Justice League Unlimited Metrotower
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Real Identity: Not Applicable
Appearances (BB): The Call Part One and Part Two
Appearances (JLU): I Am Legion, Shadow of the Hawk, Ancient History, Alive!, and Destroyer
Appearances (JLI Comics): The Mirror Crack'd
Powers/Skills: None
Voiced By: Not Applicable
After the Justice League saved the world from Lex Luthor and Brainiac, Superman was convinced by Green Arrow and the crowd to continue on. The US Federal Government agreed and allowed the League to build a second base of operations on Earth. It would act as an embassy and allow the League to repair their relationship with the people. It was built somewhere in Metropolis and nicknamed the Metro Tower. It is most likely the former Lexor City or an atoll near the coast of Metropolis was chosen as the site. Superman issued a new reform in which members of the League could now volunteer to take on extra shifts and rotate on monitor duty. In all, the Justice League won back the confidence of the people and forged on.
The Metrotower, like the Watchtower, contains top notch communications, a bridge teleporter deck, laboratories, prison cells, and training facilities. It was most likely secretly funded by WayneTech again or perhaps a fund set up by the richer members of the Justice League. After months of monitoring the Legion of Doom, a unit of eight, suddenly boomed to the Metrotower. Lex Luthor, Sinestro, Giganta, Toyman, Killer Frost, Atomic Skull, Volcana, and Bizarro were the only survivors of the Legion after Darkseid blew up their Citadel in space. They put aside their differences and teamed up to fight Darkseid's forces. Afterwards, the League gave the Legion a headstart to escape the Metrotower before they would pursue them.
Years later, the Flash ran to the Metrotower after he received a distress call while he was out on a date as Wally West. He hoped there was a major crisis going on but he was elated to see the League threw him a surprise birthday party. However, Granny Goodness boomed to the tower with an army of Parademons, determined to destroy the League in order to legitimize herself as the successor to Darkseid as ruler of Apokolips. Things went from bad to worse when Kalibak and his army boomed into the tