weisman revealed Icicle Sr. is 85 years old but looks like he is about 50. Ask Greg
December 19, 2011: Greg Weisman confirmed Barbara Gordon is Jim Gordon's daughter and the Guardian is 24 years old. Ask Greg
December 28, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals Hal Jordan is 33 years old. Ask Greg
December 28, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals the show and/or comic will eventually reveal more about the Green Lanterns. Ask Greg
December 28, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals Barbara Gordon and Bette Kane will appear in future episodes. Ask Greg
December 29, 2011: Greg Weisman confirms Barbara Gordon is 13 years old and Bette Kane is 15 years old. Ask Greg
December 29, 2011: Greg Weisman confirms Paula Crock's former codename will be revealed in due course. Ask Greg
January 4, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Artemis trained with Black Canary. Ask Greg
January 4, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Wolf and Tawny were injected with Kobra Venom. He adds Tawny at least also received the same brain enhancement treatment that Brain gave Mallah. Ask Greg
January 4, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals the Riddler is 30 years old. Ask Greg
January 9, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms the new heroes from "Revelation" are not new members of the Justice League. Ask Greg
January 9, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Lori Lemaris is 15 years old and Iris West-Allen is 29. Ask Greg
January 9, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms T.O. Morrow was working with the Light. Ask Greg
January 9, 2012: Greg Weisman hints there will sorta be holiday episodes. Ask Greg
January 10, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Vandal Savage got his scar from a Cave Bear. Ask Greg
January 10, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Guy Gardner is 33 years old. Ask Greg
January 10, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Joker is 32 years old, Poison Ivy is 27, Queen Bee is 28, and Rocket is 15. Ask Greg
January 10, 2012: Greg Weisman gives translations of spells from "Revelation." Ask Greg
January 10, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Icon and Rocket are not reserve members of the Justice League and all the new heroes from "Revelation" were just helping out. Ask Greg
January 11, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Icon and Rocket debuted in May and the Team's best subjects: Conner - History, Megan - English, Wally - Biology, Dick - Math, Artemis - Spanish, and Kaldur - Combat Sorcery. Ask Greg
January 11, 2012: Greg Weisman talks a little about Captain Atom and confirms Wally's collection will continue to grow. Ask Greg
January 16, 2012: Greg Weisman talks about forming the Light and Injustice League. The seven members of the Light were chosen from a list of 100+ DC villains. The choices were not based on powers nor being in a Justice League member's Rogue's Galleries. The Injustice League members were chosen from the same list with a range of heavy-hitters and powers to fit as proxies to fool the Justice League. Ask Greg
January 20, 2012: Greg Weisman notes Wonder Woman's age was revised from 90 to 85. Ask Greg
January 20, 2012: Greg Weisman talks about who knows secret identities and Atomic Skull is 28 years old. Ask Greg
January 27, 2012: "Misplaced" will air March 3rd at 10:30 AM with an encore presentation starting March 4th at 10:30 AM. Logline for "Misplaced" also released. WF Article
January 30, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Zatara and Zatanna reside in New York. Ask Greg
January 30, 2012: Greg Weisman hints if Martian Manhunter and/or Superman don't know Miss Martian and Superboy are dating, they will soon. Ask Greg
February 2, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Marvin White and Wendy Harris are 16 years old and Karen Beecher is 15. Ask Greg
February 2, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Killer Frost is 27 years old and confirms he writes the bios on the back of the Mattel Young Justice Action Figures. Ask Greg
February 3, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals for much of the time between the disbanding of the Justice Society of America and debut of the Justice League, Red Tornado was deactivated. Ask Greg
February 3, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals The Hook is 37 years old and Black Spider is 22. Black Spider escaped before his transport arrived at Belle Reve. Ask Greg
February 3, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Paula Brooks-Crock was indeed changed to the Vietnamese ethnicity and her name is Paula Nguyen-Crock in Earth-16. Thus, she and Lawrence are Cheshire's parents preserving her half-Vietnamese, half-Caucasian origin in the comics. Ask Greg
February 6, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals the flashbacks in "Homefront" took place six years ago. Ask Greg
February 7, 2012: Greg Weisman clarifies although Red Tornado is now back as the Team's permanent den mother, that doesn't mean other Leaguers won't be hanging around the Cave. Ask Greg
February 9, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals the Light is a combination original creation and group from the comics. He also reveals the founding members of the Justice Society of America were Flash, Green Lantern, Atom, Doctor Fate, Sandman and Hourman. Ask Greg
February 9, 2012: Greg Weisman talks about Captain Atom's powers. Ask Greg
February 10, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals John Jones is acquainted with Jason Bard and Wade Eiling. Jones knew Bard injured his knee in combat when he was a Marine. This led to their use in the simulation from "Failsafe." Ask Greg and Ask Greg
February 13, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms that was the Atom mentioned in "Failsafe." Ask Greg
February 13, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Greta Hayes was 14 years old and Harm is 19. Ask Greg
February 13, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals when Phil Bourassa started designing Captain Marvel, he worked under a guideline Marvel looked about 24 years old. Ask Greg
February 13, 2012: Greg Weisman lists some of Icon's powers. Ask Greg
February 14, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals the Guardian was a superhero for two years and head of security at Cadmus for one. Green Arrow started out 9 years ago. Ask Greg
February 15, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Hurricane Katrina and the Iraq War happened in Earth-16. Ask Greg
February 22, 2012: Supergirl is on the master list of 50+ teen heroes who were considered for the Team. Ask Greg
February 22, 2012: Clip from "Misplaced" has the Team and Zatanna taking on Klarion. CBR Video
February 22, 2012: Footage from new DC Nation commercial depicts the Team on an Arctic mission with Zatanna and Rocket, Red Arrow fighting Sportsmaster, and Superboy fighting another Superboy. Toon Zone Post
February 23, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Captain Cold is 36 years old. Ask Greg
February 23, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Detective Daniels is a DC Comics character. Ask Greg
February 23, 2012: New clip for "Misplaced" reveals the five sorcerers will be Klarion, Wotan, Blackbriar Thorn, Felix Faust, and Wizard. 16 images included. WF Article
March 1, 2012: March 2012 schedule released. "Misplaced" debuts March 3rd, "Coldhearted" on March 10th, "Image" on March 17th, "Agendas" on March 24th, and "Insecurity" on March 31st. WF Article
May 1, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms the Wonder Twins were on the list of potential teen heroes. Ask Greg
March 3, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Kobra is 37 years old. Ask Greg
March 4, 2012: Partial summaries of "Coldhearted," "Image," and "Agendas" based on foreign dub. Captain Ponty Ears blog
March 5, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals majority of Martians by far is Green, a large minority is white, and a smaller minority is red. Ask Greg
March 6, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Inza Nelson passed away 12 years ago. Ask Greg
March 6, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Matt Hagen is 34 years old, Talia's mother was named Melisande, and reveals Nolan North voiced Clayface, Danica McKellar voiced Tuppence Terror, and Rene Auberjonois voiced Blockbuster. Ask Greg
March 7, 2012: Two new clips and seven images of "Misplaced." Toon Zone Article
March 9, 2012: New clip of "Misplaced" shows Batman, Robin, Aquaman, and Aqualad in action. DC Comics blog entry
March 13, 2012: Maggie Q will voice Wonder Woman starting in "Agendas," when the Justice League meets to discuss adding new members to bolster their ranks. TV Guide Article
March 14, 2012: Two new clips and seven images of "Image." WF Article
March 22, 2012: New clip and 13 images of "Agendas." WF Article
March 22, 2012: A second clip from "Agendas." TV Line Article
March 23, 2012: A third clip from "Agendas" also features the Justice League in a meeting. IGN Youtube Post
March 27, 2012: Partial schedule for April 7th to May 5th revealed. Titles and loglines revealed. The second season, Young Justice: Invasion, starts on April 27th. WF Article
March 30, 2012: Two clips and 10 images of "Insecurity." WF Article
April 5, 2012: Two clips for "Performance" and 12 images released. WF Article
April 12, 2012: Klarion's sorceror allies (Wotan, Blackbriar Thorn, Felix Faust, and Wizard) from "Misplaced" were all potential members of the Light before the roster was finalized. Ask Greg
April 12, 2012: Hugo Strange is 51 years old. Ask Greg
April 13, 2012: Two clips and 14 images for "Usual Suspects" released. WF Article
April 13, 2012: Bane is 27 years old. Ask Greg
April 13, 2012: Greg Weisman lists some minor voice roles for Episodes 9, 11, 13, 17, 18, and 19. Ask Greg
April 16, 2012: All of Ra's Al Ghul's Shadows are subjected to pre-programmed failsafe hypnotic suggestion at the start of their training. Ask Greg
April 20, 2012: One clip and 13 images for "Auld Acquaintance" revealed. WF Article
April 29, 2012: Jerome Moore posts a character design for the firebeather from "Performance." Jerome K Moore DeviantArt
April 29, 2012: Jerome Moore posts a character design for the Jack Haly from "Performance." Haly was based on actor Ed Asner. Jerome K Moore DeviantArt
April 29, 2012: Jerome Moore posts a character design for the Queen Bee mural from "Image." Jerome K Moore DeviantArt
April 29, 2012: Jerome Moore posts a character design for the Wildebeest and Oryx from "Image." Jerome K Moore DeviantArt
April 29, 2012: Jerome Moore posts a character design for Teekl as transformed in "Misplaced." Jerome K Moore DeviantArt
April 30, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Hawkwoman is 28 years old as of the end of season one. Ask Greg
May 1, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Captain Marvel has been a hero for three years as of "Auld Acquaintance." Ask Greg
May 1, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Wonder Woman debuted in 1941 and her home base away from Themyscira is Washington, D.C.. Ask Greg
May 1, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals as of the end of season one, Wildcat is 91 years old and Blue Devil is 25. Ask Greg
May 2, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals as of the end of season one, Dr. Roquette is 22 years old. Ask Greg
May 2, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Lacey Chabert, Mae Whitman, and Alyson Stoner tried out for the role of Miss Martian. Ask Greg
May 4, 2012: As of the end of season one, Professor Ivo is 62 years old. Ask Greg
May 4, 2012: Greg Weisman elaborates on "Homefront" and "Denial." Ask Greg
May 7, 2012: As of the end of season one, Count Vertigo is 35 years old. Ask Greg
May 8, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Pieter Cross is 28 years old and Mattie Harcourt is 32. Ask Greg
May 8, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Uncle Dudley is 65 years old at the end of season one, is Billy Batson's legal guardian, and does odd jobs. He is something of a scammer. Ask Greg
May 8, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Noor Harjavti is a DC Comics character, appeared in Captain Atom #44, was 21 years old in "Image," and was one of the prisoners in "Happy New Year." Young Justice Wiki, Talk: Noor Harjavti
May 11, 2012: Jerome Moore posts family photo of Billy and Greta Hayes from "Secrets." Jerome K Moore deviantArt
May 14, 2012: In season one, T.O. Morrow was 100 years old and James Gordon was 49. Ask Greg
May 16, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Wonder Woman joined the All-Star Squadron in 1941 and when she was given life, she was sculpted as a baby from clay. Ask Greg
May 16, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Icicle Senior was a genius in his field, accounting for having his technology in the 1940s. Ask Greg
May 16, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals WayneTech is a division of Wayne Enterprises and Wayne Foundation is a separate entity. Weisman also confirms Lucius Fox does not know Batman and Robin's secret identities. Ask Greg
May 18, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Martian Manhunter is based in Chicago. Ask Greg
May 22, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals after "Misplaced," Zatanna finished her semester in Manhattan then transferred to Happy Harbor High School in December, Zatara is still her legal guardian, and Batman, Red Tornado, and Black Canary serve as her surrogate parents. Ask Greg
May 22, 2012: Greg Weisman talks about Martians. He confirms M'gann is J'onn's niece. M'gann's mother is a Green Martian and J'onn's sister. M'gann's father is a White Martian. Most of M'gann's siblings are green but she was one white brother. Ask Greg
May 23, 2012: Greg Weisman corrects typo from previous reply. Zatanna transferred to Happy Harbor in January, not December. Ask Greg
June 13, 2012: Greg Weisman will have a spotlight and signing at Denver Comic Con on June 16th from 4-5 pm. Weisman and Khary Payton will appear at a Young Justice panel on June 17th at 2 pm. Ask Greg
June 22, 2012: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti on the mechanics of making the show. Wired Interview
July 17, 2012: Greg Weisman provides a basic outline of the process of making an episode. Ask Greg
July 17, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Queen Bee's hypnosis power is pheromone driven. Ask Greg
July 17, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Marie Logan was 47 in "Image," The "Hello, Megan!" series aired during the 1979-1980 television season, and its cameo on Comedy Classics Channel was a ratings test. Ask Greg
July 18, 2012: Greg Weisman hints there is a hidden Wildstorm Comics character in an episode. Ask Greg
July 18, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Aqualad and Speedy were friends for nearly two years before the events of "Independence Day." Ask Greg
July 19, 2012: Greg Weisman states the X on Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian's costumes is a potent symbol of M'arzz (Mars). Ask Greg
July 19, 2012: Greg Weisman states Abra Kadabra worked for Klarion in "Denial" to learn real magic, there is no Golden Age Hawkman in Earth-16, Aquaman started out 9 years ago before the start of season one, and Captain Atom arrived in the present via his first time jump four years before the start of season one. Ask Greg
July 24, 2012: Greg Weisman states Aquaman is Atlantean but also had a human foster father. Ask Greg
July 24, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Black Spider is Eric Needham. Ask Greg
July 24, 2012: Greg Weisman states Captain Atom uses Cameron Scott as his secret identity. Orin is older than Orm. Ask Greg
July 24, 2012: Greg Weisman hints the nature of the Watchtower was Brandon Vietti's brainchild and he plans on blogging about its origin. Ask Greg
July 25, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Ray Palmer is 35 years old as of "Agendas". Ask Greg
July 25, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Guardian/Jim Harper was also a clone of the original Roy Harper. Guardian was force-grown to be older, but he was cloned second and is actually younger. Red Arrow believed Guardian was his uncle during season one. Ask Greg
July 26, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Batman knows the secret identities of everyone in the Justice League but they do not all know that he knows. Ask Greg
July 27, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Martian Manhunter was teleported to Earth via Zeta-Beam by accident during an experiment conducted by Dr. Erdel in 1955. Ask Greg
August 14, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Ray Palmer specializes in molecular physics. Ask Greg
August 15, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Cissie Jones was nine years old as of "Insecurity" in season one. Ask Greg
August 15, 2012: Greg Weisman hints "Given enough episodes and/or comic book issues, Cissie [Jones] will return." Ask Greg
August 22, 2012: Brandon Vietti blogs about the origins of the Watchtower and Hall of Justice. Brandon Vietti Blog
September 10, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals ages of Brom Stikk, Count Vertigo, Mal Duncan, Wildcat, Blue Devil, and Serling Roquette. Ask Greg and Ask Greg
September 11, 2012: Greg Weisman discloses Black Canary was mentored by Wildcat, among others, and Batman worked with him. Ask Greg
September 12, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals designations are never recycled with the exception of Vandal Savage's. Ask Greg
September 12, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals ages of Brick, Red Inferno, and Red Torpedo. Ask Greg and Ask Greg
September 12, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Hawkwoman's secret identity is Shayera. Ask Greg
September 18, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals the Zeta-Tube network was established by S.T.A.R. Labs and the Justice League with a grant from the Wayne Foundation. Ask Greg
September 18, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals the Light was founded shortly after the Justice League went public. Ask Greg
September 26, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Huntress, as Paula Crock, fought some heroes who are members of the Justice League. Ask Greg
September 30, 2012: Jerome Moore posts design of four Happy Harbor High Halloween party goers. Jerome K Moore deviantArt
October 29, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Clark Kent started at the Daily Planet at age 21. Ask Greg
October 29, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Alan Scott found a power ring in 1940 but its artificial intelligence and data base were off-line. Ask Greg
October 29, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Green Arrow, Hawkman, and Hawkwoman joined the Justice League in Team Year Negative Six. Zatara, Captain Atom, Black Canary, Green Lantern (John Stewart), Captain Marvel, and Red Tornado joined the League in Team Year Negative Two. Ask Greg
October 30, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Billy Batson was given access to the Zeta-Tubes after the events of the "Misplaced" episode. Ask Greg
October 30, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Amazons are only immortal (i.e. unaging) on Themyscira and if they leave the island, they age normally. Ask Greg
October 30, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals the Justice Society of America member Sandman was born in 1914. Ask Greg
November 15, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms there was also an original Jim Harper in addition to the Jim Harper cloned from Roy Harper. Ask Greg
November 15, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Rocket and Aqualad did date for a little while but it didn't stick. Ask Greg
November 15, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Superman's Justice League designation is 01. Ask Greg
November 16, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Sportsmaster was born and raised in Gotham City. Ask Greg
November 27, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Hal Jordan became a Green Lantern 10 years before the start of season one, Red Hood became The Joker 10 years before the start of season one, and Edward Nigma became the Riddler 2 years before the start of season one. Ask Greg
November 29, 2012: Greg Weisman hints the Attack on Pearl Harbor and Steve Trevor helped influence Wonder Woman to join the All-Star Squadron in 1941. Ask Greg
November 29, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals the Justice League was formed in a February and when they went public, the roster included the original seven plus Green Arrow, Hawkman, and Hawkwoman. Ask Greg
December 6, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Bruce Wayne's parents were killed the year he turned eight. Ask Greg
December 10, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals there is a Zeta-Tube in the Batcave. Ask Greg
December 12, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals as of the end of season one, Mr. Freeze is 50 years old, Amanda Spence is 23, and Red Tornado is 62. Ask Greg
December 14, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals as of the end of season one, Hawkman is 39 years old. Ask Greg
December 14, 2012: Greg Weisman elaborates on the Bialyan government. Ask Greg
December 18, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals when John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Black Canary, Wonder Woman, Hawkman, and Hawkwoman started fighting crime in the present. Ask Greg
December 18, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals when Zatara, Martian Manhunter, Plastic Man, Atom (Ray Palmer), and Blue Devil started fighting crime in the present. Ask Greg
December 21, 2012: Minute trailer now available in mp4 format. WF Article
December 21, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Ugly Mannheim was 23 years old and Alec Rois was 68 at the end of season one. Weisman also confirms "Manheim" is a typo. Ask Greg
December 21, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Catherine Cobert was 28 years old and Lucius Fox was 52 at the end of season one. Ask Greg
December 21, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Wade Eiling was 74 years old at the end of season one. Ask Greg
December 24, 2012: Jerome Moore posts more designs from Happy Harbor High Halloween party in "Secrets" episode from season one. Jerome K Moore deviantArt
December 26, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Bibbo was 50 years old at the end of season one. Ask Greg
December 26, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Jim Daniels was 34 and Ultra-Humanite's brain was 92 years old at the end of season one. Ask Greg
February 13, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals as of the end of season one: Singh Manh Li was 67 years old and Xiaping was 45. Ask Greg
February 13, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals as of the end of season one, Vulko was 69 years old. Ask Greg
March 4, 2013: Wonder Dog was scripted into season one but cut for time. Brandon Vietti Tweet
March 12, 2013: Greg Weisman confirms Parasite is Raymond Jensen. Ask Greg
March 31, 2013: From the informal Ask Greg Live at Wonder Con - season one - after "Auld Acquaintance," the Light tipped Hugo Strange off that the Justice League knew of his connection so Strange "opened all the doors" before he left, Darkseid was the Light's silent partner since season one, and the Joker was originally considered to appear in "Auld Acquaintance" controlling the Justice League but for a variety of reasons he was switched out for Klarion. Ask Greg and YJ Wikia thread
April 5, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals the All-Star Squadron was disbanded by the time Red Tornado was created. Ask Greg
April 9, 2013: Art Lee posts background art for Qurac Palace and Harm's basement. Art Lee Blog
April 18, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals Cissie King-Jones' mother did operate briefly as Miss Arrowette. Ask Greg
April 23, 2013: Greg Weisman confirms Paula Crock was born in Vietnam. Ask Greg
April 26, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals Barry Allen and Iris West were married four years before the start of season one. Ask Greg
May 5, 2013: Phil Bourassa posts designs for Rumaan Harjavti. Phil Bourassa deviantArt
May 15, 2013: Greg Weisman talks a little about Dr. Mid-Nite and his role with the Justice Society of America and All-Star Squadron. Ask Greg
May 16, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals Jason Todd was 11 years old at the end of season one. Ask Greg
June 15, 2013: Character Designer Jerome Moore posts design for State Troopers from "Coldhearted" in season one. Jerome K Moore deviantArt
July 15, 2013: Character designer Jerome Moore posts designs of Kent and Inza Nelson. Jerome K Moore deviantArt
August 3, 2013: Character designer Jerome Moore posts more halloween costumes from "Secrets" episode. Jerome K Moore deviantArt
September 3, 2013: Greg Weisman hints the hidden Wildstorm character is in season one. Ask Greg
December 4, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals Plastic Man was 38 at the end of Team Year One. Ask Greg
January 7, 2014: Greg Weisman reveals some members of the All-Star Squadron had military ranks but no ranks were given for joining the team. Ask Greg
January 10, 2014: At the start of the show there were 3-4 characters who were off limits including the two Wonder Girls, Kevin Michael Richardson did vocals for the Hello Megan! theme song, and the Purists story from Issue #14-15 was originally proposed for "Downtime". Life After Young Justice
January 24, 2014: Greg Weisman reveals Alan Scott was 23 years old when he became Green Lantern. Ask Greg
January 30, 2014: Greg Weisman reveals Troia hadn't yet debuted as a hero during "Fireworks" and Tempest became a teacher of combat sorcery on Atlantis. Ask Greg
February 4, 2014: Greg Weisman talks about the Justice Society of America and All-Star Squadron. Weisman has a complete roster for the JSA in the timeline while the Squadron's was left more open-ended so that Weisman and Vietti could add more characters at a later date, Weisman has a pretty good idea of who the core members of the Squadron were, and if he didn't have a specific story in mind the final fate of a member was left undefined. Ask Greg
February 10, 2014: Greg Weisman confirms Amazo was completely just prior to the beginning of "Schooled" and by "Denial", Inza Nelson was 82 years old give or take 11 months. Ask Greg
February 24, 2014: Greg Weisman confirms Wolf was inspired by Rex the Wonder Dog, Krypto and Wolf from Enemy Ace. When Weisman and Vietti talked about the character, they believed "Wolf" was what Superboy would name it. Ask Greg
March 19, 2014: Greg Weisman reveals Donna Troy, Garth, Mary Bromfield and Cissie Jones were briefly considered for the final version of the Team seen in season one. There were eventual plans for nearly every candidate for the Team on the producer's original list of 50+ characters. Ask Greg
May 10, 2014: Greg Weisman hints the Wildstorm character cameo in season one is a 'she'. Greg Weisman Tweet
June 3, 2014: Greg Weisman reveals Crystal Frost became Killer Frost in June Team Year Negative One. Ask Greg
June 5, 2014: Greg Weisman confirms Roy Harper is the great grandson of Jim Harper, the original Guardian. Ask Greg
January 2, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts photo of himself drawing the first sketch of Aqualad back in spring 2009. Phil Bourassa instagram
January 2, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts photo of himself "hesitantly sketching" Robin for the first time back in spring 2009. Phil Bourassa instagram
February 3, 2015: Greg Weisman reveals Superman was the first to arrive at the battle against the Appelaxians. That's where the 01 designation came from. Ask Greg
June 13, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts rough sketch of Serifan from 2009. Phil Bourassa Instagram
June 14, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts marketing artwork done in 2009. Marketing department specifically didn't want Miss Martian included. Phil Bourassa Instagram
July 21, 2015: Greg Weisman confirms Blue Devil is Dan Cassidy. Ask Greg
July 22, 2015: Greg Weisman confirms the Light was initially started by Vandal Savage and Ra's al Ghul. Ask Greg
July 27, 2015: Greg Weisman confirms Hal Jordan and Oliver Queen have the same basic origins as their counterparts in the comics but with some different details on the show. Ask Greg
July 27, 2015: Greg Weisman confirms Hal Jordan lives in Coast City. Ask Greg
August 23, 2015: Phil Bourassa talks about designing Amazo. He was influenced by one of Masamune Shirow's works "Black Magic M-66." Bourassa loved the idea of an incredibly flexible "double jointed" android that could rotate any limb on a 360 degree axis. Phil Bourassa Instagram
August 23, 2015: Phil Bourassa talks about designing Professor Ojo. He was influenced by Masamune Shirow. He imagined him as a "Ghost in the Shell" style hacker with cybernetic implants. The only stipulations Bourassa had from Greg Weisman that Ojo shot lasers out of his eyes and has a mustache like in the comics. Phil Bourassa Instagram
December 13, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts a rough sketch of Secret from 2010. Phil Bourassa Instagram
December 21, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts a character sheet of Forever People and DeSaad. Phil Bourassa Instagram
Janaury 13, 2016: Greg Weisman intially wanted Wotan to be a member of the Light and Brandon Vietti liked Klarion. Vietti thought there should be a "kid" on the villain team. Ask Greg
Janaury 15, 2016: Brandon Vietti reveals "Failsafe" was partially inspired by a documentary he watched about emergency response to a nuclear disaster. Brandon Vietti Tweet
March 31, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms first contact between Mars and Earth was when Professor Erdel and J'onn J'onzz met. Ask Greg
March 31, 2016: Summary of Justice League vs. Young Justice panel. There was a musical episode planned but "The Mayhem of the Music Meister" from Batman: The Brave and The Bold aired and the producers decided "they couldn't touch it." CBR Article
July 7, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms members of the Justice League who want to be the next leader submit their names then the entire League votes. Ask Greg
July 14, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms Match was created the year before Superboy was cloned. Ask Greg
September 20, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms Ra's al Ghul and Vandal Savage are 51 and 44 years old respectively, biologically speaking. Ask Greg
September 20, 2016: Jay Oliva posts a retrospective of the first episode. Jay Oliva Patreon
September 22, 2016: Greg Weisman clarifies Martian camouflage. Ask Greg
September 22, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms Wonder Woman returned to Themyscira in 1946 after World War II. Ask Greg
October 2, 2016: Phil Bourassa posts 2009 promo art of Aqualad. Phil Bourassa Instagram
October 2, 2016: Phil Bourassa posts 2009 promo art of Robin. Phil Bourassa Instagram
October 12, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms Green Lantern Alan Scott did find out about the Guardians of the Universe. Ask Greg
December 5, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Icon emerged on Earth as an infant in 1810 and Raymond Jensen was born in 1977. Ask Greg
December 5, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Teth-Adam was born in 1300 B.C.E. and Otis was born in 1980. Ask Greg
December 8, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Wotan was born around 1100 C.E., give or take a century. Ask Greg
December 14, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Bernell Jones was born in 1962. Ask Greg
December 14, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Madame Xanadu was born in 1991, Erin the G-Elf was hatched in 2004, and Benny the G-Dwarf was hatched 2007. Ask Greg
December 15, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Henchy was born in 1974. Ask Greg
December 21, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms Ra's al Ghul is Vandal Savage's oldest living friend. Greg Weisman Tweet
January 23, 2017: Greg Weisman reveals Barbara Gordon went to Gotham Academy on scholarship and has no siblings. Ask Greg
March 23, 2017: Greg Weisman reveals for Young Justice he has ignored the comic book's precendent of Bialya and Qurac acting as semi-fictional versions of Libya and Iraq. Ask Greg
April 10, 2017: Greg Weisman clarifies the Justice League lacks the "of America" part of the name from the comics because not all members are American and it is an international organization with a United Nations charter. Ask Greg
May 4, 2017: Greg Weisman reveals Rita Farr was born in 1964 and Paul Sloane in 1959. Ask Greg
June 2, 2017: Greg Weisman confirms Lex Luthor is also a brilliant scientist, captain of industry, very unflappable, a man and his resources at a pinnacle as an opposite number to Superman and his powers, and someone that Superman can't punch, which makes him more dangerous than all of Superman's other opponents put together. Ask Greg
July 19, 2017: Jerome Moore posts Happy Harbor High School kid design. Jerome Moore deviantArt
September 25, 2017: Greg Weisman confirms Qurac has a better standard of living than Bialya and real world events including Hurricane Katrina, the 2008 Financial crisis, and BP Oil Spill all happened. Ask Greg
September 26, 2017: Greg Weisman reveals Bear's real name is Tabore-Kadan. Ask Greg
October 7, 2017: Phil Bourassa posts one of the first drawings he did for the series back in 2009. Phil Bourassa instagram
December 9, 2017: Phil Bourassa posts Season one Batman model turns from 2009. Phil Bourassa instagram
December 18, 2017: Greg Weisman reveals Orin was 20 years old when he first surfaced publicly (on the surface world) as Aquaman. Ask Greg reply
December 18, 2017: Greg Weisman reveals Garfield Logan's father was never in the picture. Ask Greg reply
March 6, 2018: Greg Weisman reveals Lori Lemaris is from Tritonis and Garth is from Crastinus. Ask Greg reply
April 11, 2018: Greg Weisman reveals Killer Frost's main opponent is Aquaman. Ask Greg reply
April 11, 2018: Greg Weisman reveals the RG-4 over-ride code meant Dick Grayson is the fourth person to have such a code. Ask Greg reply
May 2, 2018: Greg Weisman thinks season 1 will also be available on the DC Universe Streaming Service. Greg Weisman Tweet
May 14, 2018: Greg Weisman reveals Barbara Gordon is a year younger than Dick Grayson but skipped a grade and they were in the same grade at Gotham Academy. Ask Greg
June 3, 2018: Phil Bourassa posts production art of Mallah. Phil Bourassa instagram
November 17, 2018: Greg Weisman notes the reason why three Green Lanterns were chosen from Earth was in part for lack of qualified candidates. The current three also don't get to spend much time on Earth. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 27, 2018: DC Universe will stream Seasons One and Two Enhanced Episodes beginning on December 4 and every Tuesday through December 25 enhanced episodes featuring commentary, interviews and inside information from from a wide range of Young Justice experts - from the Whelmed podcast Rich Howard, Emily Buza, and Neal Powell, DC experts like Sam Humphries, Bernard Chang, James Tynion IV and Young Justice producers Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti and art director Phil Bourassa. World's Finest Article
March 23, 2019: Phil Bourassa posts production art of Bear. Phil Bourassa instagram
April 29, 2019: Atlanteans worship sea gods generally. Ask Greg reply
April 29, 2019: Greg Weisman breaks down what each color index card meant during season 1 production. Ask Greg reply
October 15, 2019: Weisman recalls the casting process for the six main leads. Ask Greg reply
October 15, 2019: Stephanie Lemelin adds she also read for Miss Martian during auditions for season one. Stephanit Lemelin Tweet
October 23, 2020: Greg Weisman confirms the first Atom as Al Pratt, the first Firebrand was Rod Reilly, and Icicle Sr. is Joar Mahkent. Ask Greg reply
October 27, 2020: Greg Weisman confirms Monkey is a callithrix monkey. Ask Greg reply
July 2, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms Black Manta is American. Ask Greg reply
July 9, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals Thanagarians don't take their husband's name when they marry. Ask Greg reply
July 9, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals Abra was 40 years old in Team Year Zero. Ask Greg reply
July 14, 2021: Greg Weisman notes Barbara Gordon's mother is deceased. Ask Greg reply
July 23, 2021: Confirms Martha Wayne's maiden name is Kane and Bette Kane is related. Ask Greg reply
July 26, 2021: "Misplaced" was inspired by "World Without Grown-Ups". Ask Greg reply
July 26, 2021: Greg Weisman reaffirms Joker's villain debut was as Red Hood. Ask Greg reply
August 6, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals Poison Ivy debuted in Team Year Negative Four and Mr. Freeze in Team Year Negative Seven. Ask Greg reply
October 6, 2021: Artemis Crock was one of four blonde teen female archers on the master list of teen heroes. Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti agreed they could get the most mileage out of Artemis and chose her to be on the Team. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 2, 2021: The four character the series weren't allowed to use at start of season one were Wonder Girl/Donna Troy, Wonder Girl/Cassie, Blue Beetle/Ted Kord, and Darkseid. Reddit AMA
November 5, 2021: Greg Wesiman reveals Kaldur's conception was accidental but the intercourse was consensual. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 10, 2021: Firebrand (II) was constructed in 1942 while Red Volcano, Mister Twister, and Amazo in Team Year Zero. Ask Greg reply
November 10, 2021: Thomas Wayne was born in 1939, Martha Kane was born in 1952, David Reid was born in 1991, and Git N. Payd was born in 1993. Ask Greg reply
November 10, 2021: Jason Bard was born in 1989. Ask Greg reply
November 10, 2021: Beluga Boy was born in 1998 and Biggitz was born in 1986. Ask Greg reply
November 10, 2021: Match was cloned in 2009. Ask Greg reply
November 10, 2021: Bio-Ship was "born" in 2010. Ask Greg reply
November 11, 2021: Carlo and his twin brother were born in 1984. Ask Greg reply
November 11, 2021: Harold Cooper was born in 1974. Ask Greg reply
November 16, 2021: Mr. Tawney was born in 2006, Kraig was hatched in 2009, and Wolf was born in 2007. Ask Greg reply
November 16, 2021: Dick Grayson and Wally West met shortly after Wally became Kid Flash around 14 years old. Grayson was 10 and Barbara Gordon was 9 when they first met. Ask Greg reply
January 18, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Kal-El's traveled from Krypton to Earth via subspace. Ask Greg
January 24, 2022: Roy Harper became Oliver Queen's ward in 2007. Ask Greg
January 25, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Alan Scott's ring is a damaged Green Lantern Corps ring and the first Black Canary started operating in 1964. Ask Greg
January 31, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Tula was from Poseidonis. Ask Greg
February 7, 2022: Greg Weisman auditioned for Red Tornado but Jeff Bennett was cast instead. Brandon Vietti later suggested Lucas Carr to him. Geek To Me Radio, 16:15 mark
February 8, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Ultra-Humanite was an enemy of the Justice Society and All-Star Squadron. Ask Greg
February 15, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Henchy's full name is Joe Henchy and he was born in 1974. Ask Greg
February 23, 2022: Hart was born in 1985, Hauser was born in 1974, Jeremiah was born in 1990, Red Tornado was first built in 1948, and Karen the Genomorph-Troll was born in 2009. Ask Greg
March 3, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Wildcat debuted in 1942. Ask Greg
March 11, 2022: Wesley Dodds became Sandman in 1939, Al Pratt became the Atom in 1940, Rex Tyler became Hourman in 1940, Charles McNider became Doctor Mid-Nite in 1941, and Dragon King became a supervillain in 1936. Ask Greg
March 11, 2022: Shimmer and Mammoth joined the Kobra Cult in 2009 and confirms they did leave. Ask Greg
March 25, 2022: Greg Weisman talks about Zeta-Tubes and confirms Bio-Ship has a designation. Ask Greg
April 4, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Rodunn and Ondine appeared in "Downtime" in season one. Greg Weisman Tweet
May 16, 2022: Eric Needham became Black Spider in 2009, Leonard Snart became Captain Cold in 2001, Albert Michaels became Atomic Skull in 2006, and Teth-Adam became Black Adam in 1276 B.C.E.. Ask Greg
May 18, 2022: The base used by Vandal Savage is his, not the Light's. Western Mongolia is more or less where Vandal is from originally. He had the base built. Ask Greg
May 26, 2022: North and South Korea exist in Earth-16. Rhelasia is not a stand-in for them. Ask Greg
May 31, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Sphere was sent to Earth on September 3. Ask Greg
June 13, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Vandal Savage was not as troubled by the Justice Society of America and All-Star Squadron as he was with the Justice League because he saw the former as just another nationalistic cadre and them fighting Japan and Germany was business as usual. Ask Greg
July 19, 2022: Green Arrow, Hawkman, and Hawkwoman joined the Justice League in May 2004. Ask Greg
July 20, 2022: Zatara, Captain Atom, Black Canary, John Stewart, Captain Marvel, and Red Tornado joined the Justice League in August 2008. Ask Greg
August 5, 2022: Raymond Jensen turned into Parasite in August 2006. Ask Greg
September 2, 2023: The Kryptonian sun Rao exploded in 1978. Greg Weisman Tweet
Season Two Invasion News
July 23, 2010: Geoff Johns reveals Wonder Girl and Arrowette are being saved for the future partly because the story the staff wants to tell with Artemis. DC Nation Podcast 55:33
August 6, 2010: Some characters that don't appear in season one will be in season two, if there is a renewal, because of creative decisions not external restrictions. Ask Greg Reply
February 14, 2011: Logan Grove is booked as a series regular for role of Beast Boy. Lori Knight 2/14/11 Tweet
March 23, 2011: Young Justice: Invasion is a special 10 episode mini-series spinning out of the original animated series and will air in late 2011/2012. WF Article
March 23, 2011: Young Justice: Invasion will feature a lot of new characters. TV Guide Article
March 29, 2011: Greg Weisman clarifies Young Justice: Invasion is not a mini-series spinoff. Young Justice was renewed for a 10 episode second season for now. Work began on season two on the fourth week of March. New characters will be featured in season two the way they have been episodically in season one. Episode 26 will be timestamped "December 31" and the first episode of season two will be timestamped "January 1." The best guess for when season two will air is late first quarter of 2012. Ask Greg Rambling
April 26, 2011: Peter David confirms he is involved in season two. Completely Comics Podcast; 32 Minute Mark
June 9, 2011: David Sobolov hints he's voicing a character in season two. David Sobolov Facebook
July 1, 2011: Young Justice Season Two will launch in March 2012 with DC Nation. s8 Tweet
July 1, 2011: Season Two production update: Episodes 1-3 are mostly recorded, 4's script is done and awaiting notes, and 5-10 are in outline. s8 Tweet
July 12, 2011: Season Two production update and writers revealed: Episodes 2x01-2x02 are fully recorded and are in storyboard. 2x01 was written by Greg Weisman and 2x02 by Nicole Dubuc. Episode 2x03, written by Kevin Hopps, is almost fully recorded, one actor left to pick up, and it is also in storyboard. Episode 2x04, written by Greg Weisman, will record this week, and is also in storyboard. Episode 2x05 was written by Brandon Vietti, has turned in his draft of the script, and Greg Weisman is set to read and edit it. Episode 2x06's outline, written by Peter David and edited by Greg Weisman, went out Monday for notes, which are due tomorrow. Episode 2x07 Kevin Hopps turned in his outline and Greg Weisman is set to read and edit. Episode 2x08 is written by Greg Weisman. The outline will start after he edits the outline to 2x07. Episode 2x09 is written by Jon Weisman, turned in his outline, and Greg Weisman set to read and edit. Episode 2x10 is by Kevin Hopps and he is working on his outline. There is not yet a pick-up beyond episode 2x10, but the staff was told to start blocking out episodes 2x11-2x20 in anticipation of one. Episode 2x11: Staff has broken this story. Greg Weisman is to write up the Beat Outline, though it is all on index cards. Episode 2x12: The basics of this one are done, but Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti, and Kevin Hopps still need to finish breaking the story. Episodes 2x13-2x20: Staff has a very clear sense of the arc and what things need to happen, but haven't started on these yet.
Ask Greg Ramble
August 1, 2011: Season two production update: Episodes 1-4 are in storyboard, 5 is recording on 8/2/11, Weisman is editing 6's script now, 7 is awaiting notes, Weisman has to write 8's outline, Weisman has to read writer's draft of 9's outline, 10 is in outline, 11-12's beat outlines are complete, and 13 is in the middle of being broken on index cards. Ask Greg Ramble
August 5, 2011: All 57 of Young Justice playing cards, exclusive to San Diego Comic Con 2011, revealed, including teaser image of Young Justice: Invasion shows possible new member(s), Tula is named Aquagirl, and Garth as Tempest. Toon Zone Post
August 19, 2011: Jason Marsden has a role in season two. Jason Marsden Tweet
August 19, 2011: Peter David recently attended a recording session for another episode he wrote (season two, episode six). Peter David Blog
August 21, 2011: Kelly Hu was present at the recording session Peter David attended with his daughter. Peter David Blog
August 22, 2011: Also present at the recording session were George Eads (voice of Flash/Barry Allen), Jason Spizak (voice of Kid Flash/Wally West), and a new actor, Geoff Pierson as Flash/Jay Garrick. Peter David Blog
August 26, 2011: Stephanie Lemelin blogs she is back to work on Young Justice season two. Stephanie Lemelin Blog
August 29, 2011: Production Update for Season Two: Episodes 1 is shipping to Korea at end of the week, 2 is in timing, 3 is in storyboard clean-ups, 4 is awaiting board notes, 5-6 are being storyboarded, 7 does voice recording on Tuesday (8/30/11), 8-10 are all in script, and 11-20 have been approved into production. Brandon Vietti, Kevin Hopps and Greg Weisman are pitching the arc of the season to DC, CN and WB this Wednesday (8/31/11). If that goes well, then the first writer's meeting to assign 211-214 is on Thursday (9/1/11). Beatsheets for 11-16 are complete. Weisman has 17-20's on index cards and has to transcribe them into a document. Ask Greg Ramble
September 14, 2011: Production Update for Season Two: Episodes 1-2 shipped to Korea, 3 ships this week, 4 in storyboard revisions and Greg Weismana and Brandon Vietti only need to do notes on last act, 5 is waiting on storyboard notes, 6-7 in storyboarding, 8's script went final and recording will be next week, 9's script is being currently edited by Weisman, 10 is in script, 11's outline is waiting to be edited by Weisman, 12-14 are in outline, 15-17 have been handed to writers for outline today, and 18-20 will be handed to writers next week and beatsheets are done. Ask Greg Ramble
October 4, 2011: Production Update for Season Two: Episodes 1-3 shipped to Korea, 4-9 are in storyboard, 10 is in script, and 11-20 are in outline. Ask Greg Ramble
October 27, 2011: Greg Weisman confirms David Sobolov does a voice in season two. Ask Greg Reply
October 27, 2011: In an interview, Brandon Vietti confirms he wrote episode 5 of season two, the nature of the Team's missions will continue to develop as series progresses, season 2 will explore some of the more "far out" concepts in the DC Universe, and the motivation of the villains will become more clear in future episodes (and then deepen the meaning of certain events in past episodes). WF Interview
November 1, 2011: Production update for season two: Episodes 1-6 are being animated in Korea, Episodes 7-9 are recorded and in storyboard and design, Episodes 10-11 are partially recorded and in storyboard and design, Episode 12 has a first draft script awaiting notes, Episode 13 has an outline approved and Greg Weisman is to write a script, Episode 14 is in outline and should be done editing tonight, Episode 15 has an outline to be read and edited by Greg Weisman, and Episodes 16-20 are in outline based on approved beat sheets. Ask Greg Ramble
November 10, 2011: The permanent directors for season two are Tim Divar, Doug Murphy, and Mel Zwyer. Ask Greg
November 22, 2011: Production update for season two: Episodes 1-7 are being animated overseas, 8-13 are in storyboard and design, 8-9 are fully recorded, a few voice actors still have to record for 10-12, 13's script is done and will be recorded on 11/29/2011, 14's script is currently being edited by Greg Weisman, 15's script is to be edited by Weisman, 16-18's outlines are to be edited by Weisman, 19's script is to be written by Weisman, and 20's outline is being worked on by Kevin Hopps. Ask Greg Ramble
December 9, 2011: Flash/Jay Garrick and Dr. Fate will have significant roles down the line. Expect to see more of the Justice Society of America/All-Star Squadron in the comic. Ask Greg
December 28, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals writing order for episodes 11-20 of season two: 211 - Nicole Dubuc, 212 - Paul Giacoppo, 213 - Greg Weisman, 214 - Kevin Hopps, 215 - Jon Weisman, 216 - Kevin Hopps, 217 - Brandon Vietti, 218 - Peter David, 219 - Greg Weisman, and 220 - Kevin Hopps. Ask Greg
January 25, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals the A designation is for Authorized Guests. A-01 is someone we've already met and A-02 will appear in Season Two, though in a way we've already met this character. Ask Greg
February 2, 2012: Greg Weisman hints there is one character who is particularly "a gas" to write. He will be introduced in the first episode of Season Two. Ask Greg
February 2, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals season two will also take place over a period of six months. Ask Greg
February 3, 2012: Production Update for Season Two: All scripts are locked and final. Episode 1 is in post-production and crew is locking the final cut in editorial today, Episode 2 is in post-production awaiting retakes, Episode 3 is in post-production and retakes called today, Episode 4 is being animated overseas but should be shipped to WBA next week, Episodes 5-7 are overseas being animated, Episode 8 is overseas being animated while WBA finishes color models, Episode 9 is overseas being animated while WBA works on color models, Episodes 10-11 are both overseas being animated, WBA crew working on color models, will record one voice (who was out sick) in ADR during post-production (Weisman temped in the lines for the actor), Episode 12 is overseas being animated while WBA crew has color models to work on, Episode 13 storyboard is in track and checking, Episode 14 storyboard is in revision and track, Episode 15 storyboard is in notes, Episode 16 storyboard is in and going to slug, Episode 17 storyboard is in, Episode 18 is in storyboard and still have two actors to pick up, Episode 19 is in storyboard and fully recorded, and Episode 20 is in storyboard, crew picked up a couple actors earlier today, and tentatively recording the rest of the cast Tuesday February 7th. Ask Greg
February 7, 2012: Greg Weisman posts a statistics update: Today, most of the final episode of season two was recorded, a "nice little cast party" was held today, likely to be finished recordeding everyone probably sometime next week, this episode will have 24 voice actors in it, 24 actors playing 35 speaking parts, 35 speaking parts of the 77 total characters that will (likely) appear in the episode, 91 actors were used to play all the speaking parts for both seasons total, Season One had 179 name characters over its 26 episodes including those cut after the script stage like Catherine Cobert, Season Two had 145 name characters over 20 episodes but 83 new total, 241 total name characters in the 46 episodes, Season Two scripts ranged between 30 pages long (episode 216) and 36 pages long (201 and 220), Line counts ranged between 197 lines per script (203) and 255 (214) and the number of actors used per episode ranged between 6 (202) and 24 (220). Ask Greg
February 18, 2012: Image from Toy Fair 2012 reveals new looks for Miss Martian, Robin, and Aqualad in Young Justice: Invasion and Batgirl. The Fwoosh, forum post
March 2, 2012: New characters appearing in season two will be animated for the first time ever. USA Today 5:50 clip
March 2, 2012: In an interview, Phil Bourassa hints a new character in season two brings his animation career full circle. WF Article
March 5, 2012: Production Update: Episodes 1 and 2 are done, Episode 3 has mixed and the online will be done tomorrow, then that will be done, Episode 4 is in post-production, locked picture last Friday, and spotted the music today, Episode 5 is in post-production and called retakes for it last week, Episode 6 should come in for post, pretty much any minute, Episodes 7-9 have all been fully shipped overseas for animation, Episodes 10-14 have also shipped though some of the color work on BGs and models is still being completed at WBA, Episode 15 should ship this week, Episode 16 is in board revision and notes, Episode 17 is in slug, Episodes 18-19 boards are going to slug and notes ASAP, and Episode 20 clean boards should come in early this week. Ask Greg
March 6, 2012: Greg Weisman hints Garth and Tula will eventually assume the names Tempest and Aquagirl, respectively. Ask Greg
March 9, 2012: Mattel's new wave of 6" figures reveals Blue Beetle will be appear next season. Also included are Robin, Miss Martian, Aqualad, Superboy, and Lagoon Boy's new looks. AFI Article
March 17, 2012: In season two, Invasion, there will be at least nine different alien races from the DC Universe, an away mission to Rann, Blue Beetle will have a pretty big role, 62 new characters, Justice League won't be around to help the Team as much, Jay Garrick will have a much larger role, no one-off stories, will be like a 20 chapter novel, Blue Beetle will have mentor issues, some new characters will be added to the Team, some won't join the Team, and some will join the Team but won't make the cut. Newsarama Article
March 17, 2012: Season two set to start in April. Preview clips show Lobo, Blue Beetle, Lagoon Boy, Devastation, Bibbo and more. THR Article
March 18, 2012: Garfield Logan, Mal Duncan, Karen Beecher, and Barbara Gordon will be developing into larger roles in season two. The Justice League will have a problem in season two and unable to help the Team as much. The Team will be forced into a frontline position of defending Earth from invasion. A new mystery at the end of seaso one will help launch into season two. The origin of Gorilla City will come up in the comic. There will be a couple cameos of other members of the Justice Society of America. Youtube - WonderCon DC Nation Panel
April 13, 2012: Virgil Hawkins will be introduced. Talkin Toons with Rob Paulsen #36 (53:14-53:32 mark)
April 16, 2012: Production Update for Season Two: Episodes 1-6 are done, 7 - staff previewed the music score today, will mix it on Thursday, it should be done by Tuesday at the latest, 8 - staff spotted the music today and should be done one week after 7, 9 comes back from overseas tomorrow for retakes and editing, 10-11 should arrive soon and still need to pick up one actor for these two shows in ADR, 12-16 are all overseas being animated, 17 ships today, 18 is in storyboard revision, 19 is waiting for producers to give notes on the storyboard, and 20 - the board is being cleaned up now for notes. Ask Greg
April 20, 2012: One minute, 16 second trailer for season two, Young Justice: Invasion reveals some returning characters and new characters such as Bumblebee and Wonder Girl. DC Nation Blog
April 25, 2012: Cartoon Network provides 10 images for "Happy New Year," including a first look at Nightwing. WF Article
April 25, 2012: Clip and 12 images for "Happy New Year" released. WF Article
April 26, 2012: Young Justice: Invasion will deal with a cascading danger from eight to nine alien races, ties back all the way to the first episode of the series, the missing 16 hours will be an ongoing subplot for the season, another subplot will be Red Arrow's personal journey and goal of finding Speedy, there will be no more Shields, Rocket will be in season two starting with the first episode, G. Gordon Godfrey will appear throughout the season, and the master timeline is at 191 pages. KSite TV Interview
April 26, 2012: "Happy New Year" literally starts where "Auld Acquaintance" left off and things get intense very quickly. Mae Whitman voices Wonder Girl, Tim Curry voices G. Gordon Godfrey, and Michael Trucco will voice Adam Strange. KSite TV Interview
April 26, 2012: David Sobolov thinks the character he voiced will appear in "Happy New Year" this Saturday. He is a rarely seen but pretty famous villain. David Sobolov Facebook
April 27, 2012: New clip of "Happy New Year," featuring Lobo and Prime Minister Tseng. Confirmation David Sobolov voices Lobo. USA Today Article
April 27, 2012: May schedule reveals new episodes and loglines for episodes 28 to 32. WF Article
April 27, 2012: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. Young Justice: Invasion's inception and general narrative discussed. CBM Clip
April 27, 2012: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. Tons of new characters but fans will have to meet them on the fly, less of someone assigning the Team missions, the Light will return, and the mentor-protege dynamic will shift to a senior-freshman dynamic. IGN Article (2 Pages)
April 27, 2012: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. In season two, we have the Justice League split in half. MTV Geek Article
April 27, 2012: Brandon Vietti blogs about season two: Weisman and Vietti are reviewing the last storyboards and designs for the last episode of Season Two, the unfinalized pitch art that was used for a playing card from San Diego Comic Con 2011 is confirmed to include Blue Beetle, Wonder Girl, and Robin in them, and the art also appears to include some characters that weren't used in the season. Brandon Vietti Blog
April 30, 2012: Jerome Moore posts a character design for the Tseng Puppet in "Happy New Year." Jerome K Moore DeviantArt
April 30, 2012: Jerome Moore posts a character design for G. Gordon Godfrey. Jerome K Moore DeviantArt
May 3, 2012: Jerome Moore posts a character design for "The Dude," an incidental character rescued by Gamma Squad in "Happy New Year." He was based on Casey Sandin, a member of the production staff. Jerome K. Moore deviantArt
May 3, 2012: Jerome Moore posts a character design for Cat Grant and Catherine Cobert. Cobert's design was inspired by Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts in the Iron Man movies. Jerome K. Moore deviantArt
May 3, 2012: Two clips for "Earthlings," and 10 images revealed. WF Article
May 4, 2012: Jerome Moore posts a character design for "Mark McClain Wilson," an incidental character who works as G. Gordon Godfrey's cameraman He was based on an assistant in the production staff. Jerome K. Moore deviantArt
May 5, 2012: Jerome Moore posts character designs for Kroloteans. Jerome K Moore deviantArt
May 6, 2012: Phil Bourassa posts character design for Nightwing. Phil Bourassa deviantArt
May 6, 2012: Phil Bourassa posts character design for Beast Boy. Phil Bourassa deviantArt
May 11, 2012: New clip for "Alienated" and 22 images released. WF Article
May 11, 2012: Two new clips for "Salvage" and eight images released. WF Article
May 12, 2012: Phil Bourassa posts character design for Robin - Tim Drake. Phil Bourassa deviantArt
May 15, 2012: Jerome Moore posts designs of the Appellaxians. Jerome K Moore deviantArt
May 15, 2012: Jerome Moore posts designs of two children from "Misplaced." Jerome K Moore deviantArt
May 15, 2012: Jerome Moore posts design for Bibbo puppet from "Alienated." Jerome K Moore deviantArt
May 16, 2012: DC Nation Mini-Mags reveals Beast Boy got his powers after both his transfusion from Miss Martian and a monkey bite, Blue Beetle got the scarab the day the previous Beetle died, Lagoon Boy is a graduate of the Conservatory of Sorcery, and Wonder Girl is the daughter of an archaeologist and the Greek god Zeus. Comixology
May 20, 2012: Jerome Moore posts design of Clayface from "Happy New Year." Jerome K Moore deviantArt
May 20, 2012: Jerome Moore posts design of Lian Nguyen-Harper from "Salvage." Jerome K Moore deviantArt
May 20, 2012: Jerome Moore posts design of Appellaxian Golem from "Salvage." Jerome K Moore deviantArt
May 25, 2012: Two new clips for "Beneath" and nine images released. WF Article
June 1, 2012: New clip for "Bloodlines" and six images released. WF Article
June 1, 2012: June schedule released with new loglines. New episodes on June 2nd and 9th then reruns for rest of the month. WF Article
June 7, 2012: Two new clips for "Depths" and 12 images released. WF Article
June 13, 2012: Production Update for Season Two: Episodes 8-10 are ready to air, Episode 11 has been edited and spotted for music and sound effects, Episode 12 is being edited, Episodes 13-18 are all overseas being animated, and Episodes 19-20 are also overseas being animated, but there a few more color models in Burbank left to be completed and approved. Ask Greg
June 29, 2012: July 7th to August 4th rerun schedule posted. WF Article
July 2, 2012: Stephanie Lemelin blogs about her pet Pit Bull Brucely appearing in Young Justice: Invasion as the pet of Artemis Crock and Wally West. ACPB Blog
July 15, 2012: SDCC 2012 preview reveals an attack on Hall of Justice, kidnapped teenagers with powers, Lagoon Boy meeting his captors, Artemis undercover as Tigress, Deathstroke, Static, Tula, the original Speedy targeting Lex Luthor, and new alien characters possibly Despero and Black Beetle. SDCC 2012 Preview
July 24, 2012: Greg Weisman states Ray Palmer is a leading physicist in his field and his scientific knowledge will come in handy in season two. Ask Greg
August 2, 2012: August 4th to August 25th rerun schedule posted. WF Article
August 28, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals the Team designations for Zatanna, Rocket, Tempest, Aquagirl, Batgirl, Lagoon Boy and Wonder Girl. Weisman also reveals Impulse as B-23, apparently joining the Team soon, and he comes from a post-Reach Apocalypse and there will be three more recruits joining. B-12 to B-15 remain unrevealed. Ask Greg
August 30, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals ages of several characters. Ask Greg, Ask Greg, and Ask Greg
August 31, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals ages of several characters. Ask Greg, Ask Greg, and Ask Greg
September 4, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals hints there's more to come in terms of young villain teams. The series timeline is currently at 201 pages. Ask Greg
September 7, 2012: Episode 8 is titled "Satisfaction" and airs September 29th 10:30 am Eastern/9:30 Central. WF Article
September 10, 2012: Greg Weisman hints by the end of season two, there will be a term for people with super powers. Ask Greg
September 13, 2012: Press release hints "As team rivalry and personal conflicts arise, the team must band together to fight the real threat that faces Earth." TNI Article
September 18, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Jaime Reyes was 15 years old at the start of season two. Ask Greg
September 18, 2012: Season Two Production Update: Episodes 8-18 are ready to air, Episode 19 is back from overseas and staff will be calling retakes and locking picture this week, and Episode 20 is due in from Moi late this week. Ask Greg
September 19, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Guy Gardner is a member of the Justice League. Ask Greg
September 19, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals as of the end of Team Year Five, i.e. December 31st the day before the start of Season Two: Tim Drake is 14 years old, Jaime Reyes is 16 years old, and Adam Strange is 26 years old. Ask Greg
September 19, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals as of the end of Team Year Five, i.e. December 31st the day before the start of Season Two: Cassie Sandsmark is 14 years old. Ask Greg
September 20, 2012: Invasion Episode 8 "Satisfaction" logline released. WF Article
September 20, 2012: Black Lightning will speak eventually. Ask Greg
September 20, 2012: The only character recast for age was Billy Batson. Ask Greg
September 24, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Captain Atom is the leader of the Justice League as of season two. Ask Greg
September 24, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms he counts Speedy and Red Arrow as two characters, not one. Ask Greg
September 24, 2012: Greg Weisman hints Rocket's precense will be felt in the show and comic. And given enough episodes and/or issues, she will be expanded on. Ask Greg
September 26, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Vlatavastok is located in Vlatava. Ask Greg
September 26, 2012: Greg Weisman states Dick Grayson's style is based in trapeze arts, Barbara Gordon in gymnast, and Tim Drake in martial arts. Ask Greg
September 26, 2012: Editing on Episode 20 started. Brandon Vietti Tweet
September 26, 2012: 9 images and 2 clips for "Satisfaction" released. WF Article
September 26, 2012: Greg Weisman hints show is not done adding new characters, some will get brief spotlight soon, some will get larger role, Episode 8 involves what's going on with Green Arrow, Red Arrow, and Speedy and reactions to Artemis' death, revelations over next episode or two will hint at what took place during 5 year gap, will revisit characters that haven't been seen much in season 2, and Issue #25 will show a little bit of what took place in between seasons, something cool that just happened just after end of season one. CBR Interview
September 27, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms and teases Red Tornado has moved out of the Cave, focus will shift back to the original six members of the Team especially Aqualad and Artemis, a big plotline for Mal Duncan and Karen Beecher coming up, and there will be answers but more mysteries. Urban Daily Interview
September 28, 2012: New trailer shows new footage of something taking off by Blue Beetle and the six Leaguers on trial on Rimbor. DC Nation Video 1:22-2:00
September 28, 2012: October schedule released with episode titles ("Darkest," "Before the Dawn," "Cornered," and "True Colors") and summaries. WF Article
September 29, 2012: Phil Bourassa posts Wonder Girl designs. Phil Bourassa deviantArt
September 30, 2012: Jerome Moore posts design of Wendy Harris. Jerome K Moore deviantArt
September 30, 2012: Jerome Moore posts design from "Satisfaction," the Lex Luthor painting. Jerome K Moore deviantArt
September 30, 2012: Jerome Moore posts design from "Satisfaction," the Blue Beetle Holo. Jerome K Moore deviantArt
October 1, 2012: Brandon Vietti talks season two - more challenges for the Team with personality clases, new characters, and more secrets and lies, villains from season one will be back, and things will be getting worse for our heroes. WF Interview
October 2, 2012: Greg Weisman talks season two - Impulse has a role to play but it's the tip of the iceberg, there are stories in mind for the Justice Society of America and All-Star Squadron, the comic will trend beyond even both seasons past and future, and both Deathstroke and Despero confirmed to appear. WF Interview
October 2, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals as of the end of Team Year Five, December 31st, Black Lightning is 28 years old, Randy Eiling is 50 years old if still alive, Peggy Eiling is 46 years olf if still alive, Tseng Dangun was 59 years old, and name of Randy and Peggy's mother confirmed to be Angela Randall Adams Eiling. Ask Greg
October 4, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals the master timeline is at 205 pages. Ask Greg
October 4, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Superboy, Miss Martian, Lagoon Boy, Beast Boy, and Mal Duncan are currently living in the Cave. Ask Greg
October 4, 2012: Two clips and nine images of "Darkest" posted. WF Article
October 5, 2012: Production Update: Sound mix on Episode 19 completed. On Monday, the staff will finalize 19 and deliver it. Brandon Vietti Tweet
October 8, 2012: Production Update: Episode 19 is completed. Brandon Vietti Tweet
October 9, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Miss Martian got Beast Boy "a Martian Bio-Suit and pre-telepathically programmed it for two settings: form fitting collar or full body-suit." Ask Greg
October 9, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Beast Boy must see and make physical contact with an animal before he can take its form. Ask Greg
October 9, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals, as of December 31st Team Year Five, Sardath is the human equivalent of a 58-year-old and Alanna, a human equivalent a 19-year-old. Ask Greg
October 10, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals "Before the Dawn" was plotted before the staff knew there would be a second half of the season. "This is a significant episode on every level: plot, character and LOTS of action." Ask Greg
October 10, 2012: Tentatively, new episodes will air until the end of December 2012 on Cartoon Network's DC Nation block then there will be reruns every week through at least March 2013. WF Article
October 17, 2012: Phil Bourassa posts box art from cancelled Young Justice Invasion toy line. Phil Bourassa deviantArt
October 20, 2012: Jerome Moore posts design of Stephanie Brown. Jerome K. Moore deviantArt
October 20, 2012: Brandon Vietti tweets Episode 20 is in the mix stage. Brandon Vietti Tweet
October 24, 2012: Brandon Vietti tweets Episode 20 was completed at 11:44 A.M. PDT. Brandon Vietti Tweet
October 25, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Jim Harper donated his Guardian armor to the Hall of Justice. Ask Greg
October 25, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals the trophies in the Hall of Justice were going to appear in the series pilot script but the scene was cut for time. Ask Greg
October 29, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms another Amazo was built during the time skip. Ask Greg
October 30, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms as of January 1st of Team Year Six, there are 23 members of the Justice League. Ask Greg
October 30, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms the individual names of the Appellaxian Golems and reveals four of the seven were on display because the other three didn't survive as souvenirs. Ask Greg
October 30, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Eduardo Dorado Sr. is 46 years old by the end of Team Year Five. Ask Greg
November 5, 2012: Grey DeLisle confirms she voices Catwoman. Grey DeLisle Tumblr
November 6, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Bart Allen was 13 years old when left the future. Ask Greg
November 9, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Aqualad was the Team's leader for approximately four and a half years. Ask Greg
November 13, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals at the start of season two - Jimmy Olsen was 25 years old, Carol Ferris was 29 years old, and Tom Kalmaku was 24 years old. Ask Greg
November 17, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Jeremiah from "Salvage" is a DC Comics character from the Captain Atom comics. Ask Greg
November 21, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Karen Beecher, Wendy Harris, Conner Kent, and Megan Morse attend Ivy University. Ask Greg
November 27, 2012: Greg Weisman hints two new characters were going to be introduced in "Satisfaction" but were cut for work load reasons as it would have been four more designs for Phil Bourassa at the time. Ask Greg
November 29, 2012: Greg Weisman lists the probable rotation for directors to episodes in season two. Ask Greg
December 6, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Ted Kord was 32 when he died. Ask Greg
December 6, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Artemis and Lagoon Boy were both on the Team for a short time before she left but they never were on the same squad until in "Depths" when she returned. Ask Greg
December 7, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Tim Drake became Robin at the start of Team Year Five. Ask Greg
December 10, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms no characters, that have already been approved, were the reason for DC Nation's sudden hiatus. Ask Greg
December 14, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals at the start of season two, Stephanie Brown is 12 years old. Ask Greg
December 19, 2012: New minute trailer for new Young Justice: Invasion starting January 5th. DC Nation Facebook
December 27, 2012: Invasion Episode 14 is titled "Runaways" and will air February 2nd. zap2it
December 28, 2012: January 5th to February 2nd schedule released. WF Article
January 2, 2013: Two clip and 9 images for "Before the Dawn" released. WF Article
January 2, 2013: Logline for "The Fix" included in January breakdown. WF Article
January 4, 2013: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti hint the subject of Mount Justice's destruction and moving on to a new base will be brought up in the next few episodes, Toyman will appear, Aqualad's story isn't concluded yet, and the original Roy Harper is a character to keep an eye on. DC Comics Blog
January 5, 2013: Brandon Vietti reveals Miss Martian shrinking under ocean pressure was an unused idea from season one. Brandon Vietti Twitter
January 5, 2013: Brandon Vietti reveals the Star City docks in "Before the Dawn" were repurposed from Batman: Under the Red Hood. Brandon Vietti Twitter
January 5, 2013: Brandon Vietti confirms Red Arrow's apartment was repurposed from Red Hood's in Batman: Under the Red Hood. Brandon Vietti Twitter
January 5, 2013: Brandon Vietti reveals Audio Circus worked on the Reach language (the clicks). Brandon Vietti Twitter
January 5, 2013: Phil Bourassa posts static poses for Batgirl. Phil Bourassa deviantArt
January 9, 2013: Two clips and five images for "Cornered" released. WF Article
January 18, 2013: Two clips and 10 images for "True Colors" released. WF Article
January 20, 2013: Brandon Vietti posts correct spelling of "B'arzz O'oomm," Green Beetle's alter-ego. Brandon Vietti Tweet
January 20, 2013: Character Designer Jerome Moore posts designs for Beast Boy's transformations. Jerome K Moore deviantArt
January 23, 2013: Two clips and five images for "The Fix" released. WF Article
January 26, 2013: Jerome Moore posts design for Sentinel of Poseidonis from "The Fix" in Kaldur'ahm's mind. Jerome K Moore deviantArt
January 29, 2013: February schedule, titles, loglines, and airdates revealed. WF Schedule
January 29, 2013: Episode 18 is titled "Intervention" and airs March 2nd. Zap2It Schedule
January 30, 2013: One clip and seven images for "The Runaways" released. WF Article
January 30, 2013: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti about using the Reach and Kroloteans, making Green Beetle, bringing in obscure characters, new members of the Team, the teenagers experimented on, the Light, Deathstroke, and the structure of season two. CBR Article
February 6, 2013: New clip from "War" previews the Justice League's trial on Rimbor. MTV Geek!
February 7, 2013: One clip and 12 images for "War" released. WF Article
February 14, 2013: Clip and 12 images for "Complications" released. WF Article
February 19, 2013: Two clips and eight images released for "The Hunt" released. WF Article
February 26, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals Dick Grayson is attending college part-time and taking online courses. Weisman also talks about alien languages - Atlantean language is loosely based on Ancient Greek translated for the staff by Aris Katsaris, the Rannian language was invented by Alan Moore in the pages of his Swamp Thing comic and writer Nicole Dubuc studied it and became the staff's resident Rannian translator, Dubuc and Weisman made up the Martian language by extrapolating from the few existing Martian proper names that from the comics, Weisman made up the the New Genesian language based on a fictional language he created in junior high and high school, and Weisman more or less made up the Interlac spoken. Ask Greg
February 26, 2013: Greg Weisman admits he was against Deathstroke's ponytail but was over-ruled by Brandon Vietti and Phil Bourassa. Ask Greg
February 27, 2013: March schedule and loglines of final three episodes. WF Article
February 28, 2013: Clip and 16 images for "Intervention" released. WF Article
March 1, 2013: Rerun schedule for the rest of March. WF Article
March 2, 2013: Phil Bourassa posts designs of Impulse. Phil Bourassa deviantArt
March 6, 2013: One clip and 14 images for "Summit" released. WF Article
March 10, 2013: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, posts design of the Toyman. Jerome K Moore deviantArt
March 12, 2013: Greg Weisman confirms Bart Allen attends school in Central City. Ask Greg
March 12, 2013: Greg Weisman confirms the two characters cut from Rocket's bridal shower were Donna Troy and Mary Bromfield. Ask Greg
March 12, 2013: Interview with Greg Weisman - adding to the cast, the original Team, character origins, themes, casting and reveals designations of characters, new and old, from the Justice League, the Team, Authorized Guests, and Pets. WF Interview
March 13, 2013: Interview with Brandon Vietti - on season two, favorite character and location designs, the runaways, Asami's ability, writing in season two, trivia about "War" and upcoming projects. WF Interview
March 13, 2013: 13 images for "Endgame" released. WF Article
March 14, 2013: Clip for "Endgame" released. IGN Clip
March 18, 2013: Greg Weisman posts stuff cut for time from "Endgame," including dialogue and a list of the 20 squads. Ask Greg Ramble
March 21, 2013: Greg Weisman confirms the Grotto became a place of memorial starting with the death of Jason Todd. Ask Greg
March 22, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals scripts for Invasion were done in January 2012. From January to October, Weisman worked for free with Brandon Vietti on post production while working on the tie-in comic, giving free input for Legacy, and Vietti and Weisman (both separately and together) pitched all sorts of further Earth-16 properties, including (but not limited to) a third season, animated spin-offs featuring Arsenal and/or the Arrow Family, a comic book titled Earth-16, the Black Manta Celebrity Hot Tub shorts, a direct to DVD movie, and a Vietti-pitched YJ meets Scooby movie. Ask Greg
March 22, 2013: Greg Weisman clarifies future Blue Beetle in "Before the Dawn" visions. Ask Greg
March 28, 2013: Young Justice will rerun from April 6 to April 20 then the slot will be taken over by Teen Titans Go! on the 27th. WF Article
March 31, 2013: From the informal Ask Greg Live at Wonder Con - season two - the original plan was to use Donna Troy in season one and Cassie Sandsmark in season two. Both weren't available to use until Geoff Johns became a creative director but it was too late to use Donna. Donna Troy and Mary Bromfield would have appeared in "Endgame" if they weren't cut from "Satisfaction," Wally West died instead of Barry Allen because it was war and the death needed to "really hurt," Red Arrow became a full-time dad and is trying to make it work with Cheshire while getting help from Artemis and Paula Crock, Weisman was asked to cut out the last scene in "Endgame" but he insisted both the villains and Team needed to be shown back to business as usual, Weisman once subbed for Tim Curry as Godfrey then Curry would do ADR later on, and there were three things cut out and reworked into the time skip: a Red Tornado arc, a Zatanna arc, and Lieutenant and Sergeant Marvel being on the Team. Ask Greg and YJ Wikia thread
April 3, 2013: Tye Longshadow was 16 years old at the start of season two. Ask Greg
April 4, 2013: Greg Weisman issues some corrections about what he said at Ask Greg Live at Wonder Con. Confirms Mary Bromfield is not Lieutenant Marvel. Ask Greg
April 5, 2013: Greg Weisman confirms after "Satisfaction," Red Arrow was officially still on a leave of absence from the Justice League. Ask Greg
April 9, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals as of the end of season one, Deathstroke was 47 years old and B'arzz O'oomm was 114 Earth years old (the biological equivalent, more or less, of 38). Ask Greg
April 10, 2013: Greg Weisman confirms blue Scarabs are scouts and black Scarabs are warriors. Color can change based on circumstance. Ask Greg
April 10, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals Wally West and Artemis Crock moved in together at the start of their sophmore year in college. Ask Greg
April 11, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals the Invasion promo art featured Wonder Girl, Arsenal, Robin, Static, Blue Beetle, and Impulse. Ask Greg
April 17, 2013: Greg Weisman talks about Red Arrow, Jim Harper, and Jim Harper. Ask Greg
April 25, 2013: Greg Weisman posts correction for ages of the runaways at the end of Team Year Five: Tye is 16, Virgil is 15, Eduardo is 14 and Asami is 14. Ask Greg
April 25, 2013: Greg Weisman posts Asami's "Runaways" dialogue. Ask Greg
April 26, 2013: Greg Weisman clarifies a few misconceptions about season two. Ask Greg
April 27, 2013: Phil Bourassa posts more designs of Beast Boy. Phil Bourassa deviantArt
April 30, 2013: Greg Weisman breaks down a metaphor about the Team . Ask Greg
April 30, 2013: Greg Weisman confirms Donna Troy was always Troia and never a Wonder Girl. Ask Greg
May 1, 2013: Greg Weisman talks about the inspiration for the Warworld. Ask Greg
May 1, 2013: Greg Weisman confirms Mongul was the first version from the comics. Ask Greg
May 4, 2013: Phil Bourassa posts designs of Lagoon Boy in puffer mode. Phil Bourassa deviantArt
July 21, 2013: Character designer Jerome Moore posts designs of Dan Garrett. Jerome K Moore deviantArt
July 21, 2013: Character designer Jerome Moore posts designs of Blue Beetle/Garrett. Jerome K Moore deviantArt
July 31, 2013: Greg Weisman confirms Black Manta worked for the Light as a whole and had nothing to do with Ocean-Master losing his position. Ask Greg
October 8, 2013: Greg Weisman confirms Black Canary was elected to be the next leader of the Justice League. Weisman also states leadership is a one year term unless the person has to step down for some reason. Ask Greg
October 14, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals Lian Nguyen-Harper was born in September of Team Year Five. Ask Greg
November 26, 2013: Greg Weisman confirms Jim Harper mentored Mal Duncan after he became the Guardian. Ask Greg
January 6, 2014: Greg Weisman explains while the Boom Tube and Zeta Platforms have nothing in common technologically, both utilize Zeta Beams. Ask Greg
January 6, 2014: Greg Weisman reveals the Team's temporary warehouse base was referred to as "Bludhaven Wharf Warehouse" in scripts but muses the Team never officially named it. Ask Greg
January 10, 2014: A cut storyline was a follow up on Zatanna's story with Zatara and Dr. Fate. Life After Young Justice
February 13, 2014: Greg Weisman confirms at the start of season two, Shelly Longshadow was 34, Holling Longshadow was 65 and Nathaniel Tryon was 18 years old. Ask Greg
March 14, 2014: Greg Weisman reveals When B'arzz attempted to adjust his blue scout scarab, it turned green. Ask Greg
March 20, 2014: Greg Weisman confirms the Western Mongolia base seen in "True Colors" is the Light's central headquarters and in the series bible Vandal Savage was several historical figures such as Genghis Khan, Atilla the Hun and Blackbeard the Pirate.. Ask Greg
June 13, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts drawing of Beast Boy from 2010. Phil Bourassa Instagram
June 19, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts Miss Martian artwork from 2011. Phil Bourassa Instagram
June 19, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts close up of Miss Martian artwork from 2011. Phil Bourassa Instagram
August 2, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts model designs of Robin/Tim Drake. Phil Bourassa Instagram
August 31, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts model designs of Wonder Girl. Tells anecdote of how she was one of the first season two characters he drew. Greg Weisman wasn't into the concept sketch because it was too sporty or casual. He asked for "more like something that any athletic girl would wear, while still keeping the all American girl next door look." However, when Bourassa was about to do a second pass, Geoff Johns commented loved the concept and said it perfectly captured the character. For the sake of reaching an equitable consensus and with the collaborative spirit in mind, Weisman withdrew his objection. Phil Bourassa Instagram
January 22, 2016: Greg Weisman admits to not nailing the event down but hints Adam Strange first went to Raan sometime between January of Team Year Five and January 3rd of Team Year Six. Ask Greg
March 28, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms Zeus is Cassie Sandmark's father. Ask Greg
June 27, 2016: Phil Bourassa posts Nightwing art. Phil Bourassa instagram
July 22, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Dan Garrett was born in 1915 and died in 2005. Ask Greg
August 23, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms Sharon is Virgil Hawkins' older sister. Ask Greg
September 22, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms Don and Dawn Allen were born in Team Year Six. Ask Greg
October 17, 2016: Greg Weisman hints to consider who the leader of the Justice League could have been when it was decided Greek alphabet would be used for squad distributions. Ask Greg
October 28, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms Garfield Logan started living at the Cave after Miss Martian became his legal guardian. Ask Greg
November 21, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals in "Endgame" designations for Blue Devil was A-15, B'arzz O'oomm was A-16, Eduardo Dorado, Jr. was A-17, Virgil Hawkins was A-18, Asami Koizumi was A-19, and Tye Longshadow was A-20. Ask Greg
November 24, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms Bart Allen was A-14 at the end of "Bloodlines". Greg Weisman Tweet
December 5, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms Stephanie Brown was born in 2003. Ask Greg
December 8, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Jonathan Kent was born in 1938. Ask Greg
December 8, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals David Wilcox was born in 1967 and Ida Berkowitz in 1953. Ask Greg
December 13, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Winslow Schott was born in 1993. Ask Greg
December 14, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Maurice Bodaway was born in 1966. Ask Greg
December 14, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals that Black Beetle's age was the human biological equivalent of a 40 year old. Ask Greg
December 15, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Sharon Vance was born in 1978. Ask Greg
February 27, 2017: Greg Weisman reveals a line of Wally West's was cut in "Endgame," "where he says he wants to come out of retirement and go back to the hero life. Have it all with her." It was decided it telegraphed his death. Ask Greg
March 9, 2017: Phil Bourassa posts marketing artwork of Blue Beetle. Phil Bourassa instagram
March 10, 2017: Phil Bourassa posts marketing artwork of Wonder Girl. Phil Bourassa instagram
April 18, 2017: Greg Weisman reveals Iris' due date was the next September immediately following season two and Brucely was two years old in season two. Ask Greg
August 12, 2017: Jerome Moore posts Bibbi design. Jerome Moore deviantArt
May 2, 2018: Greg Weisman thinks season 2 will also be available on the DC Universe Streaming Service. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 27, 2018: DC Universe will stream Seasons One and Two Enhanced Episodes beginning on December 4 and every Tuesday through December 25 enhanced episodes featuring commentary, interviews and inside information from from a wide range of Young Justice experts - from the Whelmed podcast Rich Howard, Emily Buza, and Neal Powell, DC experts like Sam Humphries, Bernard Chang, James Tynion IV and Young Justice producers Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti and art director Phil Bourassa. World's Finest Article
January 9, 2019: Greg Weisman clarifies Bludhaven is a district within Gotham City (like Hollywood is part of LA). Greg Weisman Tweet
April 25, 2019: Greg Weisman clarifies that under the usual pattern Black Manta would be L-8. Ask Greg reply
April 29, 2019: Shimmer's ability turns elements to gas. Ask Greg reply
October 15, 2019: During casting for Invasion, auditions were held for the roles of Robin/Tim Drake, Blue Beetle & Scarab, Impulse/Bart Allen, and Static. Mae Whitman was already wanted for Wonder Girl. For extra security and secrecy, Weisman and Vietti created a completely non-existent series for Jason Marsden, Eric Lopez, Cameron Bowen, Bryton James and others to audition for. They had no idea they were auditioning for Young Justice. Ask Greg reply
February 14, 2020: Connor Kent majored in Mechanical Engineering. Ask Greg
October 27, 2020: Greg Weisman confirms Cassie Sandsmark is a demigod. Ask Greg reply
June 29, 2021: Garfield Logan never had an A designation. Ask Greg reply
July 2, 2021: Jefferson Pierce began as Black Lightning in Team Year Two. Ask Greg reply
July 14, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals "feel the mode" and "moded" were based on slang he used in junior high school. Ask Greg reply
August 12, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms a speedster cannot time travel without a time machine. Ask Greg reply
November 11, 2021: Galet Dasim was born in 1958 and the lead Tribune was born in 1911. Ask Greg reply
January 5, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Robin (Jason Todd) joined the Team in Team Year Three. Ask Greg
February 3, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Batgirl joined the Team in Team Year 4. Ask Greg
February 8, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Stephanie Brown was kidnapped by the Reach because she ran away from her father. Ask Greg
February 10, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Bumblebee and Lagoon Boy joined the Team in Team Year Four and Beast Boy joined in Team Year Five. Ask Greg
February 10, 2022: Barbara Gordon debuted as Batgirl in Team Year Three, Karen Beecher debuted as Bumblebee in Team Year Four, La'gaan debuted as Lagoon Boy in Team Year Four, and Garfield Logan debuted as Beast Boy in Team Year Two. Ask Greg
February 23, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Lobo has fought members of the Justice League. Ask Greg
February 23, 2022: Karen Conlin was born in 1995. Ask Greg
February 25, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Karen Conlin was the assistant who gave the Reach Ambassador the 1 minute remainder at the 11:58 mark in "The Hunt". Greg Weisman Tweet
March 14, 2022: Artemis and Wally got Brucely in Team Year Four. Ask Greg
March 14, 2022: Cassandra Sandsmark became Wonder Girl in Team Year Five. Ask Greg
April 8, 2022: Dick Grayson became Nightwing in Team Year Three. Ask Greg
May 20, 2022: Wally's funeral was held in June 2016. Ask Greg
May 23, 2022: Dan Garrett became Blue Beetle in 1939 and Ted Kord became Blue Beetle in Team Year One. Ask Greg
May 23, 2022: Shimmer tested positive for a meta-gene and in part for her failure in capturing a clutch of children, she was also shipped to the Reach from Bialya. Ask Greg
June 3, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Jason Todd became Robin and "died" in Team Year Three. Ask Greg
June 13, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals an unused season 2 Red Tornado story would have been how Traya was introduced to the series. Ask Greg
July 20, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms when Billy Batson shared the power of Shazam with Mary Bromfield and Freddie Freeman, his power was reduced to one third of what it was in Team Year Zero and that is permanent. Ask Greg
August 11, 2022: Winslow Schott became Toyman in 2004. Ask Greg
August 12, 2022: Vlatavastok is the capital of Vlatava. Ask Greg
August 23, 2022: James Gordon learned Barbara Gordon was Batgirl in Team Year Four. Ask Greg
September 2, 2023: The Invasion episode order was cut before they broke all 26 episodes. Nothing was set for the cut episodes. The 20 that were made would have been spread over 26, and probably would have fit in a Red Tornado episode, a Shazam episode and gotten more quality time with Robin, Wonder Girl, and others. Greg Weisman Tweet
Comic News
October 13, 2010: The companion comic book series will start in Issue #0 with original characters before they appear on the show. Issues will take place between and during episodes with different point of views. ETC YouTube Video
October 18, 2010: Young Justice Issue #0 goes on sale on January 19, 2011. It is 32 pages, a $2.99 MSRP, and art will be done by Mike Norton. WF Article
December 20, 2010: Issue #2 cover art, release date, and synopsis revealed. WF Article
January 20, 2011: Issue #3 cover art, release date, and synopsis revealed. WF Article
February 14, 2011: Cover and synopsis revealed for Issue #4. WF Article
February 17, 2011: Issue #7 of the comic has already been written. Ask Greg Reply
February 17, 2011: There are things in Issue #1 and 2 that will come up again later on. Every character you see in the comic will show up in the show at one point or another. The Joker appears in the comic because he is a big part of what happened to the Justice League in the past. He's going to show up in the show eventually. Baltazar and Franco CBR Interview
March 10, 2011: Issue #7 deals in part somehow with Artemis becoming Green Arrow's second partner. Ask Greg Reply
March 10, 2011: Aqualad's mother will appear eventually. Ask Greg Reply
March 14, 2011: Issue #5 will release on June 22nd. Front cover and synopsis revealed. WF Article
March 16, 2011: Four page preview of Issue #2. WF Article
March 19, 2011: Mike Norton did a design of Psycho Pirate. CBR Article
March 21, 2011: There will be a special edition comic on Free Comic Book Day, May 7th. CC Article
April 11, 2011: Issue #6 will release on July 20th. Front cover and synopsis revealed. WF Article
April 12, 2011: The Free Comic Book Day issue was written by Art & Franco. Ask Greg Reply
April 12, 2011: Psycho Pirate is the main villain of the Free Comic Book Day issue and was designed in the basic style of the series by Mike Norton with input from Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti and Phil Bourassa. Ask Greg Reply
April 15, 2011: Christopher Jones will become the artist of the Young Justice comic, starting with issue six. WF Article
April 19, 2011: A five page preview of the Free Comic Book Day issue, including a first look at Psycho Pirate. WF Article
April 20, 2011: A four page and covers preview of issue three. WF Article
April 29, 2011: There will be more mentoring in the companion comic book. Ask Greg Reply
May 5, 2011: Synopsis for Free Comic Book Day issue revealed. The Source Blog Entry
May 5, 2011: Robin and Kid Flash's back stories will be addressed in Issue #5 and 6. Ask Greg Reply
May 16, 2011: Cover, August 24th release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #7. WF Article
May 17, 2011: A four page and covers preview of Issue #4. WF Article
May 25, 2011: There will be a bit more Captain Atom in Issue #9. Ask Greg Reply
June 13, 2011: Cover, September 21st release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #8. WF Article
June 21, 2011: An interview with artist Christopher Jones reveals #7 and #8 will be an Artemis two-parter that explores her "backstory, stuff that hasn't been revealed on the show...a flashback to events seen in the show, but now seeing more of these scene, getting Artemis' point of view." Jones hints first-tier villains are set to appear on the show and comic. He also says #5 reveals "which Flash got how powers by accident, which one got them by design, and which one blew up his garage! You'll learn how Kaldur earned his place as Aqualad. Learn what Superboy thinks about... sometimes...". WF Article
June 22, 2011: A four page and covers preview of Issue #5. WF Article
July 1, 2011: Greg Weisman confirms he is scripting Issue #9 and Christopher Jones is the artist for Issues 7-8. s8 Tweet
July 18, 2011: Cover, October 19th release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #9. WF Article
July 27, 2011: A four page and covers preview of Issue #6. WF Article
July 27, 2011: Three additionals pages of Issue #6 released for preview. The Source Entry
August 3, 2011: An upcoming story in the comic book will involve another trip to Atlantis and learning more about Aqualad and his family. CBR Article
August 9, 2011: Issue 12 will explore where Artemis was in "Downtime," during and after the disastrous Clayface mission. Ask Greg Reply
August 10, 2011: In the near future, Professor Ivo, Clayface, Ocean-Master and Ra's al Ghul will appear in the comics. Issue 7 will reveal a few of Artemis' secrets. WF Interview
August 11, 2011: How long Artemis lived with her mother, Paula Crock, will be explored in Issue 7. Ask Greg Reply
August 11, 2011: Young Justice Volume One, collecting Issues 0 to 6, is tentatively set for January 2012. WF Article
August 15, 2011: Cover, November 16th release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #10. WF Article
August 18, 2011: Christopher Jones interview reveals: Artemis fights M.O.N.Q.I. droids in trees for several pages, confirmed that was Wotan in Issue 6, he just finished #8, confirms #7 and 8 deal with Artemis and her backstory, Why she shot the arrow at Amazo and disappeared, Issue #9 involves a lot of old Captain Atom supporting cast, and is working on #11's cover, which involves a villain Jones wanted to draw since his time on "The Batman Strikes" and never got to. WF Interview
August 24, 2011: A four page and covers preview of Issue #7. WF Article
August 29, 2011: Christopher Jones hints there will be similar sequences in Issue #9 as the ones seen on Pages 14-15 of Issue #7. WF Article
September 14, 2011: Production Update for Comics: Issue 8 is complete, 9 is being inked, 10 is being pencilled and cover is done, 11's script was just turned in by Greg Weisman and cover is done, 12's cover has been pencilled and inked and Weisman is to break story page by page tonight, and 13-14's story is being discussed by Weisman and Kevin Hopps and then Hopps will break story page by page. Ask Greg Ramble
September 19, 2011: Cover, December 21st release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #11. WF Article
September 21, 2011: A four page and covers preview of Issue #8. WF Article
September 27, 2011: Christopher Jones, artist, provides a page by page breakdown for Issue 8. WF Article
October 2, 2011: Christopher Jones comments Issue 10 is all done and he started work on Issue 11. Christopher Jones Blog Entry
October 4, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals the battle seen in Issue 1-2 took place 4 years ago, the Infinity Island timestamp in Issue 2 should have been "ECT" instead of "EDT," that was Cat Grant in Issue 4, Jay Garrick debuted as Flash in 1940, Garrick has been in various stages of retirement since 1951 and didn't official announce his retirement until Barry Allen debuted, Garrick and Allen met about a year before the latter became Flash, and Allen was the Flash for 10 years. Ask Greg
October 4, 2011: Production Update for Comic: Issue 9 shipped for printing, 10 is being inked, 11 is being penciled, 12 is being scripted, and 13-15 have been plotted. Ask Greg Ramble
October 7, 2011: Christopher Jones blogs about crafting the cover for Issue 7. Christopher Jones Blog
October 8, 2011: Christopher Jones blogs about crafting the cover for Issue 8. Christopher Jones Blog
October 10, 2011: Christopher Jones blogs a teaser for the latest cover he completed. Christopher Jones Blog
October 17, 2011: Cover, January 18th release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #12. WF Article
October 19, 2011: A four page and covers preview of Issue #9. WF Article
October 20, 2011: Greg Weisman hints either Lucius Fox or Leslie Thompkins will appear in Issue 12. Ask Greg Reply
October 20, 2011: Christopher Jones blogs about crafting the cover for Issue 9. Christopher Jones Blog
October 31, 2011: Dick Grayson's uncle is named Richard, Rick for short. His aunt's name was Karla. Ask Greg
November 1, 2011: Production update for comic: Issue 10 has shipped, Issues 11-12 are being penciled, Issue 13 is scripted, Issue 14 is in script, and Issue 15 has been plotted. Ask Greg Ramble
November 11, 2011: Christopher Jones blogs about Issue 9 interior art. Christopher Jones Blog
November 12, 2011: Christopher Jones confirms Miss Martian impersonated Dr. Roquette and he designed characters like Peggy and Randy Eiling. Christopher Jones Blog
November 12, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals Vandal Savage is about 50,000 years old and Issues 11-12 will answer if Ra's al Ghul or Savage have children. Ask Greg
November 14, 2011: Christopher Jones reveals Talia and Ubu will appear in Issue 11. Christopher Jones Blog
November 14, 2011: Cover, February 15th release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #13. WF Article
November 16, 2011: A four page and covers preview of Issue #10. WF Article
November 16, 2011: Christopher Jones blogs about creating the cover for Issue #10. Christopher Jones Blog
November 16, 2011: Christopher Jones blogs about character design for Rako. Christopher Jones Blog
November 18, 2011: Christopher Jones blogs offers a tease of page two for Issue #11. Christopher Jones Blog
November 18, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals there was a subplot in "Terrors" that he had a personal affinity for but it was cut it for time. The subplot will wind up appearing in issues #14 and 15. Ask Greg
November 22, 2011: How Mammoth ended up in Belle Reve will be addressed in issue #16. Ask Greg
November 22, 2011: Production update for comics: Issue 11 is being colored, 12 is being inked, 13 is being pencilled, Weisman is doing his pass on Hopps' script for 14, and Hopps is working on his first pass of 15's script. Ask Greg Ramble
December 6, 2011: Christopher Jones' commentary about Issue #10. Christopher Jones Blog
December 6, 2011: Christopher Jones' posts a two page excerpt from Issue #13: Batman analyzing a sample of Clayface in the Batcave with Alfred nearby. Christopher Jones Blog
December 9, 2011: A new, exclusive Young Justice story will be included in the DC Nation Super Sampler issue released on Free Comic Book Day, May 5, 2012. FCBD Article
December 12, 2011: Cover, March 21st release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #14. WF Article
December 16, 2011: Members of the Justice Society will be featured in Issue #11. Christopher Jones Blog
December 19, 2011: Greg Weisman revealed Issue #11 exactly deals with where Robin was during episode 7 "Denial," Issues 11-13 is essentially a three parter with Clayface's origin in #12 bridging 11 and 13, Issues 11-13 set up and lead quite nicely into episode 8 and Issues 14 and 15, Issues 16 and 17 deal with the teammates not seen in 14 and 15, Weisman wrote Issues 11-13, Weiman and Kevin Hopps co-wrote Issues 14-17, and upcoming in the comic will be King Shark, Kobra, Aqualad's parents, and mentor/protege action with Green Arrow, Flash, and Batman. WF Interview
December 20, 2011: Christopher Jones reveals he was recently part of a story session for Issues #16 and #17, some of his ideas might be used after that two-parter, and he will be inking interior pages for upcoming issues in addition to the cover inking he's already doing. WF Interview
December 21, 2011: A five page and cover preview of Issue #11. The Source Article
December 24, 2011: Christopher Jones comments on crafting the final scene of Issue #11. Christopher Jones Blog
December 27, 2011: Christopher Jones comments on character design for Issue #11, including he got to design Talia, Ubu, and Tom Kalmaku. Jones indirectly reveals Carol Ferris will appear on the show. Christopher Jones Blog
December 28, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals Snapper Carr was 18 when the Joker found Mount Justice, is currently 22, and met the Justice League during their first adventure together. Ask Greg
December 28, 2011: Greg Weisman reveals Superboy's admissions and scenes from Issue #6 will be touched on in the show. Ask Greg
January 4, 2012: Greg Weisman hints Artemis will patrol with Green Arrow in Issue #16. Ask Greg
January 4, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals the exact date Robin's parents died was April 1, 2006. Ask Greg
January 9, 2012: Greg Weisman hints Issue #14-15 will explore more of Aqualad, Shayeris, Atlantis, and Poseidonis. Ask Greg
January 10, 2012: Greg Weisman teases Icicle Jr. and Artemis may meet in Issue #13. Ask Greg
January 13, 2012: Greg Weisman hints where the rest of the Team was during "Terrors" will be addressed in Issues #16-17. Ask Greg
January 17, 2012: Cover, April 18th release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #15. WF Article
January 18, 2012: A five page and cover preview of Issue #12. WF Article
January 18, 2012: Chris Jones talks about Issue #12 and offers a mini production update: nearly finished inking Issue #14 and pencilling Issue #15. Chris Jones Blog Entry
January 18, 2012: Chris Jones hints "there's a TON of characters in this who will be familiar to long-time DC Comics fans" in Issue #15. Chris Jones Blog Entry
January 26, 2012: Greg Weisman elaborates on the Red Martians. They are a higher caste than the Green Martians and are considered royalty. Ask Greg
January 30, 2012: Volume Two: Training Days will be released in November 2012 for $12.99 and collects Issues #7-13. The Source Entry
February 2, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Topo is 13 years old and hints he and Atlanteans will be in Issues #14-15. Ask Greg
February 2, 2012: Greg Weisman hints Red Torpedo and Windward Home will play some factor in Issues #14-15, Red Inferno was the second Firebrand, its connection to the first Firebrand is unrevealed, Firebrand's "death" in "Humanity" took place at the site of the 1939 World's Fair actually happened in 1945, and the fair was also the headquarters of the All-Star Squadron. Ask Greg
February 3, 2012: Production Update for Comics: Issue #13 is at the printers, #14 is being inked by Chris Jones, #15's script is done and awaits pencilling, #16's script will be finished by Greg Weisman by the weekend, and #17 is plotted and Kevin Hopps is working on the first draft script. Ask Greg
February 6, 2012: Greg Weisman hints Issue #14 will reveal a large number of Atlantean cities. Ask Greg
February 13, 2012: Cover, May 30th release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #16. WF Article
February 13, 2012: Greg Weisman hints the arc from Issues #9 and 10 will be eventually revisited. Ask Greg
February 15, 2012: A five page and cover preview of Issue #13. The Source Entry
February 23, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Sha'lain'a and Calvin Durham will appear in Issue #14. Ask Greg
February 23, 2012: Greg Weisman hints Prince Orm and Ocean-Master will be explored in Issues #14 and 15. Ask Greg
March 5, 2012: Greg Weisman hints how Mammoth and Shimmer ended up in Belle Reve will be explored in Issue #17. Ask Greg
March 6, 2012: Chris Jones reveals the Young Justice portion of the DC Nation Free Comic Book Day issue will be an early peek at the Young Justice #16 and features Robin, Batman, Artemis, and Green Arrow. The sequence is written by Greg Weisman and Kevin Hopps, penciled and inked by Chris Jones, and colored by Zac Atkinson. A small teaser image is included Chris Jones blog
March 7, 2012: Chris Jones hints there will a scripted reference to him in Issue #16. Chris Jones blog reply
March 12, 2012: Cover, June 20th release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #17. WF Article
March 19, 2012: Chris Jones talks about crafting the cover for Issue #11. Chris Jones Blog Entry
March 20, 2012: Chris Jones talks about crafting the cover for Issue #12. Chris Jones Blog Entry
March 20, 2012: A cover and five page preview of Issue #14. DC Comics Blog Entry
March 21, 2012: Chris Jones talks character design and crafting the cover for Issue #14. Chris Jones Blog Entry
April 9, 2012: Cover, July 18th release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #18. WF Article
April 11, 2012: Chris Jones reveals Issue #18 will also deal with the origin of Grodd and Solovar. Solovar will be a silverback gorilla. Issue #16 will also feature a couple of gorillas. Chris Jones Blog Entry
April 12, 2012: Talia is 26 years old. Ask Greg
April 13, 2012: A cover and five page preview of Issue #15. DC Comics Blog
April 16, 2012: Green Arrow and Black Canary's relationship will be explored in Issues #20 and 21. Ask Greg
April 16, 2012: Will eventually see more of Talia in the comics. Ask Greg
April 16, 2012: Production Update for Comics: Issue 16 is at the printers, Issue 17 is being pencilled, Issue 18 is scripted and awaiting pencilling, Issue 19 is plotted and is being scripted now, Issues 20-22 are pretty much locked down story-wise, and for Issues 23 and Beyond - a fairly clear idea of the stories to be told. Ask Greg
May 3, 2012: Issue #19 will offer more insight into Ultra Humanite. Ask Greg
May 4, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals there are at least seven major characters that would have been in season two but there wasn't any room left for them. They will be saved for the comic book and/or a potential season three. Ask Greg
May 4, 2012: Chris Jones reveals in Issue #16, Flash and Kid Flash will be rounding up escaped animals at a zoo. Chris Jones Youtube
May 7, 2012: Chris Jones hints the comic will "have one foot in each timeframe." Chris Jones Blog Reply
May 8, 2012: Greg Weisman hints at least one character initially designed by Chris Jones for the comic will appear on the show. Ask Greg
May 8, 2012: Greg Weisman hints an Earth-16 version of the events of the DC Showcase short he wrote, "Green Arrow," will eventually appear in the comic. Ask Greg
May 14, 2012: Cover, August 29th release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #19. WF Article
May 18, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Issue #18 takes place between the events of "Alpha Male" and "Revelation". Ask Greg
May 18, 2012: DC Comics and Comixology offers the DC Nation Super Sampler Flip Book for free by digital download. DC Comics Blog Entry
May 30, 2012: Cover and five page preview for Issue #16 posted. DC Comics Article
June 11, 2012: Cover, September 19th release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #20. WF Article
June 12, 2012: Chris Jones reveals there were a few more season one time frame stories planned but it was mandated the comic jump forward to the season two time frame. Jones hints Greg Weisman has a plan. Chris Jones Blog
June 13, 2012: Production Update for Comics: Issue 17 is done, Issue 18 is being inked, Issue 19 is being pencilled, Issue 20 is scripted and ready for pencilling, Issue 21 is being scripted now, and Issue 22-25 are all loosely plotted. Ask Greg
June 13, 2012: Issues 20-25 are a six issue mini-series within the series. About 95% of the content is split between December 1st of Season One and five years later on December 1st, just before the start of Season Two. The Green Arrow, Black Canary, Artemis, Red Arrow story (set after Episode 1x14), I originally had planned as a two-parter for issues 20-21 will have to wait but will get to it eventually. The new structure will allow staff to bounce back and forth (even within a single issue) from Season One to Season Two to the gap between seasons and beyond. Ask Greg
June 20, 2012: Cover and five page preview for Issue #17 posted. WF Article
June 20, 2012: Chris Jones is currently designing a main villain from DC Comics for Young Justice. Chris Jones Tweet
June 22, 2012: Chris Jones reveals the villain he's designing will appear in Issue #20. Chris Jones Blog
June 26, 2012: Young Justice: Volume Three is tenatively set to release in February 2013. It collects Issues #14-19, is 128 pages, and will retail for $12.99. WF Article
July 9, 2012: Cover, October 17th release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #21. Brainiac will appear. WF Article
July 18, 2012: Cover and five page preview for Issue #18 posted. WF Article
July 21, 2012: Chris Jones hints he'll be drawing some relatively obscure characters in an upcoming issue. Chris Jones Facebook
July 24, 2012: Greg Weisman hints Dick Grayson's uncle was kept alive but paralyzed for a future story idea. The visuals of Mars Miss Martian talks about in the Issue #6 were a lie and all Martians look more or less like her true form. Ask Greg
July 27, 2012: Greg Weisman elaborates on what to expect for the timeline starting with Issue #20, constantly bouncing back and forth between Season One, Season Two and within the timeskip. Starting with issue #20, the timestamp gets an additional piece of information to disclose the year. Ask Greg
August 13, 2012: Cover, November 21st release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #22. Brainiac and Kylstar will appear. Lex Luthor's secret weapon is on the loose. WF Article
August 14, 2012: Chris Jones hints Kylstar will first appear in Issue #21 and will be featured on the cover of #23. Chris Jones Blog Reply
August 14, 2012: Chris Jones posts a preview of the Issue #23 cover. Chris Jones Blog Reply
August 15, 2012: Chris Jones hints to "watch for the many loves of Dick Grayson in Young Justice #20." Chris Jones Tweet
August 17, 2012: Chris Jones hints there is a major Justice League presence in an issue he is currently penciling. Chris Jones Tweet
August 28, 2012: Chris Jones hints he is drawing four villains who were members of the Legion of Doom on the Superfriends show. Three of the four are his own design. The fourth has or will appear on the show. Chris Jones Facebook
August 28, 2012: Chris Jones is currently inking Beast Boy in Issue #21. Chris Jones Facebook
August 29, 2012: Chris Jones reveals he is drawing "a lot of big guns from the show for the 1st time, plus designing LOTS of new characters." Chris Jones Twitter
August 29, 2012: Cover and five page preview for Issue #19 posted. DC Comics Blog
August 30, 2012: Chris Jones tweets he is currently finishing inks on Issue #21. Chris Jones Twitter
September 17, 2012: Cover, December 19th release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #23. Batgirl takes on Match alone, Superboy and the Justice League fight Kylstar, and Alpha Squad infiltrates Brainiac's ship above Metropolis. WF Article
September 18, 2012: Chris Jones posts a Creating a Cover entry for Issue #23. Chris Jones Blog
September 18, 2012: In an interview, Chris Jones reveals one of the postponed storylines involved the Marvel Family. In Issue #20's story, Blue Beetle was recruited. WF Interview
September 18, 2012: Comic Book Production Update: Issue 21 is being colored by Zac Atkinson, Issue 22 is being penciled by Chris Jones, Issues 23-24 are both fully scripted and await penciling, and Issue 25 is plotted. Greg Weisman will start on the script tonight. Ask Greg
September 19, 2012: Cover and five page preview for Issue #20 posted. WF Article
September 26, 2012: Greg Weisman hints Issue #25 will show a little bit of what took place in between seasons, something cool that just happened just after end of season one. CBR Interview
September 26, 2012: Luciano Vecchio confirms names of baby gorillas to designs in Issue #19. Confirms Nzame is the son of Tolifhar. Luciano Vecchio deviantArt reply
October 2, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals Captain Atom lives in Washington D.C. but when not with the Justice League, he's "kind of an international spy/hero type" and Black Lightning's home city will be revealed in Issue #21. Ask Greg
October 4, 2012: Greg Weisman hints the Superboy/Superman relationship and what role Miss Martian may have played in it will be a major subplot in Issues #20-25. Ask Greg
October 8, 2012: Chris Jones will design another DC Comics villain for an upcoming issue. Chris Jones Facebook
October 9, 2012: Chris Jones hints he is designing a character with a red and silver costume for Issue #23. Chris Jones Blog
October 9, 2012: Greg Weisman has just finished writing the script for Issue #25 and turned it in early this morning. Ask Greg
October 15, 2012: Cover, January 23rd release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #24. Deadshot will debut. WF Article
October 15, 2012: Volume Three, collecting Issues #14-19, will release on February 13, 2013 and retail for $12.99. WF Article
October 17, 2012: Cover and five page preview for Issue #21 posted. WF Article
October 17, 2012: Draaga will be appearing in an episode of Young Justice. Chris Jones Tweet
October 19, 2012: Correction, Draaga not appearing in an episode. He was designed by Chris Jones for the comic. Chris Jones Tweet
October 24, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms Perry White, Otis, Vartox, and Maxima appeared in Issue #21. YJ Wiki Talk Page
October 29, 2012: Chris Jones is currently inking crystals on Kylstar's ship. Chris Jones Facebook
October 30, 2012: Greg Weisman hints Rocket's B-09 designation will be officially revealed in the comics. Ask Greg
November 6, 2012: Chris Jones is almost finished inking Issue #23. Chris Jones FB
November 9, 2012: Greg Weisman hints Lagoon Boy will be getting substantial character development coming up in the comics. Ask Greg
November 12, 2012: Cover, February 20th release date, synopsis, and initial crew details for Issue #25. It will be the final issue. WF Article
November 15, 2012: Chris Jones is currently working on Issue #24. Chris Jones Facebook
November 18, 2012: Zac Atkinson posts unlettered colored versions of pages and covers from the "Players" arc of the tie-in comic. Zac Atkinson Blog
November 20, 2012: Chris Jones talks about designing Brainiac. WF Article
November 20, 2012: Cover and five page preview for Issue #22 posted. DC Comics Blog
December 4, 2012: Chris Jones tweets he just received the script for Issue #25. Chris Jones Tweet
December 19, 2012: Cover and five page preview for Issue #23 posted. WF Article
December 19, 2012: Chris Jones revealed he suggested the idea of Superboy meeting Clark Kent before he knew Kent was Superman, as seen in the comic's Players arc in #20 and 21. Chris Jones Tumblr
December 21, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals he was not told why Icon was removed from the covers of Issues #21 and 23. The changes were made by DC Comics. Ask Greg
December 30, 2012: Chris Jones drew a panel with 27 characters in it in Issue #25. Chris Jones Tweet
December 31, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals he had to rewrite Icon and Rocket out of Issues #21-25. Icon would have been one of the heroes captured by Kylstar and Rocket would have been with Zatanna throughout. But none of the plot was changed at all. The change was decided only by DC Comics for the tie in comic and doesn't affect the animated series at all. Ask Greg
January 9, 2013: Chris Jones is currently inking Issue #25. Chris Jones Tweet
January 16, 2013: Chris Jones is finishing up inking Issue #25. Chris Jones Tweet
January 22, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals the title for Issue #24 is "Milburn, Edgar and Jake" and a Kandor cameo. Ask Greg
January 22, 2013: Chris Jones hints panels from page 20 of Issue #25 will garner strong reactions. Chris Jones Tumblr
January 23, 2013: Cover and eight page preview for Issue #24 posted. WF Article
January 30, 2013: Chris Jones posts a "Creating a Cover" entry for Issue #24. Chris Jones Blog
January 30, 2013: Chris Jones posts character designs from Issue #14 and #15. Cal Durham was 40 years old and Sha'laina was 34. Chris Jones Blog
February 19, 2013: Greg Weisman talks about the tie-in comic, stories that were shelved, and Issue #25. The Green Arrow Family story that loosely adapted the DC Showcase Green Arrow short would have included Artemis, Red Arrow's life as an unwitting mole, and the death of Perdita's father. The Marvel Family story would have introduced Billy Batson's three best school friends: Freddy Freeman, Kit Freeman, and Mary Bromfield. In Issue #25, there will be an extra page bringing the total count to 21 pages. There will also be a total of 47 characters. WF Interview
February 20, 2013: Cover and 5 page preview of Issue #25. WF Article
February 20, 2013: Chris Jones answers questions about background characters in Issue #25. Chris Jones Twitter
February 22, 2013: Chris Jones provides commentary and production art on Issues #5-25. WF Interview
March 10, 2013: Christopher Jones and Zac Atkinson do Q&A about Young Justice. Reddit Chat
March 22, 2013: Greg Weisman hints the tie-in comic, Earth-16 comic that was pitched but not picked up, and/or season three that was not ordered would have dealt some with the Green Lanterns and Martians. Ask Greg
March 26, 2013: Young Justice: Invasion Volume One trade paperback will release in December 2013, collectiong Issues #20-25. It will contain 160 pages and retail for $12.99. WF Article
April 13, 2013: Christopher Jones posts Creating a Cover for Issue #25. Christopher Jones Blog
May 3, 2013: Chris Jones confirms the Marvel Family story was a two parter, would have been an origin story, and would have included the Earth-16 versions of Mary Marvel, Captain Marvel Junior and Shazam. The Earth-16 version of Freddie Freeman/Captain Marvel Junior was called Lieutenant Marvel. Scarecrow was also talked about being used at some point. Dynamic Buzz @ Youtube, 2:16-3:27
August 12, 2013: The Young Justice Volume 4: Invasion trade paperback, collecting Issues #20-25, will release on December 11, 2013 for $12.99. WF Article
October 8, 2013: Greg Weisman confirms Freddy Freeman is Lieutenant Marvel and Mary Bromfield is Sergeant Marvel. Ask Greg
November 18, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals he had an idea for an issue of the comics, basically to do a whole issue with a little framing device that was otherwise an episode of Hello Megan! but the comic didn't last long enough to do that. Nerdy Show Episode 160
December 16, 2013: Chris Jones talks about the comic and the fanbase. Jones reveals the unused Marvel Family story would have included Captain Marvel's origin. WF Interview
January 6, 2014: Greg Weisman reveals in the Players arc, he originally planned to show a scene where a "blank" Krolotean's body-suit adapted to match the person it was replacing. Ultimately, there wasn't enough page space when it came down to scripting the issue. Ask Greg
January 16, 2014: Greg Weisman reveals at the end of Team Year Zero, Rumaan Harjavti was 52 and Sumaan Harjavti was 50. Ask Greg
January 27, 2014: Greg Weisman confirms Kit Freeman, Freddy Freeman and Mary Bromfield are the same age as Billy Batson. Ask Greg
January 30, 2014: Greg Weisman reveals Mary Bromfield and Freddy Freeman were given A-designations like Billy Batson. Ask Greg
March 5, 2014: Chris Jones interview. A comic pitch done that was basically season three under DC's Digital First line. Geek Cave Blog (32 minute mark)
May 29, 2014: Chris Jones reveals the comic pitch included story ideas originally intended for season three. Chris Jones Tweet
October 3, 2014: Greg Weisman reveals Freddy Freeman's A-designation was A-06 and Mary Bromfield's was A-07. Ask Greg
June 24, 2016: Greg Weisman hints it wasn't a coincidence that both Mongul and Kylstar had similar back stories of a tyrant ousting them from their home planet and deciding to try to conquer the galaxy before returning. The identity/identities of the tyrant/tyrants are decided. Ask Greg
November 27, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms Brandon Vietti was involved in the comics, especially in coming up with the story realms for Issues #1-6. Greg Weisman Tweet
December 5, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Perry White was born in 1967. Ask Greg
December 8, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Wyynde was born in 1994. Ask Greg
December 8, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Ronal was born in 1993, Coral in 1998, Daanuth in 1985, Chian in 1992, and Blubber in 1996. Ask Greg
December 8, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals M'chiste was born in 1991, Trang in 1940 and Grodd in 1998. Ask Greg
December 13, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Jack Haly was born in 1944, Norman in 1982, and Rako in 1958. Ask Greg
December 13, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Tolifar was born in 1994, Solovar in 1990, Malavar in 1994, and Boka in 1998. Ask Greg
December 14, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Clemant Lemar was born in 1911. Ask Greg
December 14, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Nanaue Sha'ark was born in 1994 and Enos Polk in 1947. Ask Greg
December 14, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Djuba was born in 2002, Mallah in 2002, Primat in 1998, and Kevin Blankly in 1930. Ask Greg
December 15, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals Henry Yarrow was born in 1941. Ask Greg
June 19, 2017: Greg Weisman thinks DC Entertainment is considering a new comic book series. Ask Greg
September 25, 2017: Greg Weisman confirms Deadshot is Floyd Lawton and he was born in 1975. Ask Greg
October 31, 2017: Greg Weisman reveals the Red Martians are the Royal Caste. Ask Greg
March 6, 2018: Greg Weisman reveals M'chiste is from Posiedonis. Ask Greg reply
August 22, 2018: Christopher Jones reveals his Marvel Family print depicts character designs for the Wizard Shazam, Sergeant Marvel, and Lieutenant Marvel that he would have submitted for the Marvel Family arc that was cancelled. Christopher Jones Tweet
October 4, 2018: Greg Weisman and Chris Jones are working on a comic set before Outsiders and is exclusive to the DC Universe streaming service. Newsamara Article
October 4, 2018: Greg Weisman clarifies he and Chris Jones are working on one comic issue set between Invasion and Outsiders and it does not cover the entire timeskip. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 9, 2018: Christopher Jones worked on the cover of the tie-in comic. Christopher Jones Tweet
October 12, 2018: Christopher Jones finished the cover of the tie-in comic. Christopher Jones Tweet
October 28, 2018: Christopher Jones reflects on drawing Zeta Tubes. Christopher Jones Tweet
October 29, 2018: Christopher Jones started inking the first half of the comic and finished thumbnails for the second half. Christopher Jones Tweet
November 17, 2018: Christopher Jones finished pencils and inks on the comic. Christopher Jones Tweet
November 17, 2018: The last thing Christopher Jones rendered for the comic were rectangular tiles for a background wall. Christopher Jones Tweet
November 19, 2018: Christopher Jones saw the artwork with lettering for the comics. Christopher Jones Tweet
November 21, 2018: The tie-in comic releases in December. Christopher Jones Tweet
November 27, 2018: The prequel comic will release as two 10-page chapters sequentially on January 2 and January 3 leading up to the series premiere on January 4. World's Finest Article
December 4, 2018: Christopher Jones saw lettering proofs for the comics and confirms the timestamps have "Team Year #" included. Christopher Jones Tweet
December 13, 2018: Christopher Jones mentions a "Ramirez" worked on the comic. Christopher Jones Tweet
December 13, 2018: First look at chapter 1 comic cover. YJFanVids Tweet
December 28, 2018: Preview for chapter 1 of the comic released. Newsarama Article
December 28, 2018: The comics format was always requested to be in two 10 page chapters. Chris Jones Tweet
December 28, 2018: Chapter 1 of the comic will end on a cliffhanger. Chris Jones Tweet
January 2, 2019: Chris Jones confirms Charlie Chaplin, Humphrey Bogart, Fred Astaire, Phantom of the Opera, and Mae West nods in Chapter 1. Chris Jones Tweet
January 3, 2019: Greg Weisman reveals the moderator in Torch Songs: Part 1 was Tod Donner. Greg Weisman Tweet
May 7, 2019: There will be "Young Justice: The Animated Series - Book One" trade paperback collection this October 2019. The price is $19.99. WF Tweet
May 22, 2019: Christopher Jones confirms there were plans to feature Rocket in the comic. Christopher Jones Tweet
June 14, 2019: "Young Justice: The Animated Series - Book One" trade paperback releases on October 2, 2019 and includes Issue #0 to 13 and the 2011 Free Comic Book Day issue. CBR Article
July 10, 2019: If you purchase an annual subscription to DCU at the DC/WB booth during SDCC, you will get a set of 4 variant covers. One of the comics, is a physical printing of the YJ prequel comic from January. CBR Article
July 31, 2020: A new trade paperback collecting Issues #14 to 25 of the tie-in comic book will release in May 2021. WF Tweet
January 15, 2021: Young Justice Book 2: Growing Up collects Young Justice #14-25. List price is $24.99 and releases on May 18, 2021. CBR Article
March 27, 2021: Chris Jones clarifies Book Two collects issues #14 to 25 and the Outsiders digital comic. Chris Jones Tweet
April 9, 2021: Book Two will include character designs, unreleased artwork, and commentary from Greg Weisman and Chris Jones. Chris Jones Tweet
November 10, 2021: Psycho-Pirate was born in 1960 and Angela Randall was born in 1939. Ask Greg reply
November 10, 2021: The Collector of Worlds is about 16,000 years old. Ask Greg reply
November 11, 2021: Clifford P. Zmeck was born in 1933. Ask Greg reply
November 11, 2021: Nnamdi, Nzame, Simeon, Toto, and Ulgo were all born in Team Year Zero. Ask Greg reply
November 11, 2021: Tony Zucco as born in 1960 and Floyd Lawton was born in 1975. Ask Greg reply
November 16, 2021: Shirley Mason was born in 1935. Ask Greg reply
November 16, 2021: Ali, the Harjavti bodyguard, was born in 1986. Ask Greg reply
April 5, 2022: Greg Weisman received art from Ben Meares done by Christopher Jones. He hints at an announcement on Wednesday at 9 am. Greg Weisman Tweet
April 5, 2022: Christopher Jones has been working on both the show and a comic for the past six months. Greg Weisman Tweet
April 6, 2022: There will be a six issue mini-series written by Greg Weisman and art by Christopher Jones. Jason Wright is the colorist. It is titled Young Justice: Targets. It will first be available on DC Universe Infinite then available in comic shops about a month and a half later. Issue #1 releases on DC Universe on June 14 and in shops on July 26. Issue #1 has three covers: a regular cover by Christopher Jones, a variant by Meghan Hetrick and a 1:25 variant by Travis Mercer. Targets picks up where Young Justice: Phantoms leaves off. Expect plenty of action, nearly the entire cast, and multiple new revelations. The story involves Queen Perdita being kidnapped by mysterious armored assailants despite protection from Bowhunter Security and Green Arrow and Black Canary. Arrow and Canary are poisoned and left in a comatose state. A rallying cry bands super-teams together to rescue Pedita. Each issue will include a bonus story detailing a previously unseen adventure from past seasons of Young Justice. DC Blog
April 6, 2022: Four unlettered pages from Young Justice: Targets released. WF Article
April 25, 2022: Chris Jones drew Nightwing for the Targets comic. Chris Jones Tweet
May 1, 2022: Chris Jones drew an action scene for the Targets comic involving Green Arrow shooting arrows while performing absurd gymnastics. Chris Jones Tweet
May 4, 2022: Karla Grayson was born in 1968, John Grayson in 1969, May Lloyd Grayson in 1969, and Johnny Grayson in 1990. Ask Greg
May 7, 2022: Chris Jones drew Nightwing for the Targets comic. Chris Jones Tweet
May 11, 2022: Chris Jones drew El Dorado for the Targets comic. Chris Jones Tweet
May 12, 2022: A colored but unlettered page from Young Justice: Targets #1 showing a meeting between the Justice League, Team, Outsiders, and Brion released. HBO Max Tweet
May 12, 2022: A colored but unlettered page from Young Justice: Targets #1 showing Green Arrow in action released. DC Tweet
May 12, 2022: A colored but unlettered page from Young Justice: Targets #1 showing Spoiler, Mist, Nightwing, and Orphan leaving the Watchtower by Zeta Tube while Dr. Fate/Thirteen fights a monster released. DC Comics Tweet
May 12, 2022: A colored but unlettered page from Young Justice: Targets #1 showing Garfield looking at old photos of Perdita released. HBO Max Tweet
May 12, 2022: A page from Young Justice: Targets #1 originally called for "seeing Dr. Fate floating in space" but Chris Jones asked he could change it to Fate doing something. It was approved and Fate is now shown fighting a monster. Chris Jones Tweet
May 18, 2022: Chris Jones drew Nightwing for the Targets comic. Chris Jones Tweet
May 19, 2022: Chris Jones shares WIP of Nightwing, Spoiler, and Orphan for the Targets comic. Chris Jones Tweet
May 20, 2022: Young Justice: Targets #2 releases on August 23, 2022. Variant cover is by Meghan Hetrick. The Infinitors are assembled to help in the search for Perdita but can they be trusted? CBR Article
May 23, 2022: Chris Jones is drawing a Brion scene for the Targets comic. Chris Jones Tweet
June 4, 2022: Chris Jones shares a Targets WIP of Beast Boy, Wingman, and Wonder Girl. Chris Jones Tweet
June 10, 2022: Greg Weisman and Chris Jones will do a DC Community Live Q&A to celebrate the release of Targets #1 June 14 at 2pm PT/5pm ET. DC Tweet
June 11, 2022: Chris Jones shared a Targets WIP of Wonder Girl. Chris Jones Tweet
June 14, 2022: Interview with Greg Weisman and Chris Jones. The Targets story existed before the pitch. It wasn't created just for the comic. Two pages from Targets #1 included. DC Blog
June 14, 2022: Live Q&A with Greg Weisman and Chris Jones. New characters will debut in the Targets comic and there will be a Gargoyles easter egg in Issue #2. DC Community
June 15, 2022: Interview with Greg Weisman and Chris Jones. CBR Article
June 16, 2022: Interview with Greg Weisman and Chris Jones. A version of the pitch for Targets preceded season four. It evolved to after season four after the comic was greenlit. It uses some of the story elements came from ideas developed as part of the narrative timeline of the show from the infamous office wall covered with index cards for story ideas. After the greenlight, Weisman, Jones, and Brandon Vietti talked and settled on the kidnapping story. Production finished on Young Justice: Phantoms in November. Weisman wrote all six scripts between September and December 2021 about every three weeks. The Phantoms posters is what led to Jason Wright being brought in as the comic's colorist. Weisman equates it to season 4.1 and about 2 episodes in length. As of the interview, Weisman has seen issues #1 and #2 and pencils and inks for #3. Will learn a little more about a bunch of characters, meet new characters, learn more about Earth-16, more world-building, lovely character moments, and tons of characters will appear. Games Radar Article
June 16, 2022: Young Justice: Targets #3 print version releases on September 27, 2022. The variant cover is by Meghan Hetrick and Hispanic Heritage Month variant cover is by Adrian Guiterrez. Queen Perdita is rescued by Beast Boy's doubts are terrifyingly validated and across the globe from one another Nightwing and Robin find intelligence on the villain behind the kidnapping. The back up story stars Green Arrow. Chris Jones Tweet
June 18, 2022: In Targets, one of the new characters appearing is a name DC villain. A returning character is one what hasn't been seen in awhile since the show came back. Countdown City Geekcast YouTube, 49 min. mark
June 25, 2022: Chris Jones is working on a Superboy scene for Targets. Chris Jones Tweet
July 12, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals the events of Hot Mess: Memory One took place on September 28th and of Sorry Excuse: Memory Two on September 29th. Greg Weisman Tweet
July 22, 2022: Young Justice: Targets #4's physical release will be October 5, 2022. Covers revealed. There will be a third cover by Paul Renaud as part of a Black Adam movie tie-in. Lex Luthor's involvement becomes apparent. The Outsiders and Gorilla Squad head to a Lexcorp robotic factory in Bialya and find something that will rock them to their core. CBR Article
July 22, 2022: Chris Jones posts a wip from Targets of Beast Boy in elephant form being uppercut. Chris Jones Tweet
August 11, 2022: Floyd Lawton became Deadshot in 2000. Ask Greg
August 17, 2022: Young Justice: Targets collection set to release in July 2023. World's Finest Tweet
August 19, 2022: Young Justice: Targets #5's physical release will be November 22, 2022. Covers revealed. Superboy encounters a Kryptonite-laced Metallo. CBR Article
August 25, 2022: Chris Jones is drawing a Targets scene involving Miss Martian flying while phasing. Chris Jones Tweet
September 16, 2022: Young Justice: Targets #6's physical release will be December 27, 2022. Covers revealed. CBR Article
September 17, 2022: Chris Jones posts a Superboy WIP. Chris Jones Tweet
September 23, 2022: Chris Jones is getting back colored pages for Young Justice: Targets. Chris Jones Tweet
September 25, 2022: Chris Jones is currently working on Young Justice: Targets #6. Chris Jones Tweet
September 27, 2022: General Lemar's birth year changed from 1911 to 1912. Ask Greg
October 14, 2022: The nod in Targets #2 was to the French Gargoyles that met Captain Atom and Justice League International in JLA Showcase 80-Page Giant #1. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 26, 2022: Young Justice: Targets trade paperback has a release date of July 18, 2023 on Amazon. DCAUR Tweet
November 28, 2022: Chris Jones was told to draw Freddy Freeman as African-American. Chris Jones Tweet
December 3, 2022: Chris Jones specifically wanted to add in the black carbon fiber and play with lighting of the Kryptonite in Metallo's rib cage. Greg Weisman only specified 'this group of characters' are sitting together for the Wally funeral scene in the Targets finale. While working on Targets, Jones got to use 3d models of locations from the show to cut down on time like the Watchtower. Darksuperboy YouTube
January 31, 2023: Chris Jones did a variant cover for the Milestone 30th Anniversary Special. His cover features Rocket, Static, Icon, and Hardware. Chris Jones Tweet
Legacy News
February 21, 2012: A new video game, titled Young Justice: Legacy, will launch in early 2013 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo Wii. It will revolve around an original storyline set between seasons one and two. The story will be written in collaboration with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. There will be cameo appearances by Justice League heroes and villains. Game formats include online multiplayer and local multiplayer modes. There will be 12 playable heroes and 12 villains to defeat. The tagline is "One will rise. One will fall. One will die." WF Article
February 21, 2012: There is a teaser trailer for Young Justice: Legacy but due to the content and storyline of the game, it won't be released until after Season 2 starts on Cartoon Network. Young Justicee: Legacy Facebook Reply
March 7, 2012: Six playable heroes revealed: Aqualad, Superboy, Miss Martian, Robin, Kid Flash, and Artemis. Young Justice: Legacy Tweet
April 2, 2012: Six villains revealed for Young Justice: Legacy game - Black Manta, Cheshire, Icicle Jr., Killer Frost, Lex Luthor, and Sportmaster. WF Article
April 2, 2012: Young Justice: Legacy will be an Action RPG where players control multiple characters in a squad created from 12 possible team members to explore, fight, gather experience, and level up. It will feature both solo and multiplayer missions that follow an epic plotline spanning many locations all across the DC Comics world of Earth-16. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
April 2, 2012: In Young Justice: Legacy, Villains are not playable, but they will be featured in their own showdown at the end of each mission during the game. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
April 2, 2012: Several details revealed in Young Justice: Legacy's first subscriber email: the game is set to release in February 2013, the game's staff has been working hard with the show's creators to polish up the storyline which takes place between Season 1 and Season 2, in the upcoming weeks Little Orbit will be announcing the remaining six playable heroes, and each character will have signature moves and skills that make them unique to the player's squad. Toon Zone Post
April 29, 2012: Three more playable heroes and three more villains revealed: Zatanna (her 5 years later design), Tempest, Beast Boy, Psimon, Riddler, and Blockbuster. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
April 30, 2012: Young Justice: Legacy will also be available for PC. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
April 30, 2012: The first trailer and playable build for Young Justice: Legacy is expected to debut at the E3 convention in June 2012. WF Article
May 5, 2012: Three playable heroes and two villains revealed: Robin (Tim Drake), Rocket, Batgirl, Bane, and Klarion. Robin (Dick Grayson) has been changed to Nightwing. Miss Martian's look now reflects her Invasion design. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
May 5, 2012: The final villain to be revealed will play a major part of the storyline and was created just for the game with feedback from the show creators. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
May 11, 2012: One of the locations visited in Young Justice: Legacy will be Santa Prisca. Players assemble their own squad for a series of missions that explore a specific part of the island that hasn't been seen in the series. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
May 12, 2012: First screenshot for Young Justice: Legacy posted, Nightwing battles a League of Shadows Shadow on Santa Prisca. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
May 14, 2012: Second screenshot for Young Justice: Legacy posted, Artemis fires at a robot on Santa Prisca. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
May 20, 2012: Third screenshot for Young Justice: Legacy posted, Artemis, Superboy, and Aqualad battle robots on Santa Prisca with Shadows closing in. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
May 20, 2012: The last screenshot for Young Justice: Legacy will feature a hero everyone has been asking for. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
June 1, 2012: Fourth screenshot for Young Justice: Legacy posted, Kid Flash fights Bane on Santa Prisca. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
June 4, 2012: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti will appear at E3 tomorrow, June 5th, with the Little Orbit team to answer press questions for Young Justice: Legacy. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
June 7, 2012: Young Justice: Legacy will also be available on 3DS. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
June 7, 2012: Young Justice: Legacy will explain how the characters got to be where they are in season two, such as Robin (Dick Grayson) becoming Nightwing and Robin (Tim Drake) being introduced, the game focuses on what is initially a search for a missing archeologist, but turns into something much bigger, the story will eventually involve members of the Justice League, Greece and Siberia have been revealed as locations, the game has been in production since October, and the gameplay has players choose a team and level them up. The Gameslave
June 7, 2012: Young Justice: Legacy will release on February 13, 2013, the game covers a very crucial and important story in the 5 year gap, each character has two distinct skill trees such as Artemis who can be built to cause massive damage to individual targets or to focus more on group attacks, when playing solo player can switch between the characters at the push of a button, anything mechanical spawns - kind of like the old Gauntlet spawners - and the spawner must be destroyed or fight forever, and the 3DS version of the game in the works that will play more like "Final Fantasy Tactics." RPGFan
June 7, 2012: Minute clip of first playable build of Young Justice: Legacy. YouTube 1:04
June 8, 2012: Three minute clip of first playable build of Young Justice: Legacy. YouTube 2:56
June 8, 2012: There will be a DLC pack at the launch Young Justice: Legacy. It will feature four characters that technically aren't on the Team during the game's story. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
June 8, 2012: Three photos of Young Justice: Legacy booth at E3. The Santa Prisca mission will entail a Cliffs and Jungle section. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
June 9, 2012: Nine minute clip of first playable build of Young Justice: Legacy - those mechanical spawners are referred to as Spider-Bots and are Lex Luthor's, the game takes place about a year before season two, for the 12 playable characters you have to unlock some of them to play them, each character has 3 outfits, one outfit is Nightwing's classic outfit, Artemis may have a Huntress outfit, can find Red Arrow's caches and collect collectibles and upgrades for the Team, Caches will have journals that details more about his search for Speedy, there will be unlockable Challenge Modes, in terms of levels looks to be at least 5 Chapters including Elevator, Temple, and Black Manta sections, Batman will assign missions, and there are three missions where player fights alongside Justice League members such as Superman and Green Lantern. YouTube 9:07
June 10, 2012: Two minute clip of first playable build of Young Justice: Legacy. YouTube 2:15
June 10, 2012: Four and a half minute Q&A with Little Orbit's Doug Panter. Bleeding Cool Article-Video
June 11, 2012: As a clarification to the DLC pack announcement for Young Justice: Legacy, the playable character list is based on the team members available at the time the story takes place within the 5 year story gap. Lagoon Boy and Bumblebee are already on the Team, but they were on another mission, so they were excluded from the playable line-up. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
June 11, 2012: Interview with Greg Weisman during E3 about Young Justice: Legacy - Nightwing is 19 and mentoring Tim Drake, Tempest joined and left the Team during the 5 year gap, will be in-game dialogue, the 12th villain will play into season three, and the death in the game has to do with the point in time. ComicsOnline Interview (11 Minutes)
June 14, 2012: Six minute clip of first playable build of Young Justice: Legacy. There will be story cutscenes. YouTube 6:18 (3:15 mark)
June 16, 2012: Interview with Greg Weisman & Brandon Vietti and Little Orbit's Sharon Scott, Story Lead/Editor. Black Canary will be the trainer in the game, the game, in terms of development, is in the Pre-Alpha Stage, Red Tornado will be the equipment guy to go to, Batman, Aquaman, Green Lantern, and Superman will support the Team, in some missions, you may fight all of the villains on the roster, there are 17 missions total and overall 20 hours of gameplay, the screenshots posted online were from the PS3 and are not final, and the game is not in its 1st testing stage yet. Angry Joe Interview 14:55
June 19, 2012: There will be a playable demo of Young Justice: Legacy released on XBLA and PSN near launch date. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
August 17, 2012: Gamer Fit Nation interview during E3 reveals the missing archaeologist is female and Young Justice: Legacy story is set in latter half of the five year gap. GamerFitNation Interview
September 2, 2012: Young Justice: Legacy reached Pre-Alpha stage this weekend and almost half of the game's content is up and running. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
September 10, 2012: Greg Weisman hints given enough episodes and comics, along with Young Justice: Legacy, it will become clear why Cassie Sandsmark is Wonder Girl and not Donna Troy. Ask Greg
September 18, 2012: Legacy update: Greg Weisman has done a bit of polishing on some of the dialogue to make sure it's consistent with the show. Ask Greg
September 23, 2012: Sharon Scott answers some Q&A for Young Justice: Legacy - The game begins with the core six YJ members from Season One being playable (Nightwing, Superboy, Miss Martian, Kid Flash, Artemis, Aqualad) while the other members are unlocked in a variety of ways such as game progression, achievements, and side quests, there are cutscenes in the Mission Room between major areas of the game to support the ongoing story and story through-lines that are addressed within specific missions, Zatanna plays a key role in the events toward the end of the game, the game story starts 4 years into the 5 year gap (about a year before Season Two and both Nightwing and Robin are both part of the Team by this time), game is rated T, due to requirements of story progression, Squad Leaders locked in 5 areas of the game, and the game tells at least one major story that is alluded to in Season Two. YJ:L Facebook
September 24, 2012: Greg Weisman has just edited another dialogue script for cut scenes today of Young Justice: Legacy. Ask Greg
September 24, 2012: Sharon Scott answers some Q&A for Young Justice: Legacy - voice acting has not been recorded yet but it is coming up, the missing archaeologist is from the DC canon, cutscenes are created with in-game assets (3D animation), Scott waiting on final WB approvals on game scripts of last 2 areas, and the entire story was approved earlier this year. YJ:L Facebook
September 25, 2012: The Green Lantern used in Young Justice: Legacy is John Stewart. YJ:L Facebook
September 26, 2012: There are 5 areas in the game and 3 missions in each area, a total of 15 missions. For the most part, there is one level per mission. YJ:L Facebook
September 27, 2012: A new version of the official Young Justice: Legacy website was launched. It contains a blog section, featuring more on Story Lead Sharon Scott, a screenshots section, and sections for heroes and villains, including biographies and turnarounds of character models. Lex Luthor is the only character with a different look than on the show. New screenshots and the trailer are on the way YJ:L Facebook
September 27, 2012: Overview on the official Young Justice: Legacy website confirms Dr. Helena Sandsmark is the missing archaeologist. The Light is exploiting Dr. Sandsmark's expertise to locate fragments of an ancient statue of legendary power. YJ:L Overview
October 5, 2012: Sharon Scott blogs about Young Justice: Legacy, "From Inspiration to Concept." The idea of "Mentor Missions," areas in the game where the player and their Team would work alongside a Justice League member, are meant to emphasize the mutual respect and collaboration between the two superhero teams felt by the end of season one. YJ:L Community
October 22, 2012: Voice over recording for Young Justice: Legacy to begin this week. YJ: Legacy Facebook
October 22, 2012: Khary Payton recorded for Young Justice: Legacy. Khary Payton Tweet
October 27, 2012: Sharon Scott posts a blog about the main story in Young Justice: Legacy. Some early concepts were Lex Luthor is collecting pieces of the Spear of Reckoning, an ancient Greek weapon with the power to destroy the world, Ra's Al Ghul is combining the Blockbuster serum with basic elements to create a monstrous, lethal elemental army, and Desaad is using magna-disk technology to create an Apokoliptan weapon of mass destruction. WB didn't want the weapon to be Greek in origin and requested something more ancient. Scott settled on an ancient myth that she could wrap the whole story around, gave the project a more unique visual style, it inherently suggested more interesting locations for the Team to travel to, even hinted at a story that could sort of turn the Earth-16 universe on its ear, and the myth was singular to this particular ancient culture providing the game with a distinctive boss to fight at the end of the game. Sharon Scott Blog
October 29, 2012: Greg Weisman posts an update on voice recording for Young Justice: Legacy. Kelly Hu recorded today with Danica McKellar, Nolan North, Vanessa Marshall, Phil LaMarr and Lacey Chabert also scheduled. Stephanie Lemelin, Khary Payton, Bruce Greenwood (Weisman was not present because it was during the last sound mix for Season 2, Episode 20), Yuri Lowenthal, Jason Spisak and Thom Adcox have already recorded. There will be more recordings later in the week. Lucas Carr won't be in the game. Ask Greg
October 30, 2012: Greg Weisman posts an update on voice recording for Young Justice: Legacy. Mark Rolston recorded for Lex Luthor and later in the day: Eric Lopez, Jesse McCartney and Cameron Bowen. There will be more recording next week. Ask Greg
November 2, 2012: Little Orbit provides fact details for Young Justice: Legacy. The XBox 360 and PS3 versions will retail for $49.99 and the DS, 3DS, and PC for $29.99. WF Article
November 6, 2012: Greg Weisman posts an update on voice recording for Young Justice: Legacy. Nick Chinlund and Kevin Michael Richardson recorded on Monday and Cree Summer, today. Ask Greg
November 7, 2012: New Young Justice: Legacy screengrab features Artemis, Nightwing, and Aqualad fighting Cheshire in Greece. YJ:L FB
November 8, 2012: 10 new Young Justice: Legacy screengrabs released. First looks at what appears to be two new Lexbots, League of Shadows in winter outfits, and the Siberia mission. First look of Tempest, Robin/Tim Drake, Icicle Jr., Manta Troopers, The Cave, Black Canary, Batman, Red Tornado, and Superman. WF Article
November 17, 2012: In Young Justice: Legacy, there will be loads of unlockable costumes and the release date is now March 2013. YJ:L Facebook
November 20, 2012: The reason for Young Justice: Legacy's release being pushed to March is "for quality and game development reasons," including "a massive amount of cut scenes in the game with a large voice cast" and "several development milestones ran behind." YJ:L Facebook
November 28, 2012: Young Justice: Legacy producer Reed Livingston and story lead Sharon Scott mention a Team Boost System that will temporarily boost the squad's offense but it will require coordination to pull it off. It is also reiterated the game story takes place a little over a year before the events of Season Two. Comic Blog Interview
December 1, 2012: Young Justice: Legacy 30 second trailer released. Little Orbit Youtube
December 11, 2012: Greg Weisman confirms the action, but not all of the backstory, in Young Justice: Legacy takes place in Team Year Five. Ask Greg
January 29, 2013: A second Young Justice: Legacy trailer is underway, cut scenes for the storyline are being finalized, and the network multiplayer features are being thoroughly tested. Young Justice: Legacy Facebook
February 5, 2013: Little Orbit CEO Matthew Scott reveals the game is in the late stages of development between Beta and GMC. The game and story is done. Little Orbit also spoke to Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti about a possible sequel and other "stuff" possibly utilizing some of the ideas for season three. Little Orbit has the license for a "long time." CBR Interview
February 6, 2013: The 3DS version of Young Justice: Legacy will have different gameplay but the same storyline. YJ:L Facebook
February 10, 2013: A couple issues have delayed development of Young Justice: Legacy. The game release date is being locked in right now. YJ:L Facebook
February 16, 2013: Young Justice: Legacy will release on September 10, 2013 on Playstation 3, XBox 360, Nintendo Wii-U, Nintendo 3DS, and PC on Steam. In the next couple of weeks, Little Orbit will be opening up pre-orders across a number of online retailers, premiering the box art, and unveiling an all new full length trailer. YJ:L Facebook
March 18, 2013: At least two of the DLC characters are from Young Justice: Invasion were added to DLC in order to support the post-Season 2 launch. YJ:L Facebook
March 21, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals Red Arrow and Cheshire's marriage will play into plans for Young Justice: Legacy. Ask Greg
March 23, 2013: Official box art for Young Justice: Legacy revealed. YJ:L Facebook
March 23, 2013: The four DLC characters in Young Justice: Legacy will be revealed next week and a second trailer is tentatively set for two weeks. YJ:L Facebook
March 23, 2013: The second trailer for Young Justice: Legacy is much longer than the first and shows off a number of the game's story elements. YJ:L Facebook
March 23, 2013: Young Justice: Legacy fills in some major events that are hinted at in the show. YJ:L Facebook
March 23, 2013: Characters in Young Justice: Legacy will have there are three alternate costumes, one costume is unlockable in the game, and the other two are DLC packs. YJ:L Facebook
March 23, 2013: For the Young Justice: Legacy box art, Little Orbit did the design, worked with WB Animation on the line art, and color was provided Steve Firchow. YJ:L Facebook
March 23, 2013: Five concept designs for Young Justice: Legacy box art posted. YJ:L Facebook
March 23, 2013: Footage of Zatanna will be in included in the second trailer of Young Justice: Legacy. YJ:L Tweet
March 24, 2013: The box art of Young Justice: Legacy is driven by the story and Nightwing will get some major screen time. YJ:L Tweet
March 31, 2013: From the informal Ask Greg Live at Wonder Con - Legacy - will help explain why Red Arrow and Cheshire got married and might hear more about the "poor, disgraced Ocean-Master." Ask Greg and YJ Wikia thread
April 2, 2013: New screengrab teaser for Young Justice: Legacy released, featuring Icicle Junior. YJ:L Facebook
April 3, 2013: A new trailer and additional promotional material for Young Justice: Legacy is set to be released in the coming weeks. Jeremy Bear, whom currently works at Binary Pulse in Orange County, California did the box art. Hi-Res art for the Playstation 3 and XBox 360 versions released. WF Article
April 16, 2013: Project Cadmus is part of Young Justice: Legacy's story, there will be some new villains, and there might be another announcement at the next E3. GamerFitNation Youtube
May 4, 2013: The four DLC characters will be Bumblebee, Lagoon Boy, Wonder Girl, and Blue Beetle. There are other DLC packs planned for launch and beyond. YJ:L Facebook
May 11, 2013: The full trailer for Young Justice: Legacy will be released online on May 25 at 10 am Pacific Time. YJ:L Facebook
May 17, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals he has finished updating the Earth-16 timeline. The final version stands at 250 pages. Includes everything from the two seasons, the tie-in comic, the Legacy video game, some back story such as the Golden Age, and some of the characters from the five year gap. Ask Greg
May 23, 2013: Young Justice: Legacy has already been approved for Steam. YJ:L Facebook
May 25, 2013: Full minute 20 second Young Justice: Legacy trailer released. WF Article
May 25, 2013: A full playable version of Young Justice: Legacy will be at E3 in June with production team on hand at South Hall, Meeting Room 308a. Gamasutra Article
May 25, 2013: Young Justice: Legacy is submitted to manufacturing in June then the team will work on DLC afterwards. YJ:L Tweet
May 26, 2013: Little Orbit is currently working on Young Justice: Legacy pre-order bonuses with retailers. YJ:L Tweet
May 27, 2013: The first wave of DLC characters for Young Justice: Legacy can be purchased and downloaded as individuals or a special combo character pack. WF Article
June 12, 2013: Three minute video from E3 with Doug Panter on Young Justice: Legacy. Some of the Siberia mission played. Gamespot on YouTube
June 12, 2013: The Wii, Wii U and 3DS versions have been delayed to 2014 to make them better suited for each platform. Nintendo World Report
June 25, 2013: New screengrabs, among them revealing a Biayla mission. Diehard GameFan Article
July 30, 2013: Tula has an importat role in Young Justice: Legacy. Ask Greg
August 2, 2013: The release date of Young Justice: Legacy has been delayed to November 19, 2013. The Ninetendo formats will utilize the touch screen ability. WF Article
August 3, 2013: Young Justice: Legacy will be available on Sony PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo Wii and Nintendo 3DS. The Nintendo versions will only differ by the combat style in order take advantage of their unique controls and some screenshots will be posted. Development is running "a little behind," accounting for the latest release delay. YJ:L Facebook
August 15, 2013: Doug Panter hosts a tour of Young Justice: Legacy. Some of the Greece mission and first cutscene are shown. It is revealed: players can buy Wayne Tech gadgets to enhance characters between missions, Dr. Sandsmark is kidnapped from her dig in Olympia, Greece, Cheshire and League of Shadows search Sandsmark's dig for something, cutscene reveals time stamp Mount Justice February 16, 21:31 EST Team Year Five, Dr. Sandsmark's work is of interest to both Aquaman and Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman is occupied on Themyscira and asks the Team to investigate the kidnapping, will be a Gotham City mission, In "Arrival" mission player can find 2 Cheshire Diorama, 1 Sportsmaster Diorama, 1 Red Arrow Journal, and 1 Alternative Costume. Kotaku Video (7:57)
August 17, 2013: Doug Panter talks Young Justice: Legacy. Confirms DLC Alternate Costume packs at launch. Dark Phoenix Inc Video (7:36)
October 19, 2013: Little Orbit announces they are officially finished with Young Justice: Legacy. YJ:L Facebook
October 23, 2013: Jason Spisak reveals he voiced Kid Flash, part of Beast Boy's lines, and Riddler in Young Justice: Legacy. Jason Spisak Tweet
October 27, 2013: Little Orbit announces the Wii and Wii-U versions Young Justice: Legacy have been cancelled due to several reasons ranging from quality issues to lack of retailer support. Both of these platforms presented challenges they couldn't overcome. The XBox360, PS3, 3DS, and Steam versions will still release on November 19th. YJ:L Facebook
November 11, 2013: Steam page for Young Justice: Legacy reveals 49 total achievements. Steam Page
November 18, 2013: Nine more images of Young Justice: Legacy revealed. WF Article
November 27, 2013: Little Orbit reports PSN's DLC for Young Justice: Legacy will go live on December 3rd. YJ:L Facebook
January 31, 2014: Greg Weisman confirms Ocean Master was no longer in the Light during Legacy, and Blue Beetle did not join the Justice League on November 1, Team Year One. Ask Greg
February 9, 2014: Vanessa Marshall confirms voicing Black Canary and Killer Frost in Young Justice: Legacy. Vanessa Marshall Tweet
March 20, 2014: Greg Weisman posts full cast list for Young Justice: Legacy. Ask Greg
December 12, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals during his and Brandon Vietti's consultation on Young Justice: Legacy, they decided Vandal Savage was Marduk. Greg Weisman Tweet
August 31, 2022: After Jade left Roy, she was able to briefly reconcile with the League of Shadows, who placed her under probation, and temporarily suspending the contract on her life. During this time, she was working for the League during the events of Legacy. Once she realized she was pregnant, she fled the Shadows again, and the contract was reinstated. But it was an open contract and not considered a priority. It is unclear if Jade is safe under the terms of the Light's Nuclear Option. Ask Greg
Season Three Outsiders News
May 4, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals there are at least seven major characters that would have been in season two but there wasn't any room left for them. They will be saved for the comic book and/or a potential season three. Ask Greg
May 15, 2012: Greg Weisman reveals if there is a season three, there would be a time skip between the last episode of season two and the first episode of season three. Ask Greg
June 11, 2012: Interview with Greg Weisman during hints the 12th villain from Legacy will play into season three. ComicsOnline Interview (11 Minutes)
July 18, 2012: Greg Weisman hints if there is a season three, he would be interesting in incorporating some characters from the Wildstorm comics. Ask Greg
August 17, 2012: Starfire is a character the staff has talked about using for season three. GamerFitNation Interview
September 27, 2012: Season 3 is all worked out very much in advance - the basic storyline and the characters, not exactly what would happen in every episode. Aquaman Shrine Interview
March 10, 2013: Jerome Moore, Character Designer, hints "Season Three promised lots of new surprises and new additions to the cast, including a character of my own creation." Jerome K Moore deviantArt
March 22, 2013: Greg Weisman hints there were plans for using more characters from Justice League comics, including some in this list: Vixen, Gypsy, Dr. Light, Fire, and Ice. Ask Greg
March 22, 2013: Greg Weisman hints the tie-in comic, Earth-16 comic that was pitched but not picked up, and/or season three that was not ordered would have dealt some with the Green Lanterns and Martians. Ask Greg
April 29, 2013: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti had specific ideas of an Earth-16 version of the Wonder Twins, Zan & Jayna, for Season Three. Ask Greg
August 9, 2013: Greg Weisman teases there are very specific plans for the Martians. Ask Greg
November 21, 2013: Little Orbit is definitely interested in making a Young Justice: Legacy sequel set in season 3 but it depends on sales for Legacy. Ask Greg Ramble
January 10, 2014: The Earth-16 timeline is 283 pages. Life After Young Justice
January 10, 2014: There was a lot of talk of bringing in Onyx and there was definitely plans for Stephanie Brown. Life After Young Justice
January 30, 2014: Greg Weisman confirms Troia would definitely have been introduced in the comic and show. Ask Greg
January 30, 2014: Greg Weisman reveals there were plans for Ravager given enough seasons. Ask Greg
January 31, 2014: Greg Weisman confirms there were plans for the unidentified alien race that sent Tiamat to Earth. Ask Greg
March 22, 2014: Greg Weisman confirms there were plans to bring in Arrowette and Speedy/Mia Dearden, no specific and immediate plans for Connor Hawke. CBC Spotlight Ep.13 21:46-30:30
April 26, 2014: Greg Weisman confirms there were big plans for Jack Kirby's Fourth World (Darkseid, Apokolips, New Genesis, New Gods) in season three. It would have been a big element of the season. The Flash Podcast, 36:12-36:40
June 12, 2014: Brandon Vietti confirms there were many great discussions about story possibilities and designs for Mars. Brandon Vietti Tweet
June 29, 2014: Greg Weisman confirms there were plans for the Doom Patrol. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 1, 2014: Chris Jones confirms there were plans for Supergirl and Troia to appear. Examiner Article
April 17, 2015: Greg Weisman reveals more about a story idea for the Green Lanterns. There was an arc involving young rookies in the Corps. Mary Sue Interview
April 4, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms there were no plans for Supergirl in season two. Ask Greg
November 7, 2016: Season Three has been greenlit. Producers Brandon Vietti and Greg Weisman are returning. "New twists, turns and dangerous new threats for the team" synopsis released along with promo poster. There is a site but it is not live yet. CBR Article
November 7, 2016: Greg Weisman states he starts at Warner Brothers on Monday, November 14. ComicBook Article
November 7, 2016: Greg Weisman states he knew about season 3 for about a week. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 15, 2016: Greg Weisman confirms they only started arcing the season and voice recording is months away. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 17, 2016: Greg Weisman reveals only Warner Bros. is currently funding season three. Ask Greg
December 12, 2016: Greg Weisman hints Season Three will play off of things from season one, season two, and the comics. Ask Greg
December 15, 2016: Greg Weisman clarifies that while the crew consults with DC Entertainment, only he and Brandon Vietti are currently working on stories for season three. Greg Weisman Tweet
December 25, 2016: Greg Weisman clarifies season three is not in pre-production yet. Greg Weisman Tweet
December 27, 2016: Greg Weisman estimates season three can't possibly be ready before November 2017 at the earliest. Greg Weisman Tweet
January 7, 2017: Phil Bourassa works on season three at WBA. Tiffanie Miyashiro instagram
February 7, 2017: Khary Payton confirms he will return for season three. ComicBook Article
February 13, 2017: Episodes will not be 11 minutes in runtime. Ask Greg
February 14, 2017: No characters are off limits so far. No character that's been asked to use has been vetoed yet. Ask Greg
February 26, 2017: Phil Bourassa notes he is working on season three. Phil Bourassa instagram
March 7, 2017: Phil Bourassa works on season three at WBA. Tiffanie Miyashiro instagram
March 9, 2017: Phil Bourassa looked at scripts for season three and texted the producers in real time. Phil Bourassa instagram
March 13, 2017: Greg Weisman reveals he's mostly reading DC Rebirth titles as potential research. Ask Greg
March 16, 2017: Brandon Vietti posts a photo of stacks of colored index cards at 16:16 PDT. Brandon Vietti Tweet
March 19, 2017: Phil Bourassa works on season three with his Cintiq late into the night. Tiffanie Miyashiro instagram
April 6, 2017: Greg Weisman notes there are more and more crewmembers coming aboard almost daily. Ask Greg
April 10, 2017: Greg Weisman confirms both original season 3 ideas and some things that morphed over the years are being used. About five seasons have been roughly planned from the start. Ask Greg
April 11, 2017: Khary Payton hints at starting voice work. Khary Payton Tweet
April 25, 2017: Season 3 is titled "Young Justice: Outsiders", it is set to release in 2018, it will be available through the DC Digital Service platform, and synopsis reveals the Team "takes on meta-human trafficking and the terrifying threat it creates for a society caught in the crossfire of a genetic arms race spanning the globe and the galaxy". WF Article
May 4, 2017: Greg Weisman talks about scripting. He and Brandon Vietti generate the springboards and break the stories then he writes all the beat outlines. The outlines are then handed off to the writers to go straight to script. Some differences from season one and two was Kevin Hopps' involvement in generating springboards and the writers did the outlines. Ask Greg
May 31, 2017: Chris Copeland joined production as a storyboard artist. Chris Copeland Instagram
May 31, 2017: Alyson Stoner recorded this morning. Alyson Stoner Tweet
June 2, 2017: Greg Weisman confirms the staff is under an info-embargo from Warner Brothers for the time being but confirms the staff is composed of people who worked on season one, season two, and new to the series. Ask Greg
June 9, 2017: Diana Ling started storyboarding this week. Diana Ling instagram
June 20, 2017: Nolan North reveals as of June 16 weekend, five episodes of Outsiders have been recorded. YJ Wiki Tweet
July 1, 2017: Marina Sirtis confirms she will reprise the role of Queen Bee. Marina Sirtis Tweet
July 7, 2017: Britt Baron is about to voice record. Elite Daily News Video 8:55 mark
July 21, 2017: Still of the new incarnation of the Team posted: Static, Kid Flash, Robin, Wonder Girl, Spoiler, Blue Beetle, Thirteen, Arrowette, Arsenal, and Beast Boy. CBR Article
July 21, 2017: Summary of panel. Outsiders will be 26 episodes, about 12 are written and the last few haven't been written yet. After early production art from season 1 was shown, slides of the new Team were shown. There were plans to write out a character for the majority of season 3 that suddenly became a major player - even a lead - in the series. Black stealth suits were shown lastly. CBR Article
July 21, 2017: Summary of panel. So far all or most of the first 10 episodes have been recorded. Newsarama Article
July 21, 2017: DC tweets slide of Artemis Crock, Nightwing, Black Lightning, and Superboy wearing black stealth suits. DC Comics Tweet
July 21, 2017: Black Lightning confirmed to be with Artemis, Nightwing, and Superboy in the black stealth suits. ComicBook Article
July 21, 2017: Cissie King-Jones from season 1 confirmed to be Arrowette and Stephanie Brown from Invasion confirmed to be Spoiler. There are plans for season 4 and season 5 already. ComicBook Article
July 21, 2017: Thirteen's powers are magic like Traci Thirteen in the comics but with a 'Young Justice' twist. Newsarama Article
July 21, 2017: Q&A with Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti, and Phil Bourassa at SDCC. There won't be more swearing and gore since the show is streaming. The three act structure of an episode will stay but they're now thinking in terms of not having commercial breaks. First world nations, third world nations, rogue nations, corporations, and aliens will be trying to weaponize the metagene. IGN YouTube 2:25 video
July 24, 2017: 56 minute recording of SDCC panel. Daniel Alvarez YouTube
July 25, 2017: Summary SDCC roundtable with Weisman, Vietti, and Bourassa. There will still be a heavy focus on the core characters from season 1 and 2, some core characters moved from the mentee to mentor position, any person can be kidnapped, experimented on, and trafficked as a weapon, Bash Bashford from the classic Superboy comics will appear, in addition to the next generation of the Team there will be some progeny appearing, and they will up the ante on Fourth World but it may not be what fans are expecting. io9 Article
August 2, 2017: Phil Bourassa hints the all black stealth suits connects to where Nightwing's arc left off in Invasion. ComicBook Article
August 6, 2017: Weisman and Vietti reiterate "part and parcel of what we always built into this show, is this idea of time passing, characters aging up, and new characters coming in" and "it's a show about generations we have to have new characters coming in." Vietti cites an interesting part of the writer's room was figuring out how these new characters interact with the now older characters. ComicBook Article
August 17, 2017: Q&A with Phil Bourassa, Brandon Vietti, and Greg Weisman. There might be new members of the Team aside from Spoiler, Arrowette, and Thirteen. The Light and Vandal Savage confirmed as Big Bads. DC YouTube
October 6, 2017: Dynamic Music Partners will compose Outsiders. Collider Article
October 31, 2017: Nolan North, while at Derby City Comic Con, revealed 15 to 16 episodes total have been recorded. YJ Wiki Tweet
November 24, 2017: Greg Weisman confirms there is no footage yet. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 24, 2017: Greg Weisman confirms there are no completed episodes yet. Greg Weisman Tweet
December 23, 2017: Greg Weisman confirms there are no completed episodes yet. Greg Weisman Tweet
December 26, 2017: Greg Weisman estimates Outsiders will release sometime in the second half of 2018. Greg Weisman Tweet
December 27, 2017: Greg Weisman estimates Outsiders will release in the fourth quarter of 2018. Greg Weisman Tweet
January 21, 2018: Khary Payton reveals he just recorded an episode 2 to 3 days ago, will be voicing couple new characters, and there are dark storylines ahead, including stories about human lives and slavery. Geek To Me Podcast, 2:24 and 5:15 marks
February 16, 2018: Brandon Vietti is currently editing animatics for episode 16. Brandon Vietti Tweet
February 19, 2018: Jason Marsden reveals he was in Los Angeles last week recording with Danica McKellar. Jaime Thomason, Greg Weisman, and Brandon Vietti were also present. Jason Marsden instagram
March 6, 2018: Khary Payton reveals they just recorded episode 26. Toon Barn YouTube
April 5, 2018: Greg Weisman provides a production update on Outsiders. On April 4, 2018, Brandon Vietti and Greg Weisman spent most of the day locking the animatic for episode 3x20. In the middle of the day, they spent about an hour on the first pass picture edit of episode 3x07. They got through less than half of the episode. On April 5, 2018, Weisman had a meeting first thing in the morning to look at color backgrounds for episode 3x17. This was followed by Vietti and Weisman reviewing the storyboard for episode 3x23. They were interrupted, so Vietti could give notes on an animation test for 3x10. After, they went over to the Warner Bros. Ranch to meet with their bosses (something they do every other Thursday), then returned and tried to finish reviewing the 3x23 storyboard. For April 6, 2018, they are scheduled to review Ink & Paint on episode 3x16, then finish editing 3x07. After lunch, Vietti and Weisman are set to come back and call retakes on 3x07 then give storyboard notes on 3x23 to the episode's director. There are still current no episodes that are completely finished and ready for air. All the writing is done. Nearly all the recording is done. There are three straggler actors they need to pick up who were out of town when they last recorded the cast. About 11 episodes are still in some stage of preproduction, and 7 are in post-production. The remaining middle 8 are in the process of being animated in Seoul. Ask Greg
April 13, 2018: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti review storyboards for episode 24 at 10 pm. Greg Weisman Tweet
April 14, 2018: Two alleged low resolution screenshots show Superboy under attack. YJ Wiki Tweet
April 15, 2018: Screenshots were posted by Digital eMation on their portfolio. They are animating several episodes of Outsiders. YJ Wiki Tweet
April 16, 2018: Greg Weisman confirms Outsiders production is right on schedule. Outsiders is "very deep into Pre-Production, pretty darn deep into Production, and beyond the shallow end in Post-Production". Greg Weisman Tweet
May 2, 2018: New logo released. DC Article
May 10, 2018: Greg Weisman declares voice recording has finished before 11 am with the last stray actor. Greg Weisman Tweet
May 10, 2018: Greg Weisman reveals 1/13th of the animation is finalized. Greg Weisman Tweet
May 10, 2018: New promo art features Tigress, a new look for Black Lightning, Superboy, Nightwing, and five new characters. DC Blog
May 13, 2018: Phil Bourassa reveals the new promo art was done a few months ago and posts a work in progress of it. Phil Bourassa instagram
June 21, 2018: Phil Bourassa posts unaltered version of the promo art. Phil Bourassa instagram
June 22, 2018: Brandon Vietti announces Friday is sound mix day. Brandon Vietti Tweet
June 26, 2018: Vanessa Marshall will return as Black Canary in Outsiders. Discussing Film Tweet
June 26, 2018: Vanessa Marshall comments Black Canary won't have as a big a role as a teacher to some of the Team as Outsiders takes place later in their lives. She teases there will be some complex characters. Discussing Film YouTube 10:00-12:24
June 26, 2018: Greg Weisman reveals all Outsiders scripts are written. Greg Weisman Tweet
June 28, 2018: Release pushed back to 2019. CBR Article
June 28, 2018: New still of Blue Beetle, Kid Flash, Thirteen, Static, Wonder Girl, Robin, Spoiler, and Arrowette. ComicBook Article
June 28, 2018: Release delay was not a decision on the production end. Greg Weisman Tweet
June 28, 2018: Production is still on schedule. Greg Weisman Tweet
July 13, 2018: There will be a feature in TV Guide's Comic-Con Magazine. ComicBook Article
July 16, 2018: TV Guide Comic-Con special magazine reveals the Justice League has expanded but is stretched thin, which forces the younger heroes to pick up the slack. Spoiler won't have special powers but she's a skilled martial artist. Thirteen is a fun character who has inherited some natural "mystical" ability and she's being mentored by Zatanna. Forager has a certain charm and "is pretty cute" - something not done often on the show. Outsiders will explore this world built over the first two seasons through the eyes of characters who aren't sidekicks aren't born to be heroes. It's about a different group of kids who were developing powers and didn't know what they wanted to do in life, and how they see this world. It gives the first and second season characters the opportunity to step into the lives of these outsiders and help guide them to a better future. The show will be going to it's spy and mystery roots. Lex Luthor is now the UN secretary. There are definitely elements we are adapting from the Mike Barr and Jim Aparo Outsiders comics, a little New Teen Titans, and all sorts of other stuff. ToonZone Post
July 18, 2018: Comic-Con banner sighted with Vandal Savage and Darkseid looming over members of the Team. Greg Weisman Tweet
July 19, 2018: Comic-Con activation booth contains character art of Nightwing, Superboy, Tigress, Black Lightning, Katana, and Metamorpho. Young Justice Wiki instagram
July 19, 2018: The Comic-Con banner sighted is an exclusive poster being given away. Better look posted. Phil Bourassa Tweet
July 20, 2018: 5:50 trailer released. DC YouTube
July 20, 2018: Summary of panel live. The plan for season 3 didn't change much from Weisman and Vietti's initial plan. They wanted to try different characters. Growing up is a big part of the season. Troy Baker was suggested to Jaime Thomason and cast. Stephanie Lemelin will play another character who speaks another language. Artemis is still grieving and trying to move one with her life. There was a back and forth about Deathstroke's ponytail - he won't have it this season. Forager will be voiced by Jason Spisak, will bring the same levity as Kid Flash, will have an important role this season, and as an alien and different species - he sees Earth from a different perspective. Halo confirmed. Wally's passing is a huge factor on the Team's lives. There is no Teen Titans team operating but some Teen Titans characters will appear. Nearly every character from season 1 and 2 will return. There are no character embargoes. Seven episodes are done so far. Newsarama Article
July 20, 2018: Halo is voiced by Zehra Fazal. Greg Weisman Tweet
July 20, 2018: Geo-Force is voiced by Troy Baker. Greg Weisman Tweet
July 20, 2018: 1:04 Q&A with cast and crew at Comic-Con. Pacing has changed due to lack of commercials and can play off mature storylines. IGN Tweet
July 21, 2018: 5:44 Q&A with cast and crew at Comic-Con. Politics of Earth-16 will reflect real life like demagogues, immigrants, and human trafficking. Reportedly, the series is slated to begin airing the first 13 episodes after the first season of Titans runs its course. The second set of 13 episodes will begin dropping after Doom Patrol and Swamp Thing finish their 10-episode first seasons. SyFy Wire Article
July 21, 2018: Fifth upload by Stephanie Lemelin at DCU Experience reveals Arrowette is B-27 and info about her: game for anything, a strong moral center that ultimately kepes her on a steady course, a serious desire to do good in the world as payback for the good that she feels was done for her. Stephanie Lemelin instagram
July 23, 2018: DC Experience cards of Halo, Katana, and Thirteen. Katana is Z-05. "Katana/Tatsu Yamashiro is serious, dangerous, and nearly silent. You're lucky if you get the slightest of smiles from her - or maybe you're unlucky, because that smile could turn deadly fast." Halo is G-03. "Halo treats everything like it's brand new - because to her, it is. She takes nothing for granted, including her friendships." Thirteen is B-29. "Thirteen/Traci Thurston has a wide-eyed view of the world. Everything impresses her and fills her with a sense of wonder. She's cute, snarky and easy to get along with." Toon Zone post
July 23, 2018: 6:00 Q&A round table with Troy Baker at Comic-Con. haydenclaireheroes YouTube
July 23, 2018: 6:50 Q&A round table with Stephanie Lemelin at Comic-Con. haydenclaireheroes YouTube
July 23, 2018: 13:24 Q&A round table with Jamie Thomason at Comic-Con. haydenclaireheroes YouTube
July 23, 2018: 6:57 recording of round table from Comic-Con with Bourassa, Vietti, and Weisman. Elements of horror that we couldn't do and expand on when on Cartoon Network. haydenclaireheroes YouTube
July 23, 2018: 54:47 recording of Comic-Con 2018 panel. Countdown City Geekcast Facebook
July 24, 2018: Interview from Comic-Con. ComicBook Article
July 25, 2018: Wonder Girl and Spoiler's DC Experience cards. Spoiler is B-28 and description is "Spoiler/Stephanie Brown is wickedly smart, intuitive and driven. She definitely feels like she has something to prove - so prove it she will." TZ Post
July 28, 2018: DC All Access Q&A with cast and crew during Comic-Con. DCAA YouTube
July 30, 2018: Zehra Fazal will also voice about a dozen other characters. Newsweek Article
August 1, 2018: Q&A with Stephanie Lemelin during Comic-Con. ComicBook Article
August 1, 2018: Q&A with Troy Baker during Comic-Con. ComicBook Article
August 1, 2018: Q&A with Jaime Thomasson during Comic-Con. ComicBook Article
August 1, 2018: Q&A with Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti, and Phil Bourassa during Comic-Con. ComicBook Article
August 5, 2018: Greg Weisman hints of some influence from the Batman and The Outsiders comics in the first few Outsiders episodes. CBR Article
August 10, 2018: Vietti and Weisman worked on episode 10 FX reviews and episode 11 audio reviews. Brandon Vietti Tweet
August 29, 2018: A clip shown on DC Daily confirmed Oracle (she's only heard over comms, not seen, but Nightwing refers to her as Oracle), Nightwing destroys a metahuman lab in Moscow on July 28, sends tar analysis to Oracle, she traces it to Markovia, Nightwing mentions someone named Bedlam is using a tar to trigger metahuman abilities, and 2 short interviews with Weisman and Vietti. They note the all black outfits are "darkwear" because for example, they're aren't allowed to go to Russia with their costumes on. YJ Wiki Tweet
August 29, 2018: Release date reported to be January 4, 2019. Screen Rant Article
September 7, 2018: There was a sound mix for episode 9 at 3 pm but it was adjusted to 3:30 pm. Greg Weisman Tweet
September 11, 2018: Greg Weisman reveals 12 episodes are now done. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 3, 2018: Matthew Bordenave was one of the storyboard artists. Whelmed YJ Podcast
October 4, 2018: Release timeline for DC Universe shows Outsiders at around January to February 2019 then June to July 2019. User: Geek Vibes Nation Tweet
October 4, 2018: Will premiere in January once Titans run wraps up. DC Universe will split the season into two blocks of 13 episodes, with three new episodes debuting each week from January through February and June through July. IGN Article
October 13, 2018: Greg Weisman reveals 15 episodes are now done. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 22, 2018: Greg Weisman refutes report of Outsiders starting on December 28, 2018. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 25, 2018: During an appearance at Sacramento Con 2018, Greg Weisman describes the tone of Outsiders as "PG-13 towards R". user Vratcook YouTube, 28:45 mark
October 29, 2018: Greg Weisman follows up on the tone of Outsiders as "PG-13". Greg Weisman Tweet
October 29, 2018: Greg Weisman reveals 16 episodes are now done. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 16, 2018: Outsiders premieres on January 4, 2019. Teaser included. DC Comics Blog
November 22, 2018: Greg Weisman reveals 17 episodes are done. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 27, 2018: New 1:42 trailer released. DC Comics YouTube
November 27, 2018: Airing schedule for the first 13 episodes confirms three new episodes each on January 4, 11, 18 and 4 episodes on January 25. The season will then continue in June. Whitney Moore, of DC Daily, is part of the voice cast. She will host five 10 minute "Making of" Young Justice: Outsiders Documentary Series" that start releasing on January 8 during DC Daily. World's Finest Article
December 17, 2018: Loglines for season 3 episode 1 "Princes All", 2 "Royal We", and 3 "Eminent Threat" with 10 still each released. SpoilerTV Article
December 20, 2018: Aqualad has taken up the mantle of Aquaman while Orin has returned to being just the king of Atlantis. First look included. EW Article
December 22, 2018: 30 second promo released. CBR Article
December 26, 2018: Greg Weisman reveals 18 episodes are done. Greg Weisman Tweet
December 27, 2018: Interview with Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti, and Phil Bourassa. Newsarama Article
December 28, 2018: Outsiders episodes 13 to 26 is set to stream in June. Greg Weisman Tweet
December 31, 2018: It's been two years since Wally's death and Nightwing has been apparently leading a small black ops team to uncover a metahuman trafficking ring. Tigress is a part of Nightwing's black ops team. Black Lightning joined with Nightwing's team after a battle with what he thought was alien monster that was really a human who was forcibly experimented on. Kaldur also became the new leader of the Justice League. Brion Markov willingly experiments on himself to unlock his metagene and the superpowers that come with it to save his country. Halo is one of the victims of metahuman trafficking but is later saved by Nightwing and Artemis. She eventually becomes part of the Outsiders team. Halo can create different auras with different functions, including red for a heat beam and green for a stasis beam. Forager is from New Genesis and is part of a society of humanoid bugs. Like all New Gods, he has superhuman strength and reflexes but can also curl up into a ball like Sphere. Static did take up Black Lightning on his offer and sought his tutoring for his powers. Thirtreen is the daughter of paranormal investigator Doctor Thirtreen and tapped into Metropolis' "urban magic" to unlock her powers. She can access the knowledge of cities she's in, fire mystical blasts, track auras, and control bodies for a short time. Thirteen also has a psychic link with her pet iguana Leroy and briefly dated Blue Beetle. Jaime Reyes is now in perfect harmony with Scarab but Apokoliptian technology remains a great danger to them. Beast Boy is an actor on a hit sci-fi show and is an advocate for the anti-metahuman trafficking movement, but still remains a superhero when the time allows. CBR Article
January 2, 2019: A fifth Milestone character will appear. Den of Geek Article
January 4, 2019: New DC Universe promo includes footage of the Bat Family and Arrowette fighting Clayface. DC YouTube
January 4, 2019: Greg Weisman reveals the speedster assassin was named Jaculi. Greg Weisman Tweet
January 4, 2019: Whitney Moore teases more appearances of Courtney. Whitney Moore Tweet
January 5, 2019: Interview with Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti, and Phil Bourassa. IGN Article
January 5, 2019: Greg Weisman confirms Wilhelm Peters was the security guard asking Brion where he was going and Nikolas Stoka was the old man who shot Plasmus. Greg Weisman Tweet
January 7, 2019: Titles, loglines, and stills revealed for episodes 4 "Private Security", 5 "Away Mission", and 6 "Rescue Op". KSite Article
January 8, 2019: Nicole Dubuc, Mae Cat, and Francisco Paredes are writing for the season. Brandon Vietti Tweet
January 8, 2019: The 26 Young Justice: Outsiders episode titles are reportedly "Princes All," "Royal We," "Eminent Threat," "Private Security," "Away Mission," "Rescue Op," "Evolution," "Triptych," "Home Fires," "Exceptional Human Beings," "Another Freak," "Nightmare Monkeys," "True Heroes," "Influence," "Leverage," "Illusion of Control," "First Impression," "Early Warning," "Elder Wisdom," "Quiet Conversations," "Unknown Factors," "Antisocial Pathologies," "Terminus," "Into the Breach," "Overwhelmed" and "Nevermore." The first letter of each title spells out "PREPARE THE ANTI LIFE EQUATION." CBR Article
January 9, 2019: Primer on Markovia. DC Blog
January 13, 2019: Logline and stills for episode 7 "Evolution", episode 8 "Triptych" and episode 9 "Home Fires" released. SpoilerTV Article
January 14, 2019: Greg Weisman reveals the two metas in "Away Mission" were named Giant and Blister. Greg Weisman Tweet
January 15, 2019: Primer on Halo. DC Blog
January 18, 2019: Brandon Vietti reveals that at some point "Home Fires" was called "Home Fries" by accident then it was used all the time for fun except by Greg Weisman. Brandon Vietti Tweet
January 18, 2019: Loglines for episode 10 "Exceptional Human Beings", episode 11 "Another Freak", episode 12 "Nightmare Monkeys", and episode 13 "True Heroes" revealed. Young Article
January 20, 2019: Brandon Vietti came up with the idea to add Olympia Savage to "Evolution". Greg Weisman wanted to see the Cave Bear in the episode and researched things like how Nabu was the son of Marduk in mythology while Vietti wanted the meta-human child that Kalibak sacrified and he researched The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Weisman confirms Sun Tzu was also an identity used by Vandal Savage. Ask Greg
January 21, 2019: Primer on Forager. DC Blog
January 21, 2019: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti comment on time skips. SyFy Wire Article
January 22, 2019: Stills for episodes 10 to 13. Young Article
January 22, 2019: Victor Stone will debut in "Another Freak" and is voiced by Zeno Robinson. Khary Payton voices Silas Stone. Clip and poster included. IGN Article
January 24, 2019: X-Ionizer Sword confirmed to be used by Sensei in "Rescue Op". Greg Weisman Tweet
January 24, 2019: 19 episodes are completed and the last seven have all been fully animated and are in various stages of post-production. There are no off-limit characters at all. The decision process of what character to use was "largely story-based and a little bit timeline based". In adapting Geo-Force, the decision was made "to limit his powers a bit, condense them, so to speak, to make it feel a bit more real in the context of our Earth-16 version of the universe," "to make his powers feel like a bit of a burden - sometimes an horrific burden," and "basically made him more of a lava-bender." Not all the meta-humans are descended from Vandal Savage. Cassie Sandsmark, a.k.a. Wonder Girl, who's meta-abilities come from her father, Zeus. John Smith's daughter in "Home Fires" is Traya. The Light has come and gone as needed. The origin was in Babylonia with Marduk and Ishtar, but the current group was formed in response to the formation of the Justice League. The plan for season 3 didn't change but they didn't hesitate to bring in aspects of the DC Universe that had been created while the series was on "hiatus". Reddit Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti AMA
January 24, 2019: Clip and interview with Zahara Fazal. DC Daily Ep. 92; 2:45-4:50, 5:06
January 26, 2019: 00:30 promo posted. DC YouTube
January 27, 2019: A year ago, Chris Battle, from the Teen Titans Go! crew, was asked to draw the Doom Patrol in that show's style for a secret project. He didn't know what it was for until he saw "Nightmare Monkeys". Chris Battle Tumblr
January 28, 2019: Primer on Cyborg. DC Blog
January 29, 2019: Hakjoon Kang posts model for abandoned mall in "True Heroes" and it was the Al-Qawiya Opera House. Hakjoon Kang instagram
January 31, 2019: Khary Payton comments on voicing Aquaman and Black Lightning. ComicBook Article
January 31, 2019: 30 second teaser for second half of Outsiders teases Amanda Waller confronted Aquaman about outing each other's secret operations and Nightwing's team fighting Black Manta, Mallah, and Captain Boomerang. Interview with Zeno Robinson included. DC Daily Episode 97, 00:00-00:30 and 4:40-10:51
February 3, 2019: Phil Bourassa posts promo art of Nightwing's team. Phil Bourassa instagram
March 1, 2019: Phil Bourassa finished the last of post production drawings for season 3 this morning. Phil Bourassa instagram
March 3, 2019: Greg Weisman reveals 21 episodes total are now done. Greg Weisman Tweet
March 8, 2019: Brief footage of Tigress, Wonder Girl, and Halo in new promo. DC Universe Tweet
March 8, 2019: Will be dicussed at DC Universe panel at WonderCon on Friday March 29th between 5:30-6:30 pm. Wonder Con post
March 9, 2019: There was a mixing stage session on March 9. marlene eol instagram
March 11, 2019: Production wrapped. Kristopher Carter Tweet
March 12, 2019: Outsiders is now available on iTunes and Vudu. Brandon Vietti Tweet
March 14, 2019: The last five episodes of Outsiders still need HDR then they will be done. Greg Weisman Tweet
March 16, 2019: DCU promo shows a brief shot of Wonder Girl and Geo-Force. DC YouTube
March 18, 2019: Brandon Vietti turned in his last animation adjustment for episode 26 and the season will soon be "in the can". Brandon Vietti Tweet
March 28, 2019: The Justice League is granted less discretion than a police officer because they have powers and abilities beyond those of mortal men and they hold themselves to stricter standards. The League's U.N. charter gives them authority to act, in essence, as an international SWAT/Search & Rescue Team. But the Team has no such authority. Deaths are reviewed internally, and a decision on expulsion or other penalties will be made by the entire League. It's all on a case by case basis. Ask Greg reply
March 29, 2019: The second half premieres on July 2, 2019. ComicBook Article
April 7, 2019: Greg Weisman reveals 25 episodes are done and the 26th is set to be completed on Wednesday. The master timeline is at 289 pages and he is about to start working on updating and cleaning it up. Greg Weisman Tweet
April 10, 2019: Greg Weisman reveals all 26 episodes are done. Greg Weisman Tweet
April 16, 2019: Kari Wahlgren reveals before Young Justice's cancellation after Invasion, there were plans to feature Carol Ferris in later episodes. Comics Beat Article
April 24, 2019: Interview with Brandon Vietti. He cites the growth of relationship between Superboy and Superman from season 1 to 2 and hints something similar will happen with other characters in Outsiders. Superman Home Page Article
April 25, 2019: Greg Weisman reveals the timeline is at 317 pages. Ask Greg reply
May 13, 2019: Brandon Vietti will be presenting a preview of the second half of Outsiders at the RTX convention in Austin, Texas July 5-7. Collider Article
June 13, 2019: New promo released teasing rest of season and more new characters like Big Barda. DC YouTube
June 23, 2019: Reportedly three episodes air on July 2 then one new episode a week. YJ Wiki Tweet
June 24, 2019: On July 20 from 7-9 pm there will be DC Universe Series Sneak Previews and a Q&A in the Indigo Ballroom. Deadline Article
June 24, 2019: New poster released. DC Blog
June 25, 2019: Loglines for Outsiders episodes 14-16 posted. Young Justice.TV Article
June 25, 2019: Release schedule will be episodes 14-16 on July 2 then one episode weekly (17 on July 9, 18 on July 16, 19 on July 23, 20 on July 30, 21 on August 6, 22 on August 13, and 23 on August 20), and conclude with a 3 episode finale on August 27. YJFanVids Tweet
June 29, 2019: The panel at RTX will have producer Brandon Vietti and voice actress Whitney Moore on Saturday, July 6 from 4:30-6 pm. CBR Article
July 1, 2019: Stills for Outsiders episodes 14-16 posted. Young Justice.TV Article
July 6, 2019: Phil Bourassa posts revised Black Manta design for Outsiders. Phil Bourassa instagram
July 7, 2019: Phil Bourassa posts Cyborg design for Outsiders. Phil Bourassa instagram
July 9, 2019: Logline for Outsiders episode 18 posted. Young Justice.TV Article
July 10, 2019: Interview with Zeno Robinson. He auditioned for Aqualad and Kid Flash in season one. He later met Eric Lopez because both were at the same agency. 3 to 4 months into recording for Outsiders, an audition came up for Cyborg. It was disguised as "Jack" but the description was obvious. When he got the callback, he learned Weisman and Vietti were the producers and realized he was joining the cast of Young Justice. Comicbook Debate Article
July 11, 2019: Brandon Vietti talks about the Newsgirl Legion in "First Impression". Brandon Vietti Tweet
July 11, 2019: Greg Weisman reveals the timeline is at 399 pages. Greg Weisman Tweet
July 12, 2019: Brandon Vietti confirms the cameo of Wyynde at the end of "First Impression". Brandon Vietti Tweet
July 15, 2019: A limited edition poster will be released at the WB booth on Saturday at Comic Con. CBM Article
July 15, 2019: First look at Comic Con 2019 tote bag. CBR Article
July 15, 2019: Logline for Outsiders episode 19 posted. Young Justice.TV Article
July 18, 2019: Photo of TV Guide Comic Con 2019 article. Superboy, Geo-Force, Halo, Beast Boy, and Black Lightning are headed to space to stop more meta trafficking on other planets. YJ Wiki Tweet
July 19, 2019: Close of Comic Con tote bag. Z-01 is Batman, Z-02 is Green Arrow, Z-07 is Robin, Z-08 is Arrowette, Z-09 is Spoiler, Z-10 is Orphan, B-31 is Halo, Victor Stone is G-08, Deathstroke is L-09, and Granny Goodness is L-10. the YJfiles Tweet
July 19, 2019: Close up of Comic Con tote bag. One of the Genomorphs is named Kraig. the YJfiles Tweet
July 20, 2019: Joan Garrick was 98 when she died and her passing will be hard on Bart and Jay. Lex Luthor and Beast Boy go head to head in the realm of social media. The use of social media this season is a nod to the fans who helped save the series. Newsarama Article
July 23, 2019: Logline for Outsiders episode 20 posted. Young Justice.TV Article
July 24, 2019: Recording of Comic Con round table with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. Young Justice.TV Article
July 24, 2019: Transcript of Comic Con round table with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. Comics Beat Article
July 24, 2019: Model sheet of Nightwing posted. Phil Bourassa instagram
July 26, 2019: Stills for "Quiet Conversations" released. DCU Article
July 29, 2019: Logline for Outsiders episode 21 posted. Young Justice.TV Article
July 30, 2019: Damian is not even a year old yet. Greg Weisman Tweet
August 2, 2019: 6 stills for "Unknown Factors" released. DCU Article
August 2, 2019: Model sheet of Metron posted. In his first pass, Phil Bourassa had more drawn in more damage to the Mobius Chair. He cites adding Jean Giraud's stylistic flavor in his design. Phil Bourassa instagram
August 5, 2019: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti during Comic Con. ComicBook Article
August 5, 2019: Logline for Outsiders episode 22 posted. Young Justice.TV Tweet
August 7, 2019: 4 stills for "Antisocial Pathologies" released. Young Article
August 10, 2019: First art of Halo drawn as part of a pitch poster done in Late Fall 2015 by Phil Bourassa and Bill Dunn. Phil Bourassa instagram
August 15, 2019: Logline and 5 stills for "Terminus" released. YJ Wiki instagram
August 16, 2019: Seven more stills for "Terminus" released. YJ Wiki instagram
August 18, 2019: Grey Griffin confirms she knew Dr. Jace was insane from the start. Griffin was instructed to play it as sincerely as possible and not to give anything away. Grey DeLisle-Griffin Tweet
August 20, 2019: Phil Bourassa posts a held shot from "Terminus" and credits Patrick Morgan and Marta Knudsen. Phil Bourassa instagram
August 21, 2019: Promo for next week's season finale posted. DC Universe Tweet
August 21, 2019: Patrick Morgan posts Source Wall art. Patrick Morgan instagram
August 21, 2019: 7 stills for "Into the Breach", "Overwhelmed", and "Nevermore" released. Young Article
August 23, 2019: 6 more stills for "Into the Breach", "Overwhelmed", and "Nevermore" released. Updated loglines included. DCU Article
August 27, 2019: Phil Bourassa posts the Watchtower crowd shot from "Nevermore" and talks about the challenge of drawing them all on model and interacting in an organic way. Bruce King added the parallax effect during post. Phil Bourassa instagram
August 27, 2019: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti about Outsiders and the finale. Teen Vogue Article
August 28, 2019: Phil Bourassa posts the held shot from "Nevermore" of Beast Boy, Geo-Force, Terra, and Cyborg. Phil Bourassa instagram
August 29, 2019: Phil Bourassa posts the held shot from "Nevermore" of Shazam, Zatanna, Rocket, Black Canary, and Red Tornado. Phil Bourassa instagram
August 31, 2019: Phil Bourassa posts the held shot from "Nevermore" of Halo, Beast Boy, Tigress, and Cyborg. Phil Bourassa instagram
September 4, 2019: Phil Bourassa posts the held shot from "Nevermore" of Black Lightning. Phil Bourassa instagram
September 5, 2019: Interview with Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti and Zehra Fazal about season 3. DC Universe DC Daily
September 23, 2019: Phil Bourassa posts design for Overlord and cites inspirations as original Kirby design, Darth Vader, and Kool-Aid Man. Phil Bourassa instagram
December 5, 2019: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. Beast Boy was originally going to be sidelined, busy with acting, and make a few appearances in the season but as the broke the season they realized he was the major player to be behind the social media element. They also talk about crafting Forager from the comics, crafting the outro scenes in the credits after brainstorming about Lobo's finger, working on time stamps, and adapting geopolitical issues. The next episode of the podcast will be a commentary of an episode since the recent release didn't have one. Warner Archive Podbean
December 13, 2019: Warner Archive, Greg Weisman, and Brandon Vietti do a commentary for "Private Security". Warner Archive Podbean
February 14, 2020: During production on Outsiders, there were brief rights issues with using Milestone characters, even ones who appeared in previous seasons, but the issue quickly went away. Ask Greg
April 26, 2020: Phil Bourassa posts Victor Stone designs from Outsiders in his football uniform. Phil Bourassa instagram
June 30, 2020: Chris Battle posts Doom Patrol designs. Chris Battle Tweet
September 18, 2020: Olympia Savage confirmed to be an original character made for the show. Ask Greg reply
October 13, 2020: Young Justice: Outsiders will be available on HBO Max starting November 1. CBR Article
October 27, 2020: Greg Weisman reveals Helena Sandsmark was born in 1976 and Traci Thirteen is biracial and her father is Caucasian and her mother is Asian. Ask Greg reply
February 22, 2021: Greg Weisman clarifies the layout of Lucas Carr's property: it is in Happy Harbor across from an undeveloped beach and he rents the apartment above the garage to Connor and Megan. Weisman confirms the interior of Lucas's house has not been seen yet. Weisman confirms generally Outsiders was the season 3 they envisioned from the early years. Some details that changed were the refugee crisis, the plan for Beast Boy, and use of social media. Jason Spisak talked to them a lot about developing Forager. Whelmed Podcast
July 21, 2021: Batwoman debuted in Team Year Six, Katana debuted in Team Year Three in Japan, Metamorpho was created in Team Year Seven, Hardware debuted in Team Year Five, and Ice debuted in Team Year Two in Norway. Ask Greg reply
July 23, 2021: Traci is 17 years old at the end of Outsiders/Team Year Nine. Ask Greg reply
July 23, 2021: Anissa is 6 and Jennifer is 4 years old at the end of Team Year Nine. Ask Greg reply
July 23, 2021: Troia is biologically 20/chronologically 78 years old, Steel is 29, Ice is 22, Hardware is 36, and Tara is 16 at the end of Team Year Nine. Tara was kidnapped at age 13. Ask Greg reply
July 23, 2021: Batwoman is 28 years old, Halo's body is biologically 17, Geo-Force is 18, Forager is 15, and Metamorpho is 36 at end of Team year Nine. Ask Greg reply
July 26, 2021: At the end of Team Year Eight, Lena Luthor is 34 years old, Lashina is biologically 15, Olga Ilyisch is 45, and Holocaust is 19. Ask Greg reply
July 26, 2021: At the end of Team Year Eight, Captain Boomerang is 41 years old, Dmitri Pushkin is 34, Wendy Jones is 13, Big Barda is biologically 16, and Hro Talek is 52. Ask Greg reply
July 26, 2021: By season three, Blue Devil is a member of the Justice League. Ask Greg reply
July 26, 2021: The two metahumans in "Away Mission" were named Blister and Giant. The metahuman in "Evolution" was not named, even in the script. Ask Greg reply
July 26, 2021: At the end of Team Year Eight, Casey Brinke is 23 years old. Ask Greg reply
July 26, 2021: At the start of season three, Artemis was employed as a teaching assistant and also got a stipend from the Justice League. Ask Greg reply
July 26, 2021: Garfield Logan was a "sometimes member" of the Doom Patrol. Rita Farr let him come on safe missions. He was not allowed on the last because it was a suicide mission. Ask Greg reply
July 26, 2021: Rita Farr got her super powers in Team Year Two. Ask Greg reply
July 26, 2021: Perdita was 16 years old and Garfield was 14 when they started dating. Ask Greg reply
July 26, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms Markovia was for a time a socialist state during the Cold War. Ask Greg reply
July 28, 2021: Joan Garrick would have turned 96 had she not passed on in Team Year Eight. Ask Greg reply
July 28, 2021: Courtney Whitmore is 16 at end of Team Year Nine. Ask Greg reply
July 28, 2021: At the end of Team Year Nine, Cullen Row is 13 years old, Delphis is 19, Madia Daou is 35, and Samad Daou is 20. Ask Greg reply
July 28, 2021: Lia Briggs is 16 by end of Team Year Eight. Ask Greg reply
July 28, 2021: In regard to Captain Marvel/Shazam, Greg Weisman confirms "Marvel" is currently off limits to them but they came up with a rationalization for the name change in-universe. Ask Greg reply
July 28, 2021: Troia doesn't use the name Donna Troy in season 3's timeframe but Greg Weisman won't say if she ever did use it. Ask Greg reply
July 28, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms when Bart Allen is born, he can co-exist with the current one. Ask Greg reply
July 28, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms Eduardo Jr. is gay and is dating someone. Ask Greg reply
July 28, 2021: At the end of Team Year Eight, Antonia "Big Words" Rodriguez is 15, Tommi Tompkins is 17, Gaby Gabrielli is 16, Thomas Tompkins is 52, and Patrick Maguire is 45. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms in "Princes All," when Wonder Woman yells "Bruce, please!" everyone in the room was already aware Batman is Bruce Wayne. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals by the end of Team Year Nine, Gilotina is biologically 16 years old. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms that Dale Gunn and Casey Klebba are married. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals as of the end of Team Year Eight that Bash Bashford is 41 years old, Bethany Lee is 27, Scorpia A'Daire is 23, confirms Scorpia and Whisper are sisters, and Angela O'Day is 14. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals as of the end of Team Year Eight that Kaizen Gamorra is 40 years old, Jaqqar Marlo was 49 or 48, J. Anson Schwartz is 68, Celia Windward is 16, and Patrick Maguire is 45. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals as of the end of Team Year Eight that Cairo DeFrey is 24 years old, Luis Garcia is 13, and Simon M'Barra is 52. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals as of the end of Team Year Eight that Allen Phaedon is 41 years old, Brucely is 4, Cisco Ramon is 15, Daddy Lidz is 40, and Doctor Moon Dae-il is 52. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals as of the end of Team Year Zero that Niles Caulder is 58 years old, Cliff Steele is 23, Valentina Vostok is 27, and Steve Dayton is 52. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals by the end of Team Year Eight that John Economos is 45 years old, Rick Flagg, Jr. is 31, Harvey (Garfield's co-star) is 37, G. Henry is 26, and Henry Fyff is 17. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals by the end of Team Year Seven that Hoody Boy was 23 years old, Jaculi was 17, Johann Mintz was 34, Mister Bliss was 37, and Piotor Platz was 33. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals by the end of Team Year Seven that Otto von Furth was 17 years old, Ramon Bracuda was 43, Ron Evers was 16, Sarah Charles was 23, and Sebastian Cardona was 15. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals that by the end of Team Year Seven that Simon Ecks was 36 years old, Steve Lombard was 31, Viktor Markov was 53, Ilona DeLamb-Markov was 38, and Wilhelm Peters was 25. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals that by the end of Team Year Three that Zviad Baazovi was 23 years old and Frederick DeLamb was 32. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms the two characters arresting Simon Stagg in "Triptych" were Harvey Bullock and Renee Montoya. By the end of Team Year Eight, Bullock was 52 years old and Montoya was 29. Weisman also confirms Montoya is a lesbian. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals that by the end of Team Year Four that Evelyn Fox was 31 years old. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals Blue Beetle, Black Lightning, and Green Lantern (Guy Gardner) joined the Justice League in Team Year Two and Zatanna and Rocket in Team Year Five. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals Arrowette joined the Team in Team Year Seven, Stephanie Brown debuted as Spoiler in Team Year Seven and joined the Team in Team Year Eight, and Traci Thurston debuted as Thirteen and joined the Team in Team Year Eight. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms Wyynde, Mera, and Artur have A-Designations. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms Karen Beecher and Mal Duncan are more or less retired as heroes by season 3. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman lists the G-Designations. G-01 was Jefferson Pierce, G-02 was Brion Markov, G-03 was Halo, G-04 was Helga Jace, G-05 was Jim Harper, G-06 was Forager, G-07 was Tara Markov, and G-08 was Victor Stone. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman issues corrections that by the end of Team Year Zero that Henry Fyff was 14 years old and Tatsu Yamashiro was 21. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals that by the end of Team Year Nine that Trajectory was 15 years old, assuming she survived that long. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: When he recorded for Ultra-Humanite, Greg Weisman went down to his lowest register and roughed it up then the crew used technology to deepen it further and futz it to make it sound like it was coming out of an electronic voice box. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals a member of Infinity Inc. is named Fury and by the end of Team Year Eight was 15 years old and the third was not Brainwave. Ask Greg reply
August 6, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals Elongated Man debuted in Team Year Six and joined the Justice League in Team Year Seven. Ask Greg reply
August 6, 2021: Greg Weisman implies Metamorpho joined the Justice League at the end of the season 3 finale. Ask Greg reply
August 6, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms Elongated Man is not a meta-human and was a human who took a "potion" to get his powers. Ask Greg reply
August 6, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals Mad Hatter debuted in Team Year Negative One. Ask Greg reply
August 6, 2021: Greg Weisman only replies Metamorpho and Orphan presumably joined the Justice League and the Team at the end of season 3. Ask Greg reply
August 6, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms Trajectory is Eliza Harmon. Ask Greg reply
August 6, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals a member of Infinity Inc. is named Everyman. Ask Greg reply
August 6, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms the Light was named in second millennium BCE. Ask Greg reply
August 12, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals Jochi and Tolui are the names of Genghis Khan's sons in "Evolution". Ask Greg reply
August 12, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals at the end of Team Year Eight, Traya Smith is 11 years old. Ask Greg reply
August 18, 2021: Greg Weisman on season 3 casting. Brandon Vietti worked with Troy Baker before and knew he was a good candidate to play Geo-Force/Brion Markov but had him do an audition just to make sure he could do the accent. Auditions for Terra/Tara Markov were held and Tara Strong nailed it. Weisman wanted Zehra Fazal to vioce Halo and basically wrote the part with her in mind and they went to one of her stage plays just to confirm she was perfect for the role. Vietti thought Jason Spisak would be a good bet for Forager, talked to him, and hired him without any try-out. Auditions were held for Victor Stone/Cyborg under a false show name and character and Zeno Robinson was the clear favorite so he was brought in for a callback. When they revealed the truth to Robinson, he practically burst right in front of them. Vietti remembered Michael Leon Wooley's take on Darkseid from Batman: The Brave and The Bold and suggested him. Auditions were held for Vandal Savage and David Kaye was the clear favorite to take over the role. Jaime Thompson suggested Greg Cipes and Weisman had worked with him on W.I.T.C.H. but upper management was pretty adamant about them not using actors who previously played Titans characters on other shows but by season 3, they felt Young Justice established itself and management were fine with them using Cipes. Ask Greg reply
August 20, 2021: Christina Sotta boarded most of the fever dream in "Terminus". Christina Sotta Tweet
August 20, 2021: Matthew Bordenave helped out with images, color key, and shadow theories in "Terminus". Matthew Bordenave Tweet
August 26, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals DeLamb learned he was a meta-human and wanted to see if his niece Tara Markov was, too, and had her kidnapped, tarred, and sold. Deathstroke rescuing her was in essence a scheme between he and DeLamb. Tara was abducted on July 28th of Team Year Six, meta-activated in early August, and "rescued" by Deathstroke in early September. Ask Greg reply
August 27, 2021: Matthew Bordenave reveals in "Nevermore", it took a day to figure out the Legion of Superheroes reveal. Originally, a plate of pie was set down then it was changed to coffee. Matthew Bordenave Tweet
September 1, 2021: Markovia is located close to Latvia and the Doom Patrol was a real hero team. Ask Greg reply
October 25, 2021: The Chief founded the Doom Patrol in Team Year One and they died in Team Year Five except for Mento and Beast Boy. Ask Greg reply
October 25, 2021: Production on Space Trek 3016 started in Team Year Six. Ask Greg reply
October 25, 2021: When Darkseid fought Genghis Khan, Jochi (the fire-bender) was 27, and Tolui (the lightning-bender) was 16. Ask Greg reply
October 25, 2021: Jaculi and Trajectory's super speed is less powerful than Wally West's. Ask Greg reply
October 25, 2021: Brucely has a designation. Ask Greg reply
October 25, 2021: Markovia is a constitutional monarchy and Brion Markov studied in Great Britain. Ask Greg reply
October 25, 2021: At the end of Team Year Eight, Helga Jace was 34 years old. Ask Greg reply
October 25, 2021: Garth and Tula debuted as Tempest and Aquagirl, respectively, in Team Year One. They also joined the Team in Team Year One. Troia joined in Team Year Two. Ask Greg reply
October 25, 2021: Lieutenant Marvel and Sergeant Marvel joined the Team in Team Year Three. Troia left the Team in Team Year Five. Ask Greg reply
October 29, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms the Z-designations are defunct and confirms Z-06 was Batwoman and Z-11 was Metamorpho. Ask Greg
November 2, 2021: Wonder Girl and Robin broke up in season 3 and didn't get back together. Brandon Vietti was pumping gas when he got the phone call about Outsiders' renewal. Weisman was busy working on Shimmer & Shine when he heard. Reddit AMA
November 5, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms Helga is not from Markovia and is German. Ask Greg reply
November 10, 2021: Ultra-Humanite and Zviad Baazovi are the 11 and 12th members of the Light. Ask Greg reply
November 10, 2021: Red-Hooded Ninja was born in 1999. Ask Greg reply
November 10, 2021: Marv Evers was born in 1981, Pete Danbury was born in 1987, Ishtar was born around 1,816 B.C.E., and Nikolas Stofka was born in 1970. Ask Greg reply
November 10, 2021: Wilhelm Vittings was born in 1997. Ask Greg reply
November 10, 2021: Blister and Giant were born in 2000 and Lynn Stewart was born in 1988. Ask Greg reply
November 10, 2021: Tod Donner was born in 1972, Fire was born in 1996, Don and Dawn Allen were born in Team Year Six, and Elongated Man was born in 1995. Ask Greg reply
November 10, 2021: Fury was born in 2003 and Everyman was born in 2000. Ask Greg reply
November 11, 2021: Burton Thompson was born in 1978, Casey Klebba was born in 1983, and Dale Gunn was born in 1990. Ask Greg reply
November 11, 2021: Eddie Corliss was born in 2002, Josephine Tarkov was born in 1981, and Floyd Bell was born in 1992. Ask Greg reply
November 16, 2021: Monkey God came into existence approximately 7 million years ago. Ask Greg reply
November 16, 2021: Kirby Jacobs was born in 1961, Lenore Parris in 1995, Leroy Bell in 1992, and Maria Garcia in 1983. Ask Greg reply
November 18, 2021: Monsieur Mallah was tried as "sentient" and he was incarcerated at Belle Reve along with the Brain. Ask Greg reply
January 7, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Ilona was nobility, not royalty. The Markvos were royalty and the DeLambs were nobility. Ask Greg
January 18, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Batwoman's secret identity is Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane, she and Bruce Wayne are maternal cousins, she joined the Justice League in Team Year Seven, and is related to Bette Kane. Ask Greg
January 20, 2022: Interview with Greg Weisman. Hall of Justice Podcast Episode 268, 13:27 mark
January 20, 2022: King Orin retired from being Aquaman and Kaldur'ahm took over the mantle in Team Year Seven. Ask Greg
January 21, 2022: The Control Chips are a spin-off of Starro Tech. Ask Greg
January 21, 2022: Olga Ilyich was a combination of two characters, Olga and Ilyich, from an issue of Captain Atom that Greg Weisman worked on. Maria and Luis Garcia from "Early Warning" are characters from DC Comics. Ask Greg
January 21, 2022: Grant Park in "Private Security" is located in Star City. Gravyen did cameo in "Evolution" flashback. In "True Heroes," two of the other meta-teens rescued were Celia Windward and Wendy Jones. Ask Greg
January 21, 2022: Pete Danbury was the cameraman in "Nevermore". Ask Greg
January 24, 2022: Rita Farr and Steve Dayton became romantically involved in Team Year Two after the founding of the Doom Patrol. Ask Greg
January 25, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals they had to change fonts for the timestamps between season 2 and 3 for legal reasons. Ask Greg
January 25, 2022: Blue Devil and Magog joined the Justice League in Team Year 7. Ask Greg
January 25, 2022: Greg Weisman Cassandra Savage is an original character inspired by Scandal and Steel started operating in Team Year Six. Ask Greg
January 25, 2022: Kate Kane knows Bruce Wayne is Batman and Damian was the product of consensual sex. Ask Greg
January 25, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Kate is the first Batwoman in this canon. Ask Greg
January 31, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Beatriz da Costa debuted as a hero in Team Year Six but no specific birth date has been nailed down for her. Ask Greg
February 1, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Damian al Ghul was born in Team Year Eight. Ask Greg
February 9, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Orphan was not a member of the Team at the start of season 3. Ask Greg
February 10, 2022: Dr. Jace's reason for going to Markovia was for opportunity. Ask Greg
February 10, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Cissie King-Jones debuted as Arrowette in Team Year Seven. Ask Greg
February 15, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals David Reid became Magog in Team Year Six and joined the Justice League in Team Year Seven. Ask Greg
February 16, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Paula Crock has moved to Star City. Ask Greg
March 1, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms El Dorado and Cyborg briefly had a B-designation. Ask Greg
March 1, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Looker is Scottish. Ask Greg
March 3, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Gabrielle Daou was hired to work in the Markovian Royal Palace in Team Year Seven. Ask Greg
March 11, 2022: Greg Weisman clarifies Ra's decided to take a different approach, resigned from the Light and decided to place the League of Shadows under the Light's purview then the Light chose Deathstroke and Shiva to run it. Ask Greg
March 11, 2022: "Mouse" was Jade's nickname for Artemis and over time it sunk in with Lian and she started calling her Auntie Mouse. Ask Greg
March 14, 2022: Leslie Willis became Livewire and Andie became Mist in Team Year Seven or Eight and Lia Briggs became Looker in Team Year Nine when she joined the Outsiders. Ask Greg
March 14, 2022: Greg Weisman clears up the unofficial Light designations. Deathstroke is L-9 replacing Ra's al Ghul, Ultra-Humanite is L-10 replacing The Brain, Gretchen Goode is L-11 replacing Black Manta, and Zviad Baazovi is L-12 replacing Gretchen Goode. Ask Greg
March 14, 2022: The Justice League knows Ocean-Master escaped prison but don't know Lady Shiva killed him. Ask Greg
March 16, 2022: Floyd and Leroy Bell are brothers and a kinda/sorta based on DC characters but more like homages. Ask Greg
April 18, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals the Shade joined the League of Shadows because he and Ra's al Ghul go way back. Ask Greg
April 29, 2022: Roy Harper's middle name is William, hence why the clone started going by Will. Ask Greg
May 4, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Orphan joined the Team in Team Year Nine. Ask Greg
May 16, 2022: George Harkness became Captain Boomerang in 1996. Ask Greg
May 20, 2022: Garfield Logan went to live with Steve Dayton in late 2016. Ask Greg
May 26, 2022: Khary Payton was approached to write for season 3 but he wanted to focus on The Walking Dead at the time. Comics Beat Article
May 31, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Ilona Delamb-Markov was a combination of sorts of characters from the comics. Ask Greg
July 13, 2022: Orphan is learning to read and write and ASL and can speak psychically. Ask Greg
July 13, 2022: The name of Queen Perdita's bodyguard is Denny Nielson and he was born in 1981. Ask Greg
July 28, 2022: Ishtar and Nabu were meta-humans. Ask Greg
August 10, 2022: The Javelin belongs to the Hawks. Ask Greg
August 10, 2022: Tora, formerly known as Ispike and Icemaiden, joined the Justice League in Team Year Seven, as Ice at age twenty. Ask Greg
August 10, 2022: Beatriz debuted as Chama Verde in Team Year Six. She joined the Justice League as Fire in Team Year Seven. Ask Greg
August 12, 2022: Greater Bialya was formed in 2017. Ask Greg
August 15, 2022: Jefferson Pierce and Lynn Stewart-Pierce divorced in Team Year Seven. Ask Greg
August 22, 2022: Lagoon Boy quit the Team once he realized Miss Martian and Superboy were getting back together. Bumblebee left to focus on scientific studies. Guardian/Mal Duncan felt it was time to move on. Ask Greg
August 22, 2022: Cassandra Wu-San/Orphan lives at Wayne Manor. Ask Greg
August 27, 2022: Matthew Bordenave posts storyboard of final scenes in "Nevermore" and credits Christina Sotta for helping him figure out the Legion Flight Ring reveal. Matthew Bordenave Tweet
August 31, 2022: When Jade Nguyen ran out on Will and Lian hasn't been locked in yet but Weisman estimates the best bet is 2017. Ask Greg
September 1, 2022: Tye Longshadow and Asami Koizumi were going to be in "Illusion of Control" at the Harvest Festival but for production purposes, they were omitted. Ask Greg
September 9, 2022: Martha Wayne and Jacob Kane are siblings. Ask Greg
Season 4 Phantoms News
July 20, 2019: In season 4, there will be more Apokolips, a smaller group of core characters, and it will be more character focused. Newsarama Article
July 20, 2019: Young Justice has been renewed for a fourth season. ComicBook Article
July 20, 2019: Vietti mentions they already started work on season 4 and they're writing and coming up with stories. Parks and Cons YouTube
July 21, 2019: Placeholder title art for season 4 posted. TheDCUniverse Tweet
August 25, 2019: Christopher Jones will be a storyboard revisionist for season 4 and he starts in December. Chris Jones Blog
August 27, 2019: For season 4, they are "kind of doubling down on our core season one characters that they already know and love." Teen Vogue Article
September 5, 2019: Season 4 confirmed to be 26 episodes and there will be another time jump. Season 3 felt like a bookend and gave them permission to try new things in season 4. The focus will return to the original leads, but also new characters and will keep in touch with others. The title has also been decided. DC Universe DC Daily
November 6, 2019: Christoper Jones visited the Young Justice studio on November 4, saw his cubicle, and met several of the crew. Chris Jones Tweet
November 14, 2019: A fan going by Abdullah Khan met Nolan North weeks back and Nolan confirmed he started recording on October 23. YJ Wiki Tweet
December 2, 2019: Kelly Kao started her first day as a storyboard artist. Kelly Kao Tweet
December 2, 2019: Emily Hu started her first day as a storyboard artist. Emily Hu Tweet
December 16, 2019: Season 4 might be titled Young Justice: Phantoms. GWW Article
February 8, 2020: 11 scripts and 6 voice records for season 4 have been completed. No animatics are locked yet. Greg Weisman Tweet
February 18, 2020: Cole Rothacker started work as assistant production manager for season 4. Cole Rothacker instagram
March 3, 2020: 12 scripts and 8 voice records for season 4 have been completed. No episodes are completed yet. Greg Weisman Tweet
March 17, 2020: Brandon Vietti states the pandemic has not affected production but many are learning how to work from home. Brandon Vietti Tweet
June 6, 2020: Season 4 is rumored to premiere in November or December 2020 and has Lex Luthor being a central villain. Gizmoblaze Article
July 16, 2020: No episodes for season 4 have been completed yet. Greg Weisman Tweet
August 14, 2020: The DC FanDome panel will be at 6 to 6:35 pm PST. Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti, Jason Spisak, Khary Payton, Stephanie Lemelin, Nolan North, Denise Boutte, Danica McKellar and Crispin Freeman will deliver a special "audio play performance" of a brand-new episode, then preview the new season. It will encore on Sunday at 3:45 am. TV Line Article
August 19, 2020: The DC FanDome panel postponed to September 12 at 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern. IGN Article
September 10, 2020: Greg Weisman confirms the audio play performance at FanDome will be canon to the series and set between season 3 and season 4. Greg Weisman Tweet
September 10, 2020: Greg Weisman reveals scripts for season 4 episodes 1 to 23 are completed. Greg Weisman Tweet
September 10, 2020: Greg Weisman confirms no episodes for season 4 are completed yet but has been production for over a year. Greg Weisman Tweet
September 12, 2020: Season 4 confirmed to be titled Phantoms. Logo art released. World's Finest Tweet
September 18, 2020: Season 4 will be streamed from HBO Max. WF Article
September 19, 2020: 24 scripts are done, 20 episodes are fully recorded, and 3 episodes are partially recorded. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 3, 2020: Greg Weisman confirms no episodes for season 4 are completed yet. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 7, 2020: Greg Weisman reveals 25 scripts are done, 7 episodes are in post production, and no episodes are done yet. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 7, 2020: Greg Weisman reveals 22 episodes are fully recorded. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 23, 2020: Greg Weisman reveals all 26 scripts are done, 22 episodes are fully recorded, and 4 episodes are partially recorded. Greg Weisman Tweet
January 12, 2021: Jane Mahoney is a storyboard artist for Phantoms. Jane Mahoney Tweet
January 12, 2021: Yujin Lee is a storyboard revisionist for Phantoms. Yujin Lee Tweet
February 2, 2021: At the time before episode 26 was written, Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti talk about production challenges. Voice recording is now 1 person at a time and has slightly slowed progress. Up to episode 22 has been recorded with pieces of episode 23 and 24. Writing has slowed a little. Weisman does not have the wall of index characters handy at home. Weisman wrote episode 25 and 26. Some unforeseen issues including making sure everyone is seeing the same kind of color on their computers and sound mixing. Whelmed Podcast
February 21, 2021: Sam Liu reveals he is helping out on Young Justice. The Sarah O'Connell Show YouTube, 1 hr. 49 min mark
February 22, 2021: Part 2 of an interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. The DC FanDome audio play came from a desire to get some new material out there. They were initially asked to set it during season 4 to which they declined but felt a prequel to was fair game so they could throw in hints and easter eggs. Contrary to how it's normally done, they had to figure out which actors were available on FanDome then write the play. They started from a list of 14 actors, then he broke basics of story with Brandon Vietti, and had little time to write it so he stayed up even later than he already does. Tigress becoming the new leader of the Team felt organic after Batgirl was for a time and after Miss Martian and everyone in the Anti-Light stepped back from being leaders and going back to being soldiers. At this point, Tigress is imminently qualified to be the leader. Artemis is 25 years old in season 4. Whelmed Podcast
February 25, 2021: Sam Liu storyboarded a few episodes. Sam Liu Tweet
February 28, 2021: Khary Payton hints he has been a little more involved in Phantoms. YJ Wiki Tweet
March 25, 2021: 9 episodes are completely done, 12 episodes are being animated overseas, and pre-production on Phantoms is virtually done. Greg Weisman Tweet
March 26, 2021: Vinton Heuck mentions he "was the last director out the door as of last week." Vinton Heuck Tweet
April 22, 2021: 9 episodes are completely done, 11 episodes are being animated overseas, 6 episodes are in post production, and pre-production on Phantoms is virtually done. Greg Weisman Tweet
June 28, 2021: Whether Atlanteans have better potential to use magic than humans or they just have a higher amount of talented users will be answered in Phantoms. Ask Greg reply
June 28, 2021: The Zatara family being somehow magical in nature or not will be addressed in Phantoms. Ask Greg reply
June 29, 2021: The master timeline is at 609 pages. Ask Greg reply
July 1, 2021: All 26 episodes of Phantoms have also been fully recorded, 13 episodes are done, 7 more in post-production, and the last 6 are being animated by Studio Mir now. Pre-production is virtually complete, except for a little bit of color on the last episode. Ask Greg reply
July 2, 2021: All 26 episodes of Phantoms are animated by Studio Mir. Ask Greg reply
July 2, 2021: 14 episodes of Phantoms are done. Ask Greg reply
July 12, 2021: Phantoms rumored to premiere on October 21 with the first three episodes and streams in two parts. The Vulcan Reporter Article
July 26, 2021: Greg Weisman hints the show will expand on LGBT+ characters in Phantoms. Ask Greg reply
August 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals that 15 episodes of Young Justice: Phantoms are done, seven are in post-production, the last four are being animated by Studio Mir, and pre-production is completely done. Ask Greg reply
August 12, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals 16 episodes are done, 6 are in post production and 4 are being animated overseas. Ask Greg reply
August 13, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals the master timeline is now at 612 pages. Ask Greg reply
August 17, 2021: Greg Weisman hints Kevin Hopps, Cisco Paredes, Andrew Blanchette and Rich Fogel might be writing for season 4. Ask Greg reply
August 28, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals 17 episodes of are done. Greg Weisman Tweet
August 31, 2021: At DC FanDome, there will be preview of Phantoms. DC Blog
September 1, 2021: There were no character rights issues during work on Phantoms. Ask Greg reply
September 3, 2021: 18 episodes of Phantoms are done, 6 are in post production, and 2 are being animated overseas. Greg Weisman Tweet
September 17, 2021: 18 episodes of Phantoms are done, 7 are in post production, and 1 is being animated overseas. Greg Weisman Tweet
September 17, 2021: Galatic Tour Road Crew shirts lists new location of Xebel. YJ Fan Vids Tweet
September 17, 2021: Aaron Sparrow sports a Galatic Tour Road Crew shirt. Aaron Sparrow instagram
September 18, 2021: G.K. Bowes sports a Galatic Tour Road Crew shirt. G.K. Bowes Tweet
September 18, 2021: Brian Holhfeld sports a Galatic Tour Road Crew shirt in a "mini Young Justice reunion" with Greg Weisman, Zehra Fazal, and Nicole Dubuc. Nicole Dubuc Tweet
September 23, 2021: 19 episodes of Phantoms are done and 7 are in post production. Greg Weisman Tweet
September 30, 2021: Jim Krieg hints are reunited with Giancarlo Volpe for a very small secret project. Hall of Justice Episode 253 15:20 mark
October 6, 2021: Greg Weisman is at a sound mix for episode 23. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 6, 2021: 20 episodes of Phantoms are now done. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 8, 2021: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. Phantoms will focus more on individual character dynamics, more secrets and lies, follow up on Legion ring tease, explore more with Halo/Violet, see more Fourth World. Collider Article
October 8, 2021: Key art for season four released. HBO Max Tweet
October 8, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms Miss Martian is wearing her engagement ring in the key art. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 13, 2021: 21 episodes of Phantoms are now done. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 14, 2021: Greg Weisman repeats back in season one they had five seasons planned out but now, they have a fairly clear idea through seven seasons and vaguer ideas beyond that. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 15, 2021: HBO Max updates page with new image featuring first looks at new Martian characters. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 15, 2021: TV Passport lists Phantoms starting on November 7 with two episodes "Inhospitable" and "Needful". AnimeSuperhero Post
October 16, 2021: 1:19 trailer for Phantoms released. WF YouTube
October 16, 2021: First 4 minutes of "Inhospitable" released. HBO Max YouTube
October 16, 2021: First 2 episodes of Phantoms have released on HBO Max. One episode will stream weekly starting next week on October 21. WF Article
October 16, 2021: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti came up with the Martian names for different species. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 16, 2021: Phantoms episodes 1 to 13 will stream from October 16 to December 30. 14 to 26 will stream in the first half of 2022. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 17, 2021: Zehra Fazal posted a photo she took with others in the cast present at the start of Phantom's recording in 2019, including Kevin Michael Richardson, Phil LaMarr, Zeo Robinson, and Benjamin Diskin. Zehra Fazal Tweet
October 18, 2021: The official spelling for the Martian races are B'lahdenn, G'arrunn, A'ashenn, and Y'ellonn. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 19, 2021: Spanish dub site reveals Onyx is debuting during Phantoms and Talia al Ghul will have a speaking role. ANMTV Article
October 20, 2021: Episode 3 is titled "Volatile" and Episode 4 is titled "Involuntary". Loglines included. YJ Wiki Tweet
October 21, 2021: Emily Hu boarded the Outsiders selfie scene in "Volatile". Emily Hu Tweet
October 21, 2021: Emily Hu boarded the opening and J'emm scenes, Kelly Kao boarded the Megan scenes, and Rozlynn Waltz boarded the Garfield/Superboy scenes towards the end of "Volatile". Christina Sotta Tweet
October 25, 2021: Nine stills for Phantoms episode 4 "Involuntary" released. Young Justice.TV Article
October 25, 2021: The first half of recording for Phantoms was done normal predominantly in groups then stopped halfway because of the pandemic. Weisman, Vietti, Thomason talent coordinator Laura Lopez, editor Chris Mertens, and Weisman's wife and children recorded scratch tracks to keep the board artists supplied with vocal tracks. Actors were recorded from their homes as audio-conferencing. They switched from BangZoom Studios to Atlas Oceanic Picture & Sound because the latter had access in which actors could avoid contact with other people, the engineer was in the control room, and everyone else listened from home. Some actors still worked from home and about half went to Atlas. Every actor got the entire script. Ask Greg reply
October 27, 2021: Denise Boutte has six voice roles in Phantoms. She hints at a character's son having autism. TSC Gaming & Entertainent, 21 min. mark
October 27, 2021: New poster arrives on HBO Max, featuring Tigress, Lady Shiva, Cassandra, Cheshire, Orphan and a new character seen in the past trailer. YJ Fan Vids Tweet
October 27, 2021: Greg Weisman confirmed he kissed his hand for Lucas Carr's kiss in the season 4 premiere. Greg Weisman Tweet
October 28, 2021: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti will take questions for an Reddit AMA on November 2. HBO Max Tweet
October 29, 2021: The X on Martian Manhunter's chest is the symbol of the M'huntrrs and J'onn J'onzz was a a member of them before he came to Earth. The X or M'comm's name was not a Malcolm X reference or analogy. Back in season one, Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti decided not to do an evil race on M'arzz but did like the myth of an evil race being used by the ruling castes to justify the caste system. Weisman does regret using White Martians and wished he used the Grays instead because of the Caucasian associations which was why they made a conscious decision to stop referring to Martians by color and instead the native words of A'ashenn, G'arrunn, B'lahdenn and Y'ellonn to create a mental distance. Ask Greg
October 29, 2021: The Martian language was developed by Greg Weisman and Nicole Dubuc back in season one then expanded on by Weisman and Brandon Vietti for season four. A'ashenn does equate from white ash, B'lahdenn from red blood, G'arrunn from green and Y'ellonn from yellow but in-universe the Martian words didn't evolve out of human wording. Ask Greg
October 29, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms the Indian caste system was an influence for the Martian caste system. Ask Greg
October 29, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals J'emm was a merging of two concepts from the comics when in the "Jemm, Son of Saturn" comics he was a Green Martian and later on when he was changed to a Red Saturnian. Ask Greg
October 29, 2021: At the end of Team Year Ten, Harper Row will be 18 years old. Ask Greg
October 29, 2021: The next arc of Phantoms starts November 4. HBO Max Tweet
October 29, 2021: Phantoms Episode 7 is "The Lady, or the Tigress?" and Episode 8 is "I Know Why the Caged Cat Sings". Loglines included. YJ Wiki Tweet
November 1, 2021: Comments from Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. Producing lot of new art and content for social media, theme has the original synth theme but with symphonic instruments to connote growth of the cast, Dr. Janina Scarlett was consulted for their portrayal of mental health, teases more post-credits scenes, end credit scenes will comment on the episode or seed future episodes. DC Blog
November 2, 2021: 22 episodes of Phantoms are now done. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 3, 2021: Episode 4x5 "Tale of Two Sisters" was written by Brian Hohlfeld, directed by Vinton Heuck, and features a voice cast with Nick Chinlund, Logan Browning, Zehra Fazal, Crispin Freeman, Kelly Hu, Stephanie Lemelin, Kelly Stables, Tara Strong, and Mae Whitman. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 3, 2021: Matthew Bordenave posts roughs of crying scene during the "Involuntary" end credits. Matthew Bordenave Tweet
November 5, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals the Martian iris change on Mars is to allow more light in. Snapper and Bethany are fostering Harper and Cullen. Ask Greg reply
November 5, 2021: Greg Wesiman confirms the public is unaware the Outsiders are affiliated with the Justice League. Ask Greg reply
November 8, 2021: Assuming they survive to the end of Team Year Ten, Saturn Girl will be 18 years old and Phantom Girl will be 15 years old. Ask Greg reply
November 8, 2021: M'aatt M'orzz was born in 1885, M'comm M'orzz was born in 1968, R'ess E'dda was born in 1935, R'ohh K'arr was born in 1896, and S'turnn J'axx was born in 1858. Ask Greg reply
November 8, 2021: M'ree M'orzz was born in 1956, J'ann J'onzz was born in 1885, J'arlia was born in 1885, J'emm J'axx was born in 1972, and K'omm B'lanxx was born in 1963. Ask Greg reply
November 8, 2021: Saturn Girl and Chameleon Boy were chosen to appear on the show because their powers offered opportunities for stealth in different ways and Phantom Girl just because "Phantoms" was in the season 4 title. Screen Rant Article
November 8, 2021: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. Nerds of Color Article
November 9, 2021: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti discuss their prior experiences with the Legion of Superheroes. For Young Justice, they came up in planning by season three but not as early as season one. ComicBook Article
November 9, 2021: Greg Wesiman and Brandon Vietti discuss the multi-arc format and cite a pragmatic reason for making the most bang for their buck like with creating the location of Mars rather than have it show up for one episode. CBR Article
November 9, 2021: Kelly Kao posts boards from "Involuntary" when Garfield tells Bio-Ship goodbye. Kelly Kao Tweet
November 9, 2021: 3:42 clip from "Involuntary" released. HBO Max Tweet
November 10, 2021: Phantoms airs in France starting December 16 at 855 pm on Toonami. Toonami France Tweet
November 10, 2021: 23 episodes are done and the last three are in the final stages of post production. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 10, 2021: Clark and Lois are currently married. Black Lightning was voted to lead the Justice League in a second term. Ask Greg Reply
November 10, 2021: S'yraa was born in 1972 and Chameleon Boy is 15 by the end of Team Year Nine. Ask Greg reply
November 10, 2021: B'lahdenn conquered to rule all Martians centuries ago. Ask Greg reply
November 10, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms Artemis Crock is teaching at Royal University. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 10, 2021: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti about the first 2 arcs of Phantoms. Young Justice.TV Article
November 11, 2021: Christina Sotta credited some of the crew for some specifics in "Artemis Through The Looking-Glass": Rozlynn Waltz boarded the flashback scenes, Emily Hu did Garfield's scenes, Kelly Kao did the action scene at the end, Yujin Lee made young Artemis cuter, Christopher Jones spruced up the interrogation poses, and Jerome Moore got to design his co-creation Onyx. Christina Sotta Tweet
November 15, 2021: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti about their inspirations for the show like Hill Street Blues, Buffy, Northern Exposure, Superfriends, Ghost in the Shell, Splinter Cell, on getting back the crew from previous seasons plus hiring new people when season 4 was greenlit, on the passage of time, and picking characters for the show. Fanboy Factor Article
November 17, 2021: Hardware has been helping with the fitting on Arsenal's cybernetic arm. Ask Greg reply
November 18, 2021: According to Parrot Analytics, Young Justice was the tenth most in-demand digital original from November 6 to 12 and second most in-demand original on HBO Max. YJ Wiki Tweet
November 18, 2021: Matthew Bordenave posts storyboards from "The Lady, or The Tigress?". Matthew Bordenave Tweet
November 18, 2021: Matthew Bordenave posts storyboards from "The Lady, or The Tigress?". Matthew Bordenave Tweet
November 25, 2021: Greg Weisman credits his daughter Erin Weisman with Clark and Lois's talk with Jonny in "I Know Why The Caged Cat Sings". Greg Weisman Tweet
November 27, 2021: Brandon Vietti story boarded the fight scenes in "I Know Why The Caged Cat Sings". Vinton Heuck Tweet
November 28, 2021: Greg Weisman reveals COVID happens on Earth-16 in 2021 instead of 2020. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 28, 2021: 24 episodes of Phantoms are complete. The only work left for episode 25 and 26 is finishing closed captioning. Greg Weisman Tweet
November 29, 2021: HBO Max posts Arc 3 poster art. Young Justice Wiki Tweet
December 2, 2021: For "Odnu!". Emily Hu boarded the opening training sequence and the carousel sequence, Kelly Kao boarded the Vandal flashbacks and elevator sequences, and Rozlynn Waltz boarded the Jewelry Store sequences. Yujin Lee stepped in to help with the convenience store sequence. Chris Jones helped with the end credit sequence. Christina Sotta Tweet
December 6, 2021: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. AWN Article
December 7, 2021: Work on season 4 is virtually done. Greg Weisman Tweet
December 7, 2021: Thirteen mostly casts in Latin. Khalid uses a combination of Latin, Classical Greek, and Arabic for his spells. Greg Weisman Tweet
December 9, 2021: 25 epsiodes of Phantoms are complete. Episode 26 is to be given a "final, final" review. Greg Weisman Tweet
December 10, 2021: The scene in "Esir Nomed!" where Etrigan runs up the side of the rising earth was boarded by Matthew Bordenave. Matthew Bordenave Tweet
December 10, 2021: All 26 epsiodes of Phantoms are completed. Greg Weisman Tweet
December 10, 2021: The timelime document is now at 718 pages, there are 759 total characters but some have only been mentioned or referenced briefly. Weisman will post his list of characters starting from #759 working his way to #1 on Ask Greg after the season 4 finale streams. Across 98 episodes, the audioplay, and video game, 128 total actors have been used. Ask Greg
December 17, 2021: "Teg Ydaer!" was the last episode of Phantoms to be mostly recorded pre-pandemic. Greg Weisman Tweet
December 25, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms Zatara being inspired by Superman was in part a nod to both characters debuting in Action Comics #1. Greg Weisman Tweet
December 25, 2021: Aaron Sparrow teases Zehra Fazal didn't have a voice role in his episode but teases the Bat-Family is involved. Aaron Sparrow Tweet
December 25, 2021: Aaron Sparrow reveals he wrote the last episode in the penultimate arc. Aaron Sparrow Tweet
December 26, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms the Klarion bus reveal was planned years in advance. Greg Weisman Tweet
January 3, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Sergeant and Lieutenant Marvel left the Team in Team Year Five. Ask Greg
January 7, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals "Vertigo" is Count Vertigo's surname while Perdita and her father's surname is Vladek. Ask Greg
January 7, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals the Outsiders mission seen in "Volatile" took place on February 24th, Team Year Ten. Ask Greg
January 7, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals that since Hynden Walch was the voice of Elasti-Girl in "Nightmare Monkeys" in season three, that meant she would also be the official voice of Rita Farr. Since Em'ree J'onzz was taking on the image of Rita, Walch was the only choice to voice her. Ask Greg
January 7, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals the Mars-Earth satellite was first brought on-line in Team Year Nine. Ask Greg
January 7, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Khalid Nassour will be 22 years old by the end of Team Year Ten. Greg Weisman Tweet
January 7, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms the budget for the show did not lower for Phantoms. Greg Weisman Tweet
January 11, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Nabu would have any powers and abilities that the host body possesses. Ask Greg
January 11, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Black Canary's day job is as a therapist and shw owns a flower shop. Ask Greg
January 11, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms the Legion of Super-Heroes were always part of the initial plan for the series. Ask Greg
January 16, 2022: Jerome Moore posts design for Zatara poster. Jerome Moore deviantArt
January 18, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Mist is a member of the Team. Greg Weisman Tweet
January 20, 2022: Interview with Greg Weisman. Brandon Vietti suggested Artemis reading her favorite books during credits. Hall of Justice Podcast Episode 268, 13:27 mark
February 1, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Onyx Adams was born in 2004. Ask Greg
February 9, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Cyborg is a member of the Justice League as of season 4. Ask Greg
February 9, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Mist is now a member of the Team and her full name is Andrea "Andi" Murphy. Ask Greg
February 10, 2022: 32 second trailer for second half of Phantoms released. WF YouTube
February 10, 2022: The consequences of events and actions in the character's past will be more impactful in the second half of Phantoms. It will be ridiculously clear by the end of the season. Rocket will have an interesting and unique arc. EW Article
February 11, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms at the start of Team Year Ten, Wonder Woman was biologically 39 years old more or less. Ask Greg
February 11, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Traci was Zatanna's first protege. Ask Greg
February 12, 2022: Jerome Moore got to meet Logan Browning during a recording session. Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti did want to give a creator credit for Onyx to Joey Vavalieri and Jerome Moore but for unknown reasons, it was blocked by DC Comics' legal department. Greg Weisman's mandated to capes for Onyx's design. Moore endeavored to make Onyx's props and weapons unique and decided on replacing the white in the original comic book design to purple to add visual interest for animation. Jerome Moore deviantArt
February 22, 2022: The second half of Phantoms streams sometime in March 2022. WarnerMedia Article
February 23, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals K'rii St'ferr was born in 1699. Ask Greg
February 23, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Looker and Livewire joined the Outsiders and Robin and Windfall joined the Outsiders in Team Year Nine though months apart. Ask Greg
February 28, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Holly the dog was born in Team Year Eight and the person that became Rictus was born in 2000. Ask Greg
February 28, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Will Everett was born in 1918 and he died in Team Year Eight. Ask Greg
March 1, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms the D-designation went into service on February 25th of Team Year Nine. Ask Greg
March 1, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms The Vault was the same place raided in "Satisfaction" by Roy. Ask Greg
March 2, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Conner and Garfield met M'gann's parents "pretty soon after" the Invasion season finale. J'onn J'onzz met M'att before he was sent to Earth. Ask Greg
March 9, 2022: For the Phantoms sub arc titles, Greg Weisman had the idea of doing one-word adjectives as titles that expressed an emotion that one or more characters was feeling, which seemed to fit with the telepathic nature of M'arzz. In the arcs that followed, Brandon Vietti helped hone in a bit more on something more specific for each arc's title schema. Ask Greg
March 9, 2022: There was one character that auditions were held for but doesn't appear until sometime in the back 13 episodes of Phantoms. Ask Greg
March 10, 2022: The second half begins on March 31 starting with Kaldur'ahm's arc. DC Tweet
March 10, 2022: Still of Kaldur'ahm, Wyynde, and La'gaan posted. HBO Max Tweet
March 10, 2022: Art for Arc 4 released. Hero Mode Tweet
March 11, 2022: Questions are being taken until March 16 for a Q&A session with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. DC Tweet
March 15, 2022: Season 4 Episode 14 is allegedly "Nautical Twilight" and logline reads "Kaldur'ahm chews algae, while Violet Harper cuts vegetables". YJ Wiki Tweet
March 16, 2022: As of season 4, Artemis is working on her dissertation, which is on Vietnamese literature and its resonance (or lack thereof) with archetypes in Western Culture. Ask Greg
March 16, 2022: New Phantoms stills of Tigress, Zatanna and Nightwing, Rocket, Megan and Gar, and La'gaan, Kaldur, and Orin. HBO Max Tweet
March 16, 2022: New Phantoms stills of Forager and Jay Garrick and Markovia. Hero Mode Tweet
March 22, 2022: Phantoms episode 15 is "Ebb Tide" and logline mentions Clark Kent at work and Kaldur'ahm hearing old family stories from his parents. YJ Wiki Tweet
March 23, 2022: HBO Max was planning to stream three or four episodes to premiere Young Justice: Phantoms but Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti protested and both sides agreed to two episodes instead. Ask Greg
March 23, 2022: The Joker's bomb threat on the United Nations building took place on January in Team Year Eight. Ask Greg
March 24, 2022: Barbara Gordon's paralysis was done different because The Killing Joke had been done in animation recently and wanted to do a version that still put the blame squarely on Joker but gave her and Cassandra more agency. Ask Greg
March 24, 2022: Three episodes will premiere on March 31. 37 clip featuring Ocean-Master and Danuuth released. Hero Mode Tweet
March 24, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Wyynde is a descendant of Wyynde. Greg Weisman Tweet
March 24, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Danuuth is a descendant of Garn Daanuth. Greg Weisman Tweet
March 30, 2022: 1:41 clip from "Nautical Twilight" released. HBO Max Tweet
March 30, 2022: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti comment on death and grief. They consulted with Dr. Janina Scarlet. The host of the Superhero Therapy podcast. EW Article
March 30, 2022: Q&A with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. Vietti calls the season 4 finale a landmark spectacle for the series in terms of the scale, the action, and the breathless pace of twists and turns. DC Blog
March 30, 2022: "Nautical Twilight" was written by Mae Catt. Khary Payton Tweet
March 30, 2022: "Ebb Tide" was directed by Christina Sotta. Greg Weisman Tweet
March 30, 2022: "Emergency Dive" was directed by Christopher Berkeley and written by Brandon Vietti. The arc will be more than 3 episodes. Greg Weisman Tweet
March 30, 2022: "Emergency Dive" logline involves Kaldur'ahm, Wyynde and La'gann going for a swim and King Orin going fishing. YJ Wiki Tweet
March 31, 2022: "Emergency Dive" rough of M'gaan hallucination posted. Matthew Bordenave Tweet
April 2, 2022: Jerome Moore posts four designs he did for the Trogowogs, including the one that was approved. Jerome Moore deviantArt
April 4, 2022: Jerome Moore posts approved design for the Trogowogs, including his rough sketches. Jerome Moore deviantArt
April 6, 2022: "Leviathan Wakes" logline posted. YJ Wiki Tweet
April 6, 2022: "Leviathan Wakes" was written by Khary Payton and directed by Vinton Heuck. Greg Weisman Tweet
April 8, 2022: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti on planning during the pandemic, the influence of voice actors, and learning production of scale. Phantoms Arc 4 was planned before the pandemic. Screen Rant Article
April 8, 2022: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti on mental health issues. AWN Article
April 11, 2022: Poster for Phantoms Arc 5 released. DC Comics Tweet
April 11, 2022: Aaron Sparrow wrote for Phantoms Arc 5. Aaron Sparrow Tweet
April 11, 2022: Charlotte Fullerton wrote for Phantoms. Charlotte Fullerton Tweet
April 12, 2022: Episode 18 is "Beyond the Grip of the Gods!". Logline released. YJ Wiki Tweet
April 13, 2022: "Beyond the Grip of the Gods!" was written by Taneka Stotts and directed by Christina Sotta. Greg Weisman Tweet
April 19, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Martha Clark was born in 1938. Ask Greg
April 20, 2022: Phantoms episode 19 is titled "Encounter Upon the Razor's Edge" and logline posted. YJ Wiki Tweet
April 20, 2022: Phantoms promo reveals more scenes from the Rocket arc. Toonami France Tweet
April 21, 2022: Adapting Razer into Young Justice was Brandon Vietti's idea. Greg Weisman Tweet
April 21, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Green Lantern: The Animated Series is canon adjacent to Young Justice. Greg Weisman Tweet
April 21, 2022: Sam Liu boarded the last part of "Encounter Upon the Razor's Edge" starting with the ring breaking free. Sam Liu Tweet
April 26, 2022: Logline for "Forbidden Secrets of Civilizations Part!" posted. YJ Wiki Tweet
April 27, 2022: "Forbidden Secrets of Civilizations Past!" was directed by Vinton Heuck. Greg Weisman Tweet
April 28, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms who is Vor-Kil and who is Jax-Ur on-screen in "Forbidden Secrets of Civilizations Past!" episode. Greg Weisman Tweet
April 29, 2022: K'arr M'angg was born in 1858. Ask Greg
April 29, 2022: In "Forbidden Secrets of Civilizations Past!", the use of "her" instead of "they" in reference to Halo was a mistake in the script that wasn't caught. Greg Weisman Tweet
May 3, 2022: Jonathan Kent and Martha Clark married in 1956. Jefferson Pierce and Lynn Stewart married in Team Year Zero. Ask Greg
May 3, 2022: Logline for "Odyssey of Death!" posted. YJ Wiki Tweet
May 6, 2022: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti will have a watch party for Phantoms episode 21 and 22 on May 12 at 6 pm PT/9 pm ET. HBO Max Tweet
May 9, 2022: Logline for "Rescue and Search" posted. YJ Wiki Tweet
May 9, 2022: Poster for final Phantoms arc posted. Hero Mode Tweet
May 9, 2022: Jason Bard lost his leg in combat and is an ex-Marine. Ask Greg
May 9, 2022: Phantom Stranger is biologically 28 years old. Ask Greg
May 9, 2022: Jerome Moore posts Robotman design. Jerome Moore deviantArt
May 10, 2022: Jerome Moore posts Jason transforming into Etrigan sequence in "Nomed Esir!" and took inspiration from "An American Werewolf in London". Jerome Moore instagram
May 11, 2022: Charlotte Fullerton wrote "Rescue and Search". Charlotte Fullerton Tweet
May 11, 2022: Daniel Cassidy, Garfield Logan, Forager, Violet Harper, Andie Murphy, Leslie Willis, Lia Briggs and Wendy Jones live in the Premiere Building. Ask Greg
May 12, 2022: The Time-Sphere's rainbow colored multi-dimensional shifting effect caused by Kaizer-Thrall was designed by FX animator Timothy N. Ryan. Each color is a dimensional "echo" of the sphere as it transitions through dimensions. HBO Max Tweet
May 12, 2022: The Phantom Zone was designed to look like a photo negative. Brandon Vietti designed the color for Superboy. Art director Brian A. Johnson and his team designed the incredible background lighting around the character color. HBO Max Tweet
May 12, 2022: Kaizer-Thrall's zigzag beams are meant to be reminiscent of Darkseid's Omega Beams. HBO Max Tweet
May 12, 2022: The green image coloration signifying events happening on the mental plane were designed by online editor Darren Griffiths. HBO Max Tweet
May 12, 2022: The Promethean Giant was inspired by Jack Kirby's drawing from New Gods #5 (1971) and designed by Jerome Moore. HBO Max Tweet
May 12, 2022: Director Christina Sotta and Brandon Vietti worked together to figure how to make the Promethean move by rotating painted background layers like a 2D, paper puppet. Traditional animation would never have conveyed the massive scale. HBO Max Tweet
May 12, 2022: FX animators Timothy N. Ryan and Ami Goff made the Promethean energy geyser and multilayered “plasma pancake” look dangerous and awesome. HBO Max Tweet
May 12, 2022: Kilowog cradling Tomar-Re's body was a reference to the cover of Crisis on Infinite Earths #7. HBO Max Tweet
May 12, 2022: Virgil Hawkins and Noble Davis live in the same apartment building in Dakota City. DC Comics Tweet
May 12, 2022: Nightwing's new Season 4 costume with blue shoulder armor and arm stripes was widely requested by the crew and designed by model supervisor Dou Hong. HBO Max Tweet
May 12, 2022: Nightwing's board in "Rescue and Search" was a nod to how Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti plot seasons. HBO Max Tweet
May 12, 2022: Klarion's entrance in "Rescue and Search" was a nod to The Wizard of Oz. DC Comics Tweet
May 12, 2022: Klarion's chaotic presence in the Tower of Fate causes the lights to dim, another example of colorgrading for story by online editor Darren Griffiths. HBO Max Tweet
May 12, 2022: Christina Sotta reveals Andres Velasco's boards of Orion vs. Lor-Zod in "Odyessey of Death!" had to be toned down. Christina Sotta Tweet
May 12, 2022: A still of of Tigress, Rocket, Nightwing, Zatanna, and Aquaman from episode 23 of Phantoms released. Hero Mode Tweet
May 13, 2022: Greg Weisman lists spells cast in "Odnu!". Ask Greg
May 14, 2022: Jerome Moore posts design for Jack Haly. Jerome Moore instagram
May 15, 2022: Jerome Moore posts design for Karkinos, the giant crab monster in "Leviathan Wakes". Jerome Moore deviantArt
May 15, 2022: Jerome Moore posts rear of Karkinos design. Jerome Moore deviantArt
May 16, 2022: Greg Weisman implies Dick Grayson was already moonlighting as Dan Danger during the events of "The Prize". Ask Greg
May 18, 2022: "Ego and Superego" was directed by Vinton Heuck and written by Michael Vogel. Greg Weisman Tweet
May 18, 2022: Logline for "Ego and Superego" posted. DCAUR Tweet
May 18, 2022: Casting for Amistad's season 4 voice was a taped audition. They wasn't a ton of auditions held for Phantoms and any were done pre-pandemic. Ask Greg
May 18, 2022: Greg Weisman comments on changing Western Mongolia timestamp to Khuiten Peak for season 4. Ask Greg
May 18, 2022: Greg Weisman wanted to cast Carl Lumbly as M'gaan's father as a nod to the Justice League animated series and he's been a fan since Cagney & Lacey. Auditions were held for roles of Khalid and Muhammed Nassour. Auditions were held with the intent for actor to voice both Mary Bromfield and Child. Weisman and Vietti suggested Erika Ishii after seeing her stand-up routine and Game of Thrones. Vietti wanted to make Phantom Stranger black and Jaime Thomason may have been the one who suggested D.B. Woodside. Ask Greg
May 18, 2022: Jaime Thomason may have suggested Logan Browning for Onyx. Ask Greg
May 19, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms the cartoon in "Ego and Superego" was a stylistic nod to Batman: The Brave and The Bold. Greg Weisman Tweet
May 20, 2022: Interview with Dynamic Music Partners about creating the "musical sub-language" for each work, working during the pandemic, they started work on the Zod chant when they started scoring the season, callbacks to previous seasons, the weird pieces they did like the merry-go-round and puppet show in "Odnu!" and "Teg Yaer!" respectively, and the process of making a piece like the Zod chang. WF Article
May 22, 2022: Jerome Moore posts design for Lori Lemaris. He added more surves and muscle mass, the latter hinting at her military career and physical training to augment her magical abilities. The producers steered away from any submissions that had flowing elements for hair or garments as that would mean more animation. Moore suggested a sea serpent for the theme of her magical skin icons. The suit was meant to be more a military uniform than anything flashy. The colors are a nod to Aquaman's camouflage suit in the 1986 mini-series. Jerome Moore deviantArt
May 22, 2022: Jerome Moore posts design for Lori Lemaris with her magical skin icons lit up. Jerome Moore deviantArt
May 24, 2022: Greg Weisman suggested Jason Bard as Artemis' love interest in season 4. Ask Greg
May 25, 2022: Greg Weisman clarifies Wally West's appearance in the Phantom Zone was just a hallucination. At the time, Conner thought he was dead and perceived Wally looking the same photo negative style as he. Greg Weisman Tweet
May 25, 2022: Logline for "Zenith and Abyss" released. DCAUR Tweet
May 25, 2022: "Zenith and Abyss" was written by Akira Mark Fujita and directed by Christina Sotta. Greg Weisman Tweet
May 26, 2022: For "Zenith and Abyss," Chris Jones recalls working on the cold open and the Phantom Zone fight. Chris Jones Tweet
May 26, 2022: Saturn Girl's full name is Imra Ardeen and Chameleon Boy's full name is Reep Daggle. Biologically, Lor-Zod is 16 years old in Team Year Ten. Ask Greg
May 26, 2022: Jason Blood was born in 500 AD. Ask Greg
May 27, 2022: Nabu was born around 1836 BCE and the Light fought Starro in 1800 CBE. Ask Greg
May 27, 2022: "Varl'jat" was a slight reworking of one of Vandal's old aliases from the comics, Karl Jat from The Atom #5. Ask Greg
May 28, 2022: Jerome Moore posts designs for Lizard Johnny's blood spurts. It fell to him to do real research on how lizards spurt blood as a defense mechanism. Jerome Moore deviantArt
May 30, 2022: Jerome Moore posts the concept designs for the Promethean Giant. He pitched a revision that was more in line with the original Jack Kirby design. He also took inspiration from the Superman: The Animated Series episode "The Prometheon" from which it was also based on Kirby's Promethean. Jerome Moore deviantArt
May 31, 2022: Logline for "Over and Out" released. YJ Wiki Tweet
June 1, 2022: Greg Weisman wrote "Over and Out" and Christopher Berekeley directed it. Greg Weisman Tweet
June 1, 2022: Kari Wahlgren was offered Saturn Girl role and didn't have to audition. Comics Beat Article
June 3, 2022: Sergeant Marvel is perpetually a biological 18 in terms of age. Ask Greg
June 7, 2022: Greg Weisman clarifies that Mary Bromfield doesn't drain power anything from either Billy Batson or Freddie Freeman and that power is hers now, given freely and impossible to return. Ask Greg
June 7, 2022: The numbers for Phantoms this season on HBO Max are "stunningly good" and today, Greg Weisman saw numbers that indicated it has more views this year than any other animated super-hero series on any streaming service and even beat out a couple of prestige live-action super-hero series. Ask Greg
June 8, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Mary Bromfield is Billy Batson's biological sister. Ask Greg
June 8, 2022: "Death and Rebirth" was written by Greg Weisman and directed by Vinton Heuck. Greg Weisman Tweet
June 9, 2022: The 'It's an old pro wrestling trick' line in "Death and Rebirth" was Brandon Vietti's idea. Greg Weisman Tweet
June 14, 2022: Jerome Moore posts design for Jor-El and Lara-El statue. Jerome Moore instagram
June 15, 2022: Greg Weisman reveals Sindella and Giovanni Zatara married in 1995. She passed away in 2008. Ask Greg
June 16, 2022: Production finished on Young Justice: Phantoms in November. Games Radar Article
June 16, 2022: Charlie Daggett was born in 1984, Sindella was born in 1975, Johnny Drew was born in 1997, and Penny Randall was born in 1998. Ask Greg
June 19, 2022: Jerome Moore posts more designs for the Trogowogs and talks about the details he added to each one. Jerome Moore deviantArt
June 21, 2022: Greg Weisman comments the practice of hiring or not hiring a child actor to voice a child character usually depends on budget and number of lines. Ask Greg
June 21, 2022: Greg Weisman confirms Giovanni Zatara is Homo Magi. Ask Greg
June 22, 2022: Jerome Moore posts design for Garfield's transformation into a Corgi in "Ego and Superego". Moore also got to design Wingman and took inspiration from the storyboard of the scene and Ein from the Cowboy Bebop anime. Jerome Moore deviantArt
June 24, 2022: "Ego and Superego" is eligible for an Emmy for Best Animated Program. Animation Magazine Article
June 25, 2022: Jerome Moore posts baby Lor-Zod concepts, one not chosen and the one chosen. He based the design on his own baby pictures. Jerome Moore instagram
July 3, 2022: Jerome Moore posts toddler Zatanna design. Jerome Moore deviantArt
July 5, 2022: Jerome Moore posts Wingman and Gar as a Corgi design from "Egon and Superego". Jerome Moore deviantArt
July 5, 2022: Jerome Moore posts Jonny Kent stock design and wedding design from "Death and Rebirth". Jerome Moore deviantArt
July 7, 2022: The basics of Mary Bromfield's predicament in season four and beyond were always part of the overall plan. Ask Greg
July 8, 2022: When Sergeant Marvel was beginning to spend less and less time in her Mary Bromfield form, even as an eleven year old, she was starting to do things more appropriate to Sergeant's 18-year-old body. The feeling among her friends and family was that it had to stop. This didn't happen over night. She promised to cut back - and meant it - but kept backsliding. Eventually, she was convinced to give up being Sergeant cold turkey. Mary is the one who was adopted right away, as a baby by the Bromfields. Billy was in the orphanage for years before becoming Captain Marvel (now Shazam) and finally being fostered by Uncle Dudley (who is not his actual uncle). Ask Greg
August 8, 2022: Jane Nelson Nassour was born in 1973 and Muhammed Nassour was born in 1970. Arion was biologically 34 or chronologically about 900 when he died. Ask Greg
August 21, 2022: Concept for the Varl'jat statue in "Nemod Esir!" based another anrtist's rough concept. Jerome Moore deviantArt
August 21, 2022: Concepts for Poseidon statue in Young Justice: Phantoms' Atlantis arc. Jerome Moore deviantArt
August 22, 2022: Robin joined the Outsiders because he remembered that the original Robin had been a public hero and thought it would be a good idea for Robin to go public again. Ask Greg
August 23, 2022: Concepts for Meta-Human Ice Sculptor in "Odnu!" including two unused ones. Jerome Moore deviantArt
September 3, 2022: Jerome Moore posts character design for Lian Nguyen-Harper. Jerome Moore deviantArt
September 3, 2022: Jerome moore posts prop design for Supertown statues. Jerome Moore deviantArt
September 8, 2022: Phil Morris reveals he did not know he was voicing Dru-Zod and Lor-Zod for the entire run of season 4 until the first record. Hall of Justice episode 300
September 8, 2022: Jerome Moore posts character design for Bishop Beluga. Jerome Moore deviantArt
September 9, 2022: Kryptonian male names are hyphenated and female names are not like Jor-El and Lara El. Unmarried females use their father's full last name as a surname like Faora Hu-Ul. Ask Greg
September 11, 2022: Jerome Moore posts character design for Wendy Harris in her wedding outfit in "Death and Rebirth". Jerome Moore deviantArt
September 13, 2022: Jerome Moore posts character design for Marvin White in his wedding outfit in "Death and Rebirth". Jerome Moore deviantArt
September 29, 2022: Courtney Whitmore became Stargirl in Team Year Nine. Ask Greg
October 6, 2022: The song in "Tale of Two Sisters" was envisioned as some kind of "viral" song a fan may have written in tribute to Superboy. It was performed by Greg Herzenach, one of DMP's regular go-to-guitarists they collaborated with since Batman Beyond, Teen Titans, and Justice League Unlimited. Kristopher Carter Tweet
October 7, 2022: Jerome Moore submitted two concept designs for the Forager Larva male first seen in "Beyond the Grip of the Gods!". Jerome Moore deviantArt
October 10, 2022: Jerome Moore posts design for Coral in the Atlantis arc of Phantoms. Jerome Moore deviantArt
November 26, 2022: Jason Spisak reveals back during season two, Greg Weisman told him he was a fan of Razer and Aya on Green Lantern: The Animated Series and would bring Razer in if there was any way possible. Convention Coverage YouTube, 5-5:43
December 3, 2022: Chris Jones spent 2-3 days boarding the wedding audience in the Phantoms finale and he was both given a list of characters and specific seating chart. Darksuperboy YouTube
January 2, 2023: Design for Lois Lane in her wedding outfit in "Death and Rebirth" posted. Jerome Moore deviantArt
September 1, 2023: Biologically, Kara Zor-El is 14 years old. Greg Weisman Tweet
Movie News
March 22, 2013: Greg Weisman reveals that around October 2012, a direct to DVD movie was pitched. Brandon Vietti also pitched a Young Justice meets Scooby-Doo! movie. Ask Greg
August 28, 2021: Greg Weisman confirms a version of the Catwoman: Hunted direct-to-video movie happens on Earth-16. Greg Weisman Tweet
Home Entertainment Release News
May 3, 2011: Season One, Volume One dvd releases July 19, 2011 for $14.97. Includes episodes one to four ("Independence Day, Part One," "Fireworks (Independence Day, Part Two)," "Welcome to Happy Harbor," and "Drop Zone"). The total running time for the disc is 88 minutes, with all episodes featured in standard 1.78:1 widescreen. WF Article
May 20, 2011: Back Cover for Season One, Volume One revealed. WF Article
August 17, 2011: Young Justice Season One, Volume Two will release on October 25th, 2011 and includes "Schooled," "Infiltrator," "Denial," and "Downtime." Front and back cover art revealed. WF Article
November 2, 2011: Season One, Volume Three will release on February 21, 2012 and includes "Bereft", "Targets", "Terrors" and "Home Front". WF Article
December 7, 2011: Front cover art of Season One, Volume Three revealed. WF Article
April 4, 2012: A two disc set titled Young Justice: Dangerous Secrets is set to release on July 24th, 2012 for $19.97 MSRP. A digital comic will be included as bonus content. The set collects Episodes 13 to 26. WF Article
May 7, 2012: Trade ad offers first look at front cover of Young Justice: Dangerous Secrets Season One, Part Two DVD set. WF Article
May 8, 2012: Front cover art of Young Justice: Dangerous Secrets Season One, Part Two DVD set officially revealed. WF Article
June 15, 2012: Back Cover of Young Justice: Dangerous Secrets revealed. WF Article
July 21, 2014: Warner Archive Collection confirms there will be Young Justice Season One on Blu-Ray and Greg Weisman has joined the WAC panel at San Diego Comic Con on July 27 at noon in Room 7AB. WAC Tweet
July 27, 2014: Warner Archive Collection will release Young Justice Season 1 on Blu-Ray on August 12, 2014 for $24.95. Front cover art included. WF Article
July 28, 2014: The Young Justice Three Pack Fun DVD is being rereleased on October 14, 2014. WF Article
October 10, 2012: The next DVD set, Season Two Part One: Destiny Calling will release on January 22, 2013, retails for $19.97, and includes the first 10 episodes of season 2. Special features will be a digital comic and three episodes from Batman: The Brave and The Bold. WF Article
November 16, 2012: Front and Rear cover art for Young Justice: Invasion - Destiny Calling Season Two Part One DVD set released. WF Article
November 19, 2012: The bonus episodes for Young Justice: Invasion - Destiny Calling Season Two Part One DVD set are three Blue Beetle focused episodes of Batman: The Brave and The Bold - "Rise of the Blue Beetle!", "Fall of the Blue Beetle!" and "Revenge of the Reach!". WF Article
January 18, 2013: Season 2, Part 2 DVD slated for mid-2013 release. WF Article
May 8, 2013: Young Justice: Invasion - Game of Illusions Season Two Part Two DVD set will release on July 16. It includes the last 10 episodes with a MSRP of $19.97. Front and back cover art included. WF Article
September 28, 2014: There will be a Young Justice: Invasion Blu-Ray and it will have special features. WAC Tweet
October 24, 2014: The Young Justice: Invasion Blu-Ray will release on November 18 through Warner Archive for $24.95. The special features are a Behind the Scenes featurette and includes two commentaries of "Summit" and "Endgame" by Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti, Jason Spisak, and Stephanie Lemelin. WF Article
October 24, 2014: Young Justice: Invasion Blu-Ray's Behind the Scenes featurette will be 16 minutes in length. WAC Tweet
November 10, 2014: Young Justice: Invasion Blu-Ray's updated menu screens released. WF Article
November 14, 2014: Greg Weisman talks about the Young Justice: Invasion Blu-Ray. WF Article
November 21, 2016: Jerome Moore posts art for the foreign market DVD. It was made during production so Phil Bourassa was precluded. Dusty Abell helped with inking. Aqualad and Miss Martian were reused from other illustrations due to the time crunch. Jerome Moore deviantArt
December 1, 2016: Jerome Moore posts isolated Artemis art for foreign market DVD. Jerome Moore deviantArt
December 1, 2016: Jerome Moore posts isolated Miss Martian art for foreign market DVD. Jerome Moore deviantArt
December 1, 2016: Jerome Moore posts isolated Aqualad art for foreign market DVD. Jerome Moore deviantArt
December 1, 2016: Jerome Moore posts isolated Kid Flash (Wally West) art for foreign market DVD. Jerome Moore deviantArt
December 2, 2016: Jerome Moore posts isolated Superboy art for foreign market DVD. Jerome Moore deviantArt
December 3, 2016: Jerome Moore posts isolated Robin (Dick Grayson) art for foreign market DVD. Jerome Moore deviantArt
September 18, 2019: Press release for complete season 3 set. Digital release for Outsiders is September 24 and Blu-ray/DVD release is November 26. Front cover art revealed. WF Article
Soundtrack News
May 19, 2013: There will be a Young Justice soundtrack comprising of music from both seasons. The release date is set for July 16 and price at $14.99. Ask Greg
June 14, 2013: Young Justice: Music from the DC Comics Animated Television Series soundtrack complete track listing, reversible cover artwork and official synopsis revealed. WF Article
June 17, 2013: Dynamic Music Partners comment on Young Justice: Music from the DC Comics Animated Television Series soundtrack. WF Article
July 15, 2013: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti comment on the Young Justice: Music soundtrack. WF Article
July 17, 2013: Interview with Dynamic Music Partners. WF Article
July 31, 2020: A soundtrack for Outsiders releases on August 25 from La-La Land Records. Limited to 1000 copies. La-La Land Records Tweet
August 17, 2020: Soundtrack listing for Young Justice: Outsiders released. WF Article
Toyline News
February 13, 2011: 2011 Toy Fair showcases action figures, including ones for Ra's al Ghul and Vandal Savage. TNI Article
March 1, 2011: The DC Universe 6" Young Justice Wave 1 Action Figures will be Robin and Artemis. They are sculpted by the Four Horsemen. TNI Article
March 3, 2011: The DC Universe 4" Young Justice Wave 1 Action Figures will feature mentor-mentee two packs: Batman and Robin, Flash and Kid Flash, Aquaman and Aqualad, and Ra's al Ghul and Cheshire. The release date is not confirmed, either June 2011 or Fall 2011. AFI Article
February 18, 2012: Image from Toy Fair 2012 reveals new looks for Miss Martian, Robin, and Aqualad in Young Justice: Invasion and Batgirl. The Fwoosh, forum post
March 9, 2012: Mattel's new wave of 6" figures reveals Blue Beetle will be appear next season. Also included are Robin, Miss Martian, Aqualad, Superboy, and Lagoon Boy's new looks. AFI Article
June 28, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts photos of rare Captain Marvel prototype figure. Phil Bourassa Instagram
June 28, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts photos of rare Guardian prototype figure. Phil Bourassa Instagram
June 28, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts photos of rare Captain Marvel and Guardian prototype figures. Phil Bourassa Instagram
June 28, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts photo of rare Black Manta and Red Arrow figures. Phil Bourassa Instagram
August 13, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts photos of rare Guardian prototype figures. Phil Bourassa Instagram
August 13, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts photos of rare Red Arrow, Captain Marvel, and Guardian prototype figures. Phil Bourassa Instagram
August 13, 2015: Phil Bourassa posts photos of rare Red Arrow and Captain Marvel prototype figures. Phil Bourassa Instagram
March 7, 2020: The Kid Flash Funko Pop and a glow-in-the-dark variant are now for sale at Hot Topic. The variant is shipped at random to lucky customers. CBR Article
Conventions, Interviews, and Misc. News
June 29, 2010: At the San Diego Comic Con, on Friday, July 13, at 10:30 to 11:30 am, a world-premiere trailer of Young Justice will be shown. TV Overmind Article
September 29, 2010: At New York Comic Con, on October 9th, there will be a Young Justice Signing at the DC Comics booth #2243 from 2-3 pm and a Video Presentation and Q&A in Room 1A14 at 3:45-4:45 pm. WF Article
February 1, 2011: Interview with Brandon Vietti and Greg Weisman. CBR Article
June 23, 2011: San Diego Comic Con will present a Young Justice Screening and Q&A in Room 7AB on July 24, 2011 from 10-11 am headlined by Brandon Vietti, Greg Weisman, Phil Bourassa and more. After the to be announced screening, a Q&A will be held. WF Article
June 28, 2011: Greg Weisman is a Returning Guest of Honor at CONvergence in Minnesota. It takes place from June 30th to July 3rd, 2011 and the convention was co-founded by current Young Justice comics artist Christopher Jones. WF Article
July 19, 2011: Danica McKeller is confirmed to be part of the Comic Con panel. There will be a signing after the panel at WB Booth #4545 from 11:15 am to 12:00 pm. PhillyBee Blog Entry
July 20, 2011: An episode will be screened before the Q&A at Comic Con panel. Giveaways at signing will be "very cool, unique, and even spoilerish." Ask Greg Ramble
February 6, 2012: Greg Weisman will be at Denver Comic Con on June 15-17th. Ask Greg
February 9, 2012: Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti will be at WonderCon on Saturday, March 17 for a signing at 4-4:30 pm and a panel at 5-6 pm. Ask Greg
May 30, 2013: Greg Weisman will be at Denver Comic Con Friday through Sunday. There will be an Ask Greg Live on Friday at 5-5:50 pm at Room 105. On Saturday at 3-3:50 pm there will be a Young Justice panel at Room 108-110 with Weisman, Chris Jones, Khary Payton and a few others then a Young Justice informal meet up at 7:30 pm at Room 104. Weisman will be appearing or moderating at many more tables/panels (see link for more). Ask Greg
June 2, 2013: Summary of a Young Justice panel at Denver Comic Con - how Phil LaMarr became the voice of Aquaman, Dee Bradley Baker as DeSaad, who LaMarr wanted to voice, comments on the series finale, on Wally West's death, and how to support the franchise. MTV Geek!
June 18, 2013: Summary of a Young Justice panel at Denver Comic Con. WF Article
August 19, 2013: Greg Weisman will appear at a MechaCon panel titled "Young Justice: Combating the Light" from 10-11 am on Sunday, August 25th in Panel Room 3/Third Floor. Ask Greg Ramble
October 31, 2013: Greg Weisman and Yuri Lowenthal will appear at the Anime Vegas 2013 at the Renaissance Hotel in Las Vegas on November 1 in the Paramount Room from 5 to 6:30 pm for a Young Justice panel and signing. Ask Greg Ramble
October 31, 2013: Brandon Vietti, Greg Weisman, and voice actors will appear at the Long Beach Comic Con on Saturday, November 23rd at 2pm for the Young Justice Voice Actor Panel. Brandon Vietti Tweet
November 12, 2013: Details on Young Justice panel at Long Beach Comic Con updated. It will take place on Saturday November 23 at 2pm in Room 104A. It features 17 people from the cast and crew: Thom Adcox, Cameron Bowen, Nick Chinlund, Nicole Dubuc, Crispin Freeman, Kevin Grevious, Josh Keaton, Curtis Toller (talent coordinator), Phil LaMarr, Stephanie Lemelin, Yuri Lowenthal, Jason Marsden, Vanessa Marshall, Jason Spisak, Jamie Thomason, Barndon Vietti and Greg Weisman. Ask Greg Ramble
November 18, 2013: Interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti about their ideas for Green Lantern and Space Ghost shows before Young Justice was formulated, developing the show and Young Justice: Legacy, hints at some story ideas for Two-Face, time stamps, Sportsmaster, helping the franchise, working together before Young Justice, Vietti as producer for first time, Weisman's work ethic, an idea for an issue to use an episode of Hello, Megan! as a framing device, and upcoming projects. Nerdy Show Article
January 23, 2014: Greg Weisman posts information for Young Justice panel at Gallifrey One convention February 15, 2014 from 5-6 pm. It will feature Cameron Bowen, Kris Carter, Christopher Jones, Stephanie Lemelin, Eric Lopez, Vanessa Marshall, Michael McQuistion, Lolita Ritmanis, Andrew Robinson, Brent Spiner, Jason Spisak, and Greg Weisman. After the panel, there will an informal meet up in the lobby. Ask Greg
March 22, 2014: Greg Weisman confirms they had marching orders to create a DC universe, Geoff Johns likened season one to be a history class about the DC Universe, internally during the search for Speedy it was believed Roy did some stuff and got addicted to heroin, they still have stories that are in essence prequels to the whole series, stories set in season one, stories in the 5 year gap, during season two, and tons that would have followed season two, and talks about the timeline - he thinks the first entry is Vandal Savage's birth and goes forward only 40 years (to account for Impulse's story). CBC Spotlight Ep.13 21:46-30:30
April 17, 2014: Ask Greg Live informal event at Wonder Con. Saturday April 19 from 11:30 am to 1 pm at Lobby B. Vanessa Marshall and Nicole Dubuc will stop by. Weisman will also be at Artists Alley Table 186 from 1-3 pm for signing. Ask Greg Ramble
May 7, 2014: Interview with Greg Weisman. Geek Cave Podcast
May 15, 2014: Chris Jones posts video of Young Justice Panel from Gallifrey One. 1 hour, 28 seconds in length. Chris Jones Blog
July 15, 2014: There was a voice recording with Jason Spisak and Stephanie Lemelin. Brandon Vietti and Greg Weisman were present. Jason Spisak Tweet
August 14, 2014: Video of Warner Archive Collection's A Batman for all Seasons panel. YouTube
August 14, 2014: Warner Archive Collection podcast with Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti, Jason Spisak, and Stephanie Lemelin. WAC Tumblr
September 17, 2014: Warner Archive Collection panel at Long Beach Comic Con on September 27 from 12:30 to 01:50 pm at the Hero Complex Theater 104A. In attendance will be Phil Bourassa, Cameron Bowen, Nicole Dubuc, Oded Fehr, Kevin Grevioux, Kevin Hopps, Bryton James, Josh Keaton, Curtis Koller, Eric Lopez, Jay Oliva, Jason Spisak, James Arnold Taylor, Brandon Vietti, Greg Weisman, and David Wilcox. Ask Greg
March 10, 2016: Wondercon Panel on March 27 in Microsoft Theater from 2-3 pm. Warner Archive hosts "Justice League vs. Young Justice" celebration with Kevin Conroy, Susan Eisenberg, Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti, and Khary Payton. Wondercon Schedule
March 31, 2016: Summary of Justice League vs. Young Justice panel. CBR Article
April 20, 2016: 65 minute recording of Justice League vs. Young Justice WonderCon 2016 panel. Lawrence Brenner Tweet
June 28, 2016: Greg Weisman posts schedule for CONvergence 2016 this weekend. Ask Greg Ramble
June 29, 2017: On July 21, Young Justice has a SDCC panel in Room 6BCF from 10-11 am. CBR Article
July 1, 2017: Phil Bourassa is working one exclusive artwork for the to-be-announced signing at Comic Con. Phil Bourassa Instagram
October 18, 2017: Greg Weisman posts full schedule for Grand Rapids Comic Con. Ask Greg Ramble
June 25, 2018: Young Justice: Outsiders' panel at San Diego Comic Con will be on July 20 at 10 to 11 am in Room 6DE. There will be a special video presentation and Q&A with the cast and crew. Comic Con PR
July 10, 2018: First look at over-sized bag for San Diego Comic Con. CBR Article
July 10, 2018: There will be a fan experience at the Hilton San Diego Gaslamp Quarter across from Comic Con, filled with installations. One involves the Watchtower. Thursday to Saturday hours are 9:30 AM to 7:00 PM (line closes at 6:00 PM) and Sunday hours are 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM (line closes at 4:00 PM). DC Comics Blog
September 19, 2018: Part 1 of an interview with Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti, and Phil Bourassa. Whelmed YJ Podcast
September 27, 2018: Part 2 of an interview with Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti, and Phil Bourassa. Whelmed YJ Podcast
October 3, 2018: Interview with storyboard artist Matthew Bordenave. Whelmed YJ Podcast
January 3, 2019: Interview with Chris Jones. Countdown City Geekcast Ep. 42
February 18, 2019: Interview with Dynamic Music Partners about making the music for Outsiders. Geek To Me Podcast
March 1, 2019: Interview with DMP about Outsiders. Bleeding Cool Article
March 29, 2019: Interview with comments from Phil Bourassa, Greg Weisman, and Brandon Vietti. Enough ideas for five seasons. LA Times Article
October 29, 2019: Greg Weisman, Jason Marsden, Zehra Fazal, Zeno Robinson, and Christopher Jones will be at Grand Rapids Comic Con (November 8-10, 2019). Greg Weisman Tweet
June 16, 2020: Will be featured at DC's Fandome event on August 22. CBR Article
August 14, 2020: The DC FanDome panel will be at 6 to 6:35 pm PST. Greg Weisman,Brandon Vietti, Jason Spisak, Khary Payton, Stephanie Lemelin, Nolan North, Denise Boutte, Danica McKellar and Crispin Freeman will deliver a special "audio play performance" of a brand-new episode, then preview the new season. It will encore on Sunday at 3:45 am. TV Line Article
August 19, 2020: The DC FanDome panel postponed to September 12 at 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern. IGN Article
February 2, 2021: Part 1 of an interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. Whelmed Podcast
February 22, 2021: Part 2 of an interview with Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. Whelmed Podcast
March 5, 2022: Interview with Vinton Heuck. Whelmed: The YJ Files Podcast
June 18, 2022: Interview with Chris Jones about working on Phantoms and Targets. Countdown City Geekcast YouTube
August 17, 2022: Insider reports there are no plans for a season five. TVLine Article
November 10, 2022: Greg Weisman begins his character ranking countdown. #782 is Branwilla's Ghost. Ask Greg
November 11, 2022: #781 is the Bgztlqwar mention. Ask Greg
November 14, 2022: #780 is Ulthoon. Ask Greg
November 15, 2022: #779 is Flex Mentallo. Ask Greg
November 16, 2022: #778 is Brother Power the Geek. Ask Greg
November 16, 2022: Interview with Greg Weisman. What's Up Fandom Podcast Episode 364
November 17, 2022: #777 is Dyno-Mutt. Ask Greg
November 18, 2022: #776 is Blue Falcon. Ask Greg
November 21, 2022: #775 is Flaming C. Ask Greg
November 28, 2022: #774 is Sackett. Ask Greg
November 29, 2022: #773 is Sanchez. Ask Greg
November 30, 2022: #772 is Rive Gauche. Ask Greg
December 1, 2022: #771 is Seine. Ask Greg
December 2, 2022: #770 is Monteparnasse. Ask Greg
December 3, 2022: 1 hour Interview with Chris Jones. Darksuperboy YouTube
December 5, 2022: #769 is Montmartre. Ask Greg
December 6, 2022: #768 is Champs Elysees. Ask Greg
December 7, 2022: #767 is Diabolique. Ask Greg
December 8, 2022: #766 is Behemoth. Ask Greg
December 9, 2022: #765 is Henry Heywood. Ask Greg
December 12, 2022: #764 is James King VI. Ask Greg
December 13, 2022: #764 is Justin King VI. Ask Greg
December 13, 2022: #763 is Philip Wilcox. Ask Greg
December 14, 2022: #762 is Brandon Weisman. Ask Greg
December 15, 2022: #761 is Greg Vietti. Ask Greg
December 16, 2022: #760 is Jack. Ask Greg
December 21, 2022: #759 is the Mueller kids. Ask Greg
December 22, 2022: #758 is Mrs. Josef Mueller. Ask Greg
December 23, 2022: #757 is Eduardo's Abuela. Ask Greg
December 27, 2022: #756 is Milagro Reyes. Ask Greg
December 28, 2022: #755 is Alberto Reyes. Ask Greg
December 29, 2022: #754 is Bianca Reyes. Ask Greg
December 30, 2022: #753 is Robert Hawkins. Ask Greg
December 31, 2022: #752 is Jean Hawkins. Ask Greg
January 1, 2023: #751 is Sharon Hawkins. Ask Greg
January 2, 2023: #750 is Cassandra Savage's Stepfather. Ask Greg
January 3, 2023: #749 is Cassandra Savage's Half-Brother. Ask Greg
January 4, 2023: #748 is Cassandra Savage's Half-Sister. Ask Greg
January 5, 2023: #747 is Juan Cordero's Youngest Sister. Ask Greg
January 6, 2023: #746 is Juan Cordero's Older Sister. Ask Greg
January 7, 2023: #745 is Juan Cordero's Mother. Ask Greg
January 8, 2023: #744 is Merlin. Ask Greg
January 9, 2023: #743 are the Ghosts of the Bayou. Ask Greg
January 10, 2023: #742 are the Haly's Circus Trapeze Artists. Ask Greg
January 11, 2023: #741 is the Ancient Danuuth Ancestor. Ask Greg
January 12, 2023: #740 is the Ancient Chian Ancestor. Ask Greg
January 16, 2023: #739 is J'karaa. Ask Greg
January 17, 2023: #738 is M'aarell. Ask Greg
January 18, 2023: #737 is the J'onzz Family. Ask Greg
January 19, 2023: #736 is Weather Wizard. Ask Greg
January 20, 2023: #735 is Shazam (Wizard). Ask Greg
January 21, 2023: #734 is Detective Chimp. Ask Greg
January 22, 2023: #733 is Sabbac. Ask Greg
January 23, 2023: #732 is Ibac. Ask Greg
January 24, 2023: #731 is Penguin. Ask Greg
January 25, 2023: #730 is Killer Croc. Ask Greg
January 26, 2023: #729 is Peacemaker. Ask Greg
January 27, 2023: #728 is Boss Moxie. Ask Greg
January 28, 2023: #727 is Ryan Choi. Ask Greg
January 29, 2023: #726 is Hippolyta. Ask Greg
January 30, 2023: #725 is Aya. Ask Greg
January 31, 2023: #724 is Thomas Wayne. Ask Greg
February 1, 2023: #723 is Martha Kane Wayne. Ask Greg
February 2, 2023: #722 is "Earth Green Lantern #4". Ask Greg
February 3, 2023: #721 are the Guardians of the Universe. Ask Greg
February 5, 2023: #720 are the Widowhood. Ask Greg
February 6, 2023: #719 is Krush Junior. Ask Greg
February 7, 2023: #718 is Krush. Ask Greg
February 8, 2023: #717 is "Woman with Pitbull". Ask Greg
February 9, 2023: #716 is "Man with Pitbull". Ask Greg
February 10, 2023: #715 is "Pitbull". Ask Greg
February 11, 2023: #714 is Krypto. Ask Greg
February 12, 2023: #713 is Martian Bird. Ask Greg
February 13, 2023: #712 is Auditioning Cats. Ask Greg
February 14, 2023: #711 is Lemon Sharks. Ask Greg
February 15, 2023: #710 is Tiger Shark. Ask Greg
February 16, 2023: #709 is K'rii St'ferr. Ask Greg
February 17, 2023: #708 is Terrance Thurston/Doctor Thirteen. Ask Greg
February 18, 2023: #707 is Crimson Avenger. Ask Greg
February 19, 2023: #706 is Wing How/Wingman. Ask Greg
February 20, 2023: #705 is Cluemaster. Ask Greg
February 21, 2023: #704 is Dr. Erdel. Ask Greg
February 22, 2023: #703 is Angela Eiling. Ask Greg
February 23, 2023: #702 is Melisande. Ask Greg
February 24, 2023: #701 is Mr. Daou. Ask Greg
February 25, 2023: #700 is Cartoon Meta/Infinity Cadets. Ask Greg
February 26, 2023: #699 is Babylonian Generals. Ask Greg
February 27, 2023: #698 is Primitive Boy. Ask Greg
February 28, 2023: #697 is Primitive Girl. Ask Greg
March 1, 2023: #696 is Ice-Sculptor. Ask Greg
March 2, 2023: #695 is Fire-Juggler. Ask Greg
March 3, 2023: #694 is Plant-Bender. Ask Greg
March 4, 2023: #693 is Orin and Orm's Mother. Ask Greg
March 5, 2023: #692 is Condiment King. Ask Greg
March 6, 2023: #691 is Ripley. Ask Greg
March 6, 2023: Greg Weisman confirms they currently have a rough plan for at least three more seasons like they do at the end of each season. Greg Weisman Tweet
March 7, 2023: #690 is Green Lantern Galet Dasim. Ask Greg
March 8, 2023: #689 is Martian G'arrunn Technician. Ask Greg
March 9, 2023: #688 is Wild-Wagon. Ask Greg
March 10, 2023: #687 is Harvey Bullock. Ask Greg
March 11, 2023: #686 is Renee Montoya. Ask Greg
March 12, 2023: #685 is United Planets Senators. Ask Greg
March 13, 2023: #684 is Lightning Lad. Ask Greg
March 14, 2023: #683 are Joker's Monkey Clowns. Ask Greg
March 15, 2023: #682 is Kamau. Ask Greg
March 16, 2023: #681 is Toto. Ask Greg
March 17, 2023: #680 is Ulgo. Ask Greg
March 18, 2023: #679 is Nzame. Ask Greg
March 19, 2023: #678 is Nnamdi. Ask Greg
March 20, 2023: #677 is Simeon. Ask Greg
March 21, 2023: #676 is Djuba. Ask Greg
March 22, 2023: #675 is Malavar. Ask Greg
March 23, 2023: #674 is Dragon King. Ask Greg
March 24, 2023: #673 is Delores Winters. Ask Greg
March 25, 2023: #672 is Cobra-Monster. Ask Greg
March 26, 2023: #671 are Kryptonians. Ask Greg
March 27, 2023: #670 are Rannian Science Command. Ask Greg
March 28, 2023: #669 is "Wolf West". Ask Greg
March 29, 2023: #668 are Beetle Mini-Drones. Ask Greg
March 30, 2023: #667 is Wahid Daou. Ask Greg
March 31, 2023: #666 is Lena Luthor. Ask Greg
April 1, 2023: #665 is Congorilla / Holy One. Ask Greg
April 2, 2023: #664 is Gog. Ask Greg
April 3, 2023: #663 is Dan Garrett/Blue Beetle. Ask Greg
April 4, 2023: #662 is Sindella Zatara. Ask Greg
April 5, 2023: #661 is King's Watch. Ask Greg
April 6, 2023: #660 is Dirty Old Man. Ask Greg
April 7, 2023: #659 is Marvin the Martian. Ask Greg
April 8, 2023: #658 are Kobra-Venomed Crocodiles. Ask Greg
April 9, 2023: #657 is Strongman. Ask Greg
April 10, 2023: #656 are Shayerans. Ask Greg
April 11, 2023: #655 are Neanderthals. Ask Greg
April 12, 2023: #654 is Tolui. Ask Greg
April 13, 2023: #653 is Jochi. Ask Greg
April 17, 2023: #652 are Hunger Dogs. Ask Greg
April 18, 2023: #651 is Scorpia A'Daire. Ask Greg
April 19, 2023: #650 is Cairo De Frey. Ask Greg
April 20, 2023: #649 is Promethean. Ask Greg
April 21, 2023: #648 is Cave Bear. Ask Greg
April 22, 2023: #647 is G. Gordon Godfrey Show Production Assistant. Ask Greg
April 23, 2023: Greg Weisman confirms #647 is Karen Conlin. Greg Weisman Tweet
April 23, 2023: #646 is Git N Payd. Ask Greg
April 24, 2023: #645 is Correctional Officer Hart. Ask Greg
April 25, 2023: #644 is Blue Sand Bog. Ask Greg
April 26, 2023: #643 are Martian Bio-Eggs. Ask Greg
April 27, 2023: #642 is Floyd Bell. Ask Greg
April 29, 2023: #641 is Antinoos. Ask Greg
April 29, 2023: Chris Jones reveals Greg Weisman had a story he always wanted to tell with Dick Grayson before he turned 18 that they never got to do on the show or in the comics. Chris Jones Tweet
April 30, 2023: #640 is Lupe Teresa Leocadio-Escudero. Ask Greg
May 1, 2023: #639 is Wit Saunders. Ask Greg
May 2, 2023: #638 is Sylvester the Skyman. Ask Greg
May 3, 2023: #637 is Theo O'Day. Ask Greg
May 4, 2023: #636 is Athena O'Day. Ask Greg
May 5, 2023: #635 is Richard Craemer. Ask Greg
May 7, 2023: #634 is Young Girl with Wonder Woman Doll. Ask Greg
May 9, 2023: #633 is Josephine Tarkov. Ask Greg
May 10, 2023: #632 is Green Lantern Kilowog's Ring A.I. Ask Greg
May 11, 2023: #631 is Norman's Mother. Ask Greg
May 11, 2023: Parrot Analytics reveals that Young Justice is 15.2 times more in demand among viewers based in the U.S. This puts Young Justice among the top 2.7% of shows in the U.S. the market, while its percentile rank among action/adventure genre is an equally impressive 94.1%. CBR Article
May 12, 2023: #630 is Marv Evers. Ask Greg
May 13, 2023: #629 is Ida Berkowitz. Ask Greg
May 14, 2023: #628 is Kreetin. Ask Greg
May 15, 2023: #627 is Simon M'barra. Ask Greg
May 16, 2023: #626 is Lok-Ron. Ask Greg
May 17, 2023: #625 is Tiamat. Ask Greg
May 18, 2023: #624 is Comparative Literature Students. Ask Greg
May 19, 2023: #623 is Holly. Ask Greg
May 20, 2023: #622 is Karkinos. Ask Greg
May 21, 2023: #621 is Correctional Officer Jones. Ask Greg
May 22, 2023: #620 is Pat. Ask Greg
May 23, 2023: #619 is Anton Kraft. Ask Greg
May 24, 2023: #618 is Rae Foster. Ask Greg
May 30, 2023: #617 is Jeff Kobi. Ask Greg
May 31, 2023: #616 is Carlo. Ask Greg
June 1, 2023: #615 is Carlo's Brother. Ask Greg
June 2, 2023: #614 is Kirby Jacobs. Ask Greg
June 4, 2023: #613 is Marvin Fargo. Ask Greg
June 5, 2023: #612 are the B.I.F. (Bwundan Independence Front). Ask Greg
June 6, 2023: #611 are the New Genesian Bugs. Ask Greg
June 7, 2023: #610 are the Kobra-Venomed Macaques. Ask Greg
June 8, 2023: #609 is Male Mountain-Hive Forager. Ask Greg
June 12, 2023: #608 are the Kobra-Venomed Wolves. Ask Greg
June 13, 2023: #607 is Jeremiah. Ask Greg
June 14, 2023: #606 is Elaine Jackson. Ask Greg
June 15, 2023: #605 is Green Lantern Tomar-Tu's Ring AI. Ask Greg
June 16, 2023: #604 is Kobra-Venomed Vultures. Ask Greg
June 17, 2023: #603 is Kobra-Venomed Elephants. Ask Greg
June 18, 2023: #602 is Leviathan. Ask Greg
June 19, 2023: #601 is Flesh-Monster. Ask Greg
June 20, 2023: #600 is Court of Owls Spectators. Ask Greg
June 21, 2023: #599 is Rannian Science Patrol. Ask Greg
June 22, 2023: #598 is Museum Curator. Ask Greg
June 23, 2023: #597 is Jim Daniels. Ask Greg
June 25, 2023: #596 is Hamilton Hill. Ask Greg
June 26, 2023: #595 is Doctor Moon. Ask Greg
June 27, 2023: #594 is Muhammed Nassour. Ask Greg
June 28, 2023: #593 is Reach Back-Up Singer. Ask Greg
June 29, 2023: #592 is Xiaping. Ask Greg
June 30, 2023: #591 is Singh Manh Li. Ask Greg
July 1, 2023: #590 is Maria Garcia. Ask Greg
July 2, 2023: #589 is Lucius Fox. Ask Greg
July 3, 2023: #588 is Green Lantern Tomar-Re's Ring A.I.. Ask Greg
July 4, 2023: #587 is Mattie Harcourt. Ask Greg
July 5, 2023: #586 is Bernell Jones. Ask Greg
July 6, 2023: #585 is Amber Joyce. Ask Greg
July 7, 2023: #584 is Anti-Meta Thugs. Ask Greg
July 8, 2023: #583 is Reach Lead Singer. Ask Greg
July 9, 2023: #582 is Graggin. Ask Greg
July 10, 2023: #581 is Jovita. Ask Greg
July 11, 2023: #580 is King Faraday. Ask Greg
July 12, 2023: #579 is Secret/Greta Hayes. Ask Greg
July 13, 2023: #578 is Sharon Vance. Ask Greg
July 14, 2023: #577 is Burton Thompson. Ask Greg
July 15, 2023: #576 is Psycho-Pirate. Ask Greg
July 16, 2023: #575 is Tommi Tompkins. Ask Greg
July 17, 2023: #574 is Hro Talak. Ask Greg
July 18, 2023: #573 is Jane Nassour. Ask Greg
July 19, 2023: #572 are Riddler's Goons. Ask Greg
July 20, 2023: #571 is Dale Gunn. Ask Greg
July 21, 2023: #570 is Bash Bashford. Ask Greg
July 22, 2023: #569 is Green Lantern Tomar-Tu. Ask Greg
July 24, 2023: #568 is Antonia "Big Words" Rodriguez. Ask Greg
July 25, 2023: #567 is K'arr M'angg. Ask Greg
July 26, 2023: #566 is Allen Phaedon. Ask Greg
July 31, 2023: #565 is Sarah Charles. Ask Greg
August 1, 2023: #564 is Ramon Bracuda. Ask Greg
August 2, 2023: #563 is Josef Mueller. Ask Greg
August 3, 2023: #562 is Thomas Tompkins. Ask Greg
August 4, 2023: #561 is Mister Bliss. Ask Greg
August 6, 2023: #560 is Steve Dayton / Mento. Ask Greg
August 7, 2023: #559 is Rocket Red #4 / Dmitri Pushkin. Ask Greg
August 8, 2023: #558 is Maurice Bodaway. Ask Greg
August 9, 2023: #557 is Appelaxian Golem. Ask Greg
August 10, 2023: #556 is Sebastian Cordona. Ask Greg
August 11, 2023: #555 is Rocket Red #1 / Olga Ilyich. Ask Greg
August 12, 2023: #554 is Patrick Maguire. Ask Greg
August 13, 2023: #553 is Evelyn Fox. Ask Greg
August 14, 2023: #552 is Parasite / Raymond Jensen. Ask Greg
August 15, 2023: #551 is L-Ron. Ask Greg
August 16, 2023: #550 is Harm. Ask Greg
August 17, 2023: #549 is Stormy. Ask Greg
August 18, 2023: #548 is William Shakespeare. Ask Greg
August 19, 2023: #547 is Richard Dragon. Ask Greg
August 20, 2023: #546 is Titano. Ask Greg
August 21, 2023: #545 is Wyynde's Ancestor. Ask Greg
August 22, 2023: #544 is Cassandra Savage's Mother. Ask Greg
August 23, 2023: #543 is Headmaster. Ask Greg
August 24, 2023: #542 is Two-Face. Ask Greg
August 25, 2023: #541 is Rick Flagg. Ask Greg
August 26, 2023: #540 is B'arzz O'oom's Bio-Ship. Ask Greg
August 28, 2023: #539 is Clown. Ask Greg
August 29, 2023: #538 is Maxima. Ask Greg
August 30, 2023: #537 is Achilles. Ask Greg
August 31, 2023: #536 is Atlas. Ask Greg
September 1, 2023: #535 is Solomon. Ask Greg
September 2, 2023: #534 are Daxamites. Ask Greg
September 7, 2023: #533 are Babylonian Warriors. Ask Greg
September 8, 2023: #532 is Tribune #3. Ask Greg
September 12, 2023: #531 is Tribune #2. Ask Greg
September 13, 2023: #530 is Polk. Ask Greg
September 14, 2023: #529 is Kevin Blankly. Ask Greg
September 15, 2023: #528 is Clement Lemar. Ask Greg
September 16, 2023: #527 is Zombie-Cyborg Ensign Valiant. Ask Greg
September 17, 2023: #526 is Will Everett / Amazing Man. Ask Greg
September 18, 2023: #525 is Boss Zucco. Ask Greg
September 19, 2023: #524 is Rick Grayson. Ask Greg
September 20, 2023: #523 is Johnny Grayson. Ask Greg
September 21, 2023: #522 is Karla Grayson. Ask Greg
September 22, 2023: #521 is Freddy Freeman. Ask Greg
September 23, 2023: #520 is Flaming Serpent. Ask Greg
September 24, 2023: #519 is Toy Soldier. Ask Greg
September 25, 2023: #518 is Martian Bio-Liquid Mass. Ask Greg
September 26, 2023: #517 is Bat-Beetle Mini-Drone. Ask Greg
September 27, 2023: #516 are Warworld Drones. Ask Greg
September 28, 2023: #515 is Wood King. Ask Greg
September 29, 2023: #514 is Stone God. Ask Greg
September 30, 2023: #513 is Golden Roc. Ask Greg
October 1, 2023: #512 is Crystal Creature. Ask Greg
October 2, 2023: #511 are Purists. Ask Greg
October 3, 2023: #510 is Kara Zor-El / Supergirl. Ask Greg
October 4, 2023: #509 is Starro #2 (Modern) / Starro Fragments. Ask Greg
October 5, 2023: #508 is Infinity-Man. Ask Greg
October 6, 2023: #507 is Ishtar. Ask Greg
October 7, 2023: #506 are Protestors. Ask Greg
October 9, 2023: #505 is Banks. Ask Greg
October 23, 2023: #504 is Prime-One. Ask Greg
October 24, 2023: #503 is Sam Reynolds. Ask Greg
October 25, 2023: #502 is Fire. Ask Greg
October 26, 2023: #501 is Simon Stagg. Ask Greg
October 27, 2023: #500 is Jaculi. Ask Greg
October 28, 2023: #499 is Another female Mountain Forager. Ask Greg
October 29, 2023: #498 are Demons. Ask Greg
October 30, 2023: #497 is Hauser. Ask Greg
October 31, 2023: #496 is Vartox. Ask Greg
November 1, 2023: #495 is Draaga. Ask Greg
November 2, 2023: #494 is John Economos. Ask Greg
November 3, 2023: #493 is Wilhelm Vittngs. Ask Greg
November 4, 2023: #492 is Minkis. Ask Greg
November 5, 2023: #491 is Traya Smith. Ask Greg
November 6, 2023: #490 are Funny Monkeys. Ask Greg
November 7, 2023: #489 is Yet Another Mountain Forager. Ask Greg
November 8, 2023: #488 are Ma'arphinn Beasts. Ask Greg
November 10, 2023: #487 is Eddie Corliss. Ask Greg
November 11, 2023: #486 is Shirley Mason. Ask Greg
November 12, 2023: #485 is Jason Burr. Ask Greg
November 13, 2023: #484 is Baby Sun-Eater. Ask Greg
November 14, 2023: #483 is Brainiac-5. Ask Greg
November 15, 2023: #482 is Krolotean Jailor. Ask Greg
November 16, 2023: #481 is David Reid / Magog. Ask Greg
November 17, 2023: #480 is G. Henry. Ask Greg
November 18, 2023: #479 is Hoody-Boy. Ask Greg
November 19, 2023: #478 is K'omm B'lanxx. Ask Greg
November 20, 2023: #477 is Leroy Bell. Ask Greg
November 21, 2023: #476 is Dragon's Breath. Ask Greg
November 26, 2023: #475 is Casey Brinke. Ask Greg
November 27, 2023: #474 is Norman. Ask Greg
November 28, 2023: #473 is Duk Trang. Ask Greg
November 29, 2023: #472 is Major Force. Ask Greg
November 30, 2023: #471 is Peggy Adams Eiling. Ask Greg
December 1, 2023: #470 is Krolotean Lieutenant. Ask Greg
December 3, 2023: #469 is Johnny Drew. Ask Greg
December 4, 2023: #468 is Green Lantern Soranik Natu. Ask Greg
December 5, 2023: #467 is Daddy Lidz. Ask Greg
December 6, 2023: #466 is Randall Adams Eiling. Ask Greg
December 7, 2023: #465 is Pieter Cross. Ask Greg
December 8, 2023: #464 is Davis Wilcox. Ask Greg
December 10, 2023: #463 is Cisco Ramon. Ask Greg
January 11, 2024: #462 is Toyman. Ask Greg
January 12, 2024: #461 is Holling Longshadow. Ask Greg
January 14, 2024: #460 is Negative Woman/Val. Ask Greg
January 15, 2024: #459 is Krolotean-B. Ask Greg
January 16, 2024: #458 is Luis Garcia. Ask Greg
January 17, 2024: #457 is Lenore Parris. Ask Greg
January 18, 2024: #456 is Thomas Kalmaku. Ask Greg
January 19, 2024: #455 is All-Widow. Ask Greg
January 20, 2024: #454 is Felix Faust. Ask Greg
January 21, 2024: #453 is Blackbriar Thorn. Ask Greg
January 22, 2024: #452 is Wizard. Ask Greg
January 23, 2024: #451 is Alec Rois. Ask Greg
January 24, 2024: #450 is Rako. Ask Greg
January 27, 2024: #449 is Chief. Ask Greg
January 28, 2024: #448 is Jaqqar Marlo. Ask Greg
January 29, 2024: #447 is Selena Gonzalez. Ask Greg
January 30, 2024: #446 is Shelly Longshadow. Ask Greg
January 31, 2024: #445 is Metamorpho. Ask Greg
February 1, 2024: #444 is Lead Kobra Cultist. Ask Greg
February 2, 2024: #443 is Boka. Ask Greg
February 3, 2024: #442 is Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch. Ask Greg
February 4, 2024: #441 is Casey Klebba. Ask Greg
February 5, 2024: #440 is Primat. Ask Greg
February 6, 2024: #439 is Carol Ferris. Ask Greg
February 7, 2024: #438 is David Davis Wilcox. Ask Greg
February 8, 2024: #437 is Ron Evers. Ask Greg
February 9, 2024: #436 is Robotman. Ask Greg
February 10, 2024: #435 is Etrigan the Demon. Ask Greg
February 11, 2024: #434 is Holocaust. Ask Greg
February 12, 2024: #433 is Tribune #1 of the Tribunal. Ask Greg
February 13, 2024: #432 is Ana Von Furth / Plasma. Ask Greg
February 14, 2024: #431 is Solovar. Ask Greg
February 15, 2024: #430 is Helena Sandsmark. Ask Greg
February 16, 2024: #429 is Gaby Gabrielli. Ask Greg
February 17, 2024: #428 is Henry Yarrow. Ask Greg
February 18, 2024: #427 is Madia Daou. Ask Greg
February 19, 2024: #426 is Red Volcano. Ask Greg
February 20, 2024: #425 is Captain Boomerang. Ask Greg
February 21, 2024: #424 is Razer. Ask Greg
February 22, 2024: #423 is Octopus Construct. Ask Greg
February 23, 2024: #422 is Riker. Ask Greg
February 24, 2024: #421 are M'gann's 16 Unnnamed G'arrunn Brothers. Ask Greg
February 25, 2024: #420 are M'gann's 11 Unnamed G'arrunn Sisters. Ask Greg
February 26, 2024: #419 is Mercury. Ask Greg
February 27, 2024: #418 is Zeus. Ask Greg
February 28, 2024: #417 is Hercules. Ask Greg
February 29, 2024: #416 is Zor-El. Ask Greg
March 1, 2024: #415 are the Divine Guards. Ask Greg
March 4, 2024: #414 are the Spider-Bots. Ask Greg
March 9, 2024: #413 are Genomorph Sprites. Ask Greg
March 10, 2024: #412 is Rannian Lizard-Bird. Ask Greg
March 11, 2024: #411 is Beth. Ask Greg
March 12, 2024: #410 is John Grayson. Ask Greg
March 13, 2024: #409 is Mary Grayson. Ask Greg
March 14, 2024: #408 is Jonathan Lord. Ask Greg
March 15, 2024: #407 is Pete "Danny" Danbury. Ask Greg
March 16, 2024: #406 is Lara El. Ask Greg
March 17, 2024: #405 is Inza Nelson. Ask Greg
March 18, 2024: #404 is Firra. Ask Greg
March 19, 2024: #403 is Eye of Ekron. Ask Greg
March 20, 2024: #402 is Damian al Ghul. Ask Greg
March 21, 2024: #401 is Deadshot. Ask Greg
March 23, 2024: #400 are Martian Fireflies. Ask Greg
March 24, 2024: #399 is Eel Construct. Ask Greg
March 25, 2024: #398 is Rhea Malia Beecher-Duncan. Ask Greg
March 26, 2024: #397 is Ice. Ask Greg
March 27, 2024: #396 is N'orr C'ott. Ask Greg
March 28, 2024: #395 is Perry White. Ask Greg
March 29, 2024: #394 is Beluga. Ask Greg
March 30, 2024: #393 is Dawn Allen. Ask Greg
March 31, 2024: #392 is Cooper. Ask Greg
April 1, 2024: #391 is Giant. Ask Greg
April 2, 2024: #390 is Reach Captain. Ask Greg
April 3, 2024: #389 is Blister. Ask Greg
April 4, 2024: #388 is Moonrider. Ask Greg
April 5, 2024: #387 is Jennifer Pierce. Ask Greg
April 6, 2024: #386 is Steve Lombard. Ask Greg
April 7, 2024: #385 is Ondine. Ask Greg
April 8, 2024: #384 is Galet Dasim. Ask Greg
April 9, 2024: #383 is James Gordon. Ask Greg
April 10, 2024: #382 is Donny Allen. Ask Greg
April 11, 2024: #381 is Dudley H. Dudley. Ask Greg
April 12, 2024: #380 is Mother-Thrall. Ask Greg
April 13, 2024: #379 is Cullen Row. Ask Greg
April 14, 2024: #378 is Nikolas Stofka. Ask Greg
April 15, 2024: #377 is Teekl Two. Ask Greg
April 16, 2024: #376 is Celestia. Ask Greg
April 17, 2024: #375 is Devourer. Ask Greg
April 18, 2024: #374 is Krolotean Captain. Ask Greg
April 19, 2024: #373 is Anissa Pierce. Ask Greg
April 20, 2024: #372 are the Xebelians. Ask Greg
April 21, 2024: #371 is Samad Daou. Ask Greg
April 22, 2024: #370 is Lynn Stewart-Pierce. Ask Greg
April 23, 2024: #369 are Bane's Thugs. Ask Greg
April 24, 2024: #368 is Rictus. Ask Greg
April 25, 2024: #367 is Bethany Lee Carr. Ask Greg
April 26, 2024: #366 is Serifan. Ask Greg
April 27, 2024: #365 is Female Larva. Ask Greg
April 28, 2024: #364 is Male Larva. Ask Greg
April 29, 2024: #363 is Lizard Johnny. Ask Greg
April 30, 2024: #362 is Lightray/Solis. Ask Greg
May 1, 2024: #361 is Professor Ojo. Ask Greg
May 2, 2024: #360 is Sardath. Ask Greg
May 14, 2024: #359 is Whisper A'Daire. Ask Greg
May 15, 2024: #358 is Barda. Ask Greg
May 16, 2024: #357 is Jason Bard. Ask Greg
May 17, 2024: #356 is Juan Cordero / Metallo. Ask Greg
May 20, 2024: #355 is Mister Twister / Brom Stikk. Ask Greg
May 21, 2024: #354 is Icicle Senior. Ask Greg
May 22, 2024: #353 is J. Anson Schwartz. Ask Greg
May 23, 2024: #352 is Bruno "Ugly" Mannheim. Ask Greg
May 24, 2024: #351 is Green Lantern Kilowog. Ask Greg
May 25, 2024: #350 is Amanda Waller. Ask Greg
May 26, 2024: #349 is Jack Haly. Ask Greg
May 27, 2024: #348 is S'yraa S'mitt. Ask Greg
May 28, 2024: #347 are the Trogowogs. Ask Greg
May 29, 2024: #346 is Rao. Ask Greg
May 30, 2024: #345 is C'eridy'all. Ask Greg
May 31, 2024: #344 is Infiltrators / Fog. Ask Greg
June 1, 2024: #343 are the Plant Creatures. Ask Greg
June 2, 2024: #342 are the Rannians. Ask Greg
June 3, 2024: #341 are Phantom Zone Prisoners (a.k.a. The Army of the House of Zod). Ask Greg
June 6, 2024: #340 is Phil Bourassa. Ask Greg
June 7, 2024: #339 are the M'hontrrs. Ask Greg
June 10, 2024: #338 is Green Lantern Alan Scott. Ask Greg
June 12, 2024: #337 is Sandman. Ask Greg
June 13, 2024: #336 are the Genomorph Dwarves. Ask Greg
June 14, 2024: #335 are the Genomorph Trolls. Ask Greg
June 16, 2024: #334 is Hardware. Ask Greg
June 17, 2024: #333 is Batwoman. Ask Greg
June 18, 2024: #332 is S'turnn J'axx. Ask Greg
June 19, 2024: #331 is Katana. Ask Greg
June 20, 2024: #330 are the Reach Technicians. Ask Greg
June 21, 2024: #329 are the Ma'arzuu Beasts. Ask Greg
June 22, 2024: #328 is Li'l Lobo. Ask Greg
June 23, 2024: #327 is Biggitz. Ask Greg
June 24, 2024: #326 is Kaizen Gamorra. Ask Greg
June 25, 2024: #325 is Lobo's Belt. Ask Greg
June 26, 2024: #324 are the Klamulons. Ask Greg
June 27, 2024: #323 are the Martian Bio-Ships. Ask Greg
June 28, 2024: #322 are the United Nations Ambassadors. Ask Greg
June 29, 2024: #321 is Henry Fyff. Ask Greg
June 30, 2024: #320 is Lashina. Ask Greg
July 1, 2024: #319 is Isis. Ask Greg
July 2, 2024: #318 is Kalibak. Ask Greg
July 9, 2024: #317 is Wilhelm Peters. Ask Greg
July 10, 2024: #316 is the Ma'alefa'ak Beast. Ask Greg
July 11, 2024: #315 is Gilotina. Ask Greg
July 12, 2024: #314 is Viktor Markov. Ask Greg
July 12, 2024: Interview with Greg Weisman. Sig Slayers Station YouTube, 37:50-55:50
July 14, 2024: #313 is Ilona DeLamb-Markov. Ask Greg
July 15, 2024: #312 is Highmother Avia the Wisdom-Bringer. Ask Greg
July 16, 2024: #311 is Martha Clark Kent. Ask Greg
July 17, 2024: #310 is M'chiste. Ask Greg
July 18, 2024: #309 is Mister Tawny. Ask Greg
July 19, 2024: #308 is Klamulon Commander / Lieutenant Der'Chow / Harvey. Ask Greg
July 20, 2024: #307 is Elongated Man. Ask Greg
July 21, 2024: #306 is Manta Trooper (a.k.a. Alpha Leader / Sector One / #3 / Coffee Guy). Ask Greg
July 22, 2024: #305 is Captain Cold. Ask Greg
July 23, 2024: #304 is Steel. Ask Greg
July 24, 2024: #303 is Otis Beatty. Ask Greg
July 25, 2024: #302 is Poison Ivy. Ask Greg
July 26, 2024: #301 is Ryus Nereus. Ask Greg
July 27, 2024: #300 is Grayven. Ask Greg
July 28, 2024: #299 are Kobra Cultists. Ask Greg
July 29, 2024: #298 is R'ohh K'arr. Ask Greg
July 30, 2024: #297 is Merlyn. Ask Greg
July 31, 2024: #296 is Chian. Ask Greg
August 5, 2024: #295 is Noble Davis. Ask Greg
August 6, 2024: #294 is Kru-El. Ask Greg
August 7, 2024: #293 is Shade. Ask Greg
August 8, 2024: #292 is Coral. Ask Greg
August 9, 2024: #291 is Abra Kadabra. Ask Greg
August 12, 2024: #290 is Otto von Furth / Plasmus. Ask Greg
August 13, 2024: #289 is J'arlia J'axx. Ask Greg
August 14, 2024: #288 is Gorilla Grodd. Ask Greg
August 15, 2024: #287 is Olympia Savage. Ask Greg
August 16, 2024: #286 is Mister Freeze. Ask Greg
August 17, 2024: #285 is Sandra Stanyon / Mrs. Wheeler / Bride of The Silver Blade. Ask Greg
August 18, 2024: #284 is Wade Eiling. Ask Greg
August 19, 2024: #283 is Green Lantern Tomar-Re. Ask Greg
August 20, 2024: #282 is Ronal. Ask Greg
August 21, 2024: #281 is Arion (Clone). Ask Greg
August 22, 2024: #280 is Hook. Ask Greg
August 23, 2024: #279 is Lobo. Ask Greg
August 24, 2024: #278 is Orm / Ocean-Master (Clone). Ask Greg
August 25, 2024: #277 is King Nanue Sha'ark. Ask Greg
August 26, 2024: #276 is Alanna Strange. Ask Greg
August 27, 2024: #275 is Onyx / Onyx Adams. Ask Greg
August 28, 2024: #274 is Wildcat. Ask Greg
August 29, 2024: #273 is Y'ellonn Sorcerer-Priests & Priestesses. Ask Greg
August 30, 2024: #272 is Beetle Mini-Drone / BMD. Ask Greg
August 31, 2024: #271 are the Genomorph Elves. Ask Greg
September 1, 2024: #270 is Josef Vladek. Ask Greg
September 2, 2024: #269 is Kobold. Ask Greg
September 3, 2024: #268 is Kylstar / First Leader. Ask Greg
September 4, 2024: #267 is Flaw. Ask Greg
September 5, 2024: #266 is Wingman (Corgi). Ask Greg
September 6, 2024: #265 is Danuuth. Ask Greg
September 7, 2024: #264 is Despero. Ask Greg
September 8, 2024: #263 is Jonathan Kent. Ask Greg
September 9, 2024: #262 are the Lords of Chaos. Ask Greg
September 10, 2024: #261 is Arion. Ask Greg
September 11, 2024: #260 is Celia Windward / Jet. Ask Greg
September 12, 2024: #259 is Angel O'Day. Ask Greg
September 13, 2024: #258 is Vulko. Ask Greg
September 14, 2024: #257 are the B'lahdenns. Ask Greg
September 15, 2024: #256 is Atomic Skull. Ask Greg
September 16, 2024: #255 is Vor-Kil. Ask Greg
September 17, 2024: #254 is Jax-Ur. Ask Greg
September 18, 2024: #253 are the A'ashenns. Ask Greg
September 19, 2024: #252 is Rodunn. Ask Greg
September 20, 2024: #251 is Jonathan Samuel "Jonny" Kent. Ask Greg
September 21, 2024: #250 is Rumaan Harjavti. Ask Greg
September 22, 2024: #249 is Blubber. Ask Greg
September 23, 2024: #248 are the G'arrunns. Ask Greg
September 24, 2024: #247 is Overlord. Ask Greg
September 25, 2024: #246 are the Parademons. Ask Greg
September 26, 2024: #245 is Jason Blood. Ask Greg
September 27, 2024: #244 is Ubu. Ask Greg
September 28, 2024: #243 is Professor Hugo Strange. Ask Greg
September 29, 2024: #242 is Marvin White. Ask Greg
September 30, 2024: #241 is Kobra / Lord Naga-Naga. Ask Greg
October 1, 2024: #240 is R'ess E'dda. Ask Greg
October 2, 2024: #239 is Killer Frost. Ask Greg
October 3, 2024: #238 is Faora Hu-Ul. Ask Greg
October 4, 2024: #237 is Mongul. Ask Greg
October 5, 2024: #236 is Talia al Ghul. Ask Greg
October 6, 2024: #235 is Lori Lemaris. Ask Greg
October 7, 2024: #234 is Edward Nigma / Riddler. Ask Greg
October 8, 2024: #233 is Vykin. Ask Greg
October 9, 2024: #232 is T.O. Morrow. Ask Greg
October 10, 2024: #231 is Bane. Ask Greg
October 11, 2024: #230 is Bear. Ask Greg
October 13, 2024: #229 is Jor-El. Ask Greg
October 14, 2024: #228 is Karen. Ask Greg
October 15, 2024: #227 is Benny. Ask Greg
October 16, 2024: #226 is Non. Ask Greg
October 17, 2024: #225 is Leroy. Ask Greg
October 18, 2024: #224 is Lexian Armored Robots, a.k.a. Lexbots. Ask Greg
October 19, 2024: #223 is Ali. Ask Greg
October 20, 2024: #222 is Highfather / Ayaza the Inheritor. Ask Greg
October 21, 2024: #221 are the Lords of Order. Ask Greg
October 22, 2024: #220 is the Phantom Zone Projector. Ask Greg
October 23, 2024: #219 are the Reach Soldiers. Ask Greg
October 24, 2024: #218 is Amanda Spence. Ask Greg
October 25, 2024: #217 is Jimmy Olsen. Ask Greg
October 28, 2024: #216 is Artur / Aquababy. Ask Greg
October 29, 2024: #215 are the M.O.N.Q.I.-Droids. Ask Greg
October 30, 2024: #214 is Fury / Rosa. Ask Greg
October 31, 2024: #213 is Monkey / The Magical Mystical Monkey God. Ask Greg
November 1, 2024: #212 is Trajectory. Ask Greg
November 2, 2024: #211 is Wendy Harris. Ask Greg
November 3, 2024: #210 is Dreamer. Ask Greg
November 4, 2024: #209 is Orb-One. Ask Greg
November 5, 2024: #208 is Paul Sloane / Tom Bender / Conner Manley. Ask Greg
November 6, 2024: #207 is Nathaniel "Neut" Tryon / Neutron. Ask Greg
November 7, 2024: #206 is Everyman. Ask Greg
November 8, 2024: #205 is Collector of Worlds. Ask Greg
November 10, 2024: #204 is J'ann M'orzz. Ask Greg
November 11, 2024: #203 is Brick / Daniel Brickwell. Ask Greg
November 12, 2024: #202 is Child. Ask Greg
November 13, 2024: #201 is Silas Stone. Ask Greg
November 14, 2024: #200 is Brandon Vietti. Ask Greg
November 15, 2024: #199 are the Genomorph-Gnomes. Ask Greg
November 16, 2024: #198 is Erin. Ask Greg
November 17, 2024: #197 is Starro #1 (Ancient) / Starro Fragment / Starro-Tech. Ask Greg
November 18, 2024: #196 is Black Adam. Ask Greg
November 19, 2024: #195 is Red Inferno / Firebrand / Danette Reilly. Ask Greg
November 20, 2024: #194 is Joan Garrick. Ask Greg
November 21, 2024: #193 is Rudy West. Ask Greg
November 22, 2024: #192 are the Atlanteans. Ask Greg
November 23, 2024: #191 is Mary West. Ask Greg
November 24, 2024: #190 is Desaad. Ask Greg
November 25, 2024: #189 is Rita Farr / Rita Lee / Elasti-Girl. Ask Greg
December 1, 2024: #188 is Red Torpedo / Jim Lockhart. Ask Greg
December 2, 2024: #187 is Wotan. Ask Greg
December 3, 2024: #186 is Lia Briggs / Looker. Ask Greg
December 4, 2024: #185 is Sha'lain'a. Ask Greg
December 5, 2024: #184 is Madame Xanadu / Nimue Inwudu. Ask Greg
December 6, 2024: #183 is Topo. Ask Greg
December 12, 2024: #182 is Calvin Durham. Ask Greg
December 13, 2024: #181 is Iris West-Allen. Ask Greg
December 15, 2024: #180 is M'aatt M'orzz. Ask Greg
December 16, 2024: #179 is Kent Nelson. Ask Greg
December 17, 2024: #178 is Phantom Stranger. Ask Greg
December 18, 2024: #177 is Metron. Ask Greg
December 19, 2024: #176 is Joker. Ask Greg
December 20, 2024: #175 is Unborn Lor-Zod. Ask Greg
December 21, 2024: #174 is Blue Beetle / Ted Kord. Ask Greg
December 22, 2024: #173 is Sumaan Harjavti. Ask Greg
December 23, 2024: #172 is Noor Harjavti. Ask Greg
December 24, 2024: #171 is Mobius Chair. Ask Greg
December 25, 2024: #170 is Lois Lane. Ask Greg
January 1, 2025: #169 is Bette Kane. Ask Greg
January 2, 2025: #168 are the Kroloteans. Ask Greg
January 3, 2025: #167 is Amistad Ervin. Ask Greg
January 4, 2025: #166 is Amazo. Ask Greg
January 5, 2025: #165 is Kaizer-Thrall / Danny Chase. Ask Greg
January 6, 2025: #164 are the Manta Troopers. Ask Greg
January 7, 2025: #163 is Professor Ivo. Ask Greg
January 8, 2025: #162 is Ursa Zod / Emerald Empress. Ask Greg
January 9, 2025: #161 is Unnamed Meta-Teen-A-Four-One / Dolphin / Delphis. Ask Greg
January 10, 2025: #160 is Mantis. Ask Greg
January 11, 2025: #159 is Green Lantern Forager. Ask Greg
January 12, 2025: #158 is Black Spider. Ask Greg
January 13, 2025: #157 is Frederick DeLamb / Baron Bedlam. Ask Greg
January 14, 2025: #156 is Sensei. Ask Greg
January 15, 2025: #155 is Orphan / Cassandra Wu-San. Ask Greg
January 16, 2025: #154 is Piotr Platz. Ask Greg
January 17, 2025: #153 is Blue Devil. Ask Greg
January 18, 2025: #152 is Catherine Cobert. Ask Greg
January 19, 2025: #151 is Tseng Dangun. Ask Greg
January 20, 2025: #150 are the Bialyan and Greater Bialyan Soldiers. Ask Greg
January 21, 2025: #149 is Tod Donner. Ask Greg
January 22, 2025: #148 is Reach Scientist. Ask Greg
January 23, 2025: #147 is Zviad Baazovi. Ask Greg
January 24, 2025: #146 is Lady Shiva / Sandra Wu-San. Ask Greg
January 25, 2025: #145 is Em'ree J'onzz / M'ree M'orzz. Ask Greg
January 26, 2025: #144 is J'emm J'axx. Ask Greg
January 27, 2025: #143 is Khalid Nassour / Doctor Fate. Ask Greg
January 28, 2025: #142 is Orion. Ask Greg
January 29, 2025: #141 is Mary Bromfield / Sergeant Marvel / Black Mary. Ask Greg
January 30, 2025: #140 is General Dru-Zod. Ask Greg
January 31, 2025: #139 is Tolifhar. Ask Greg
February 3, 2025: #138 is Robin / Red-Hooded Ninja / Jason Todd. Ask Greg
February 4, 2025: #137 is Bo "Bibbo" Bibbowski. Ask Greg
February 5, 2025: #136 is Monsieur Mallah. Ask Greg
February 6, 2025: #135 is Gregor Markov. Ask Greg
February 7, 2025: #134 is Simon Ecks / Doctor X. Ask Greg
February 8, 2025: #133 is Dubbilex / Dabney Donovan. Ask Greg
February 9, 2025: #132 is Harper Row. Ask Greg
February 10, 2025: #131 is Mercy Graves. Ask Greg
February 11, 2025: #130 is Johann Mintz. Ask Greg
February 12, 2025: #129 is Baby. Ask Greg
February 13, 2025: #128 is Metropolis School Bus Students. Ask Greg
February 14, 2025: #127 is Alfred Pennyworth. Ask Greg
February 15, 2025: #126 is Mist / Andie Murphy. Ask Greg
February 16, 2025: #125 is Green Lantern Guy Gardner. Ask Greg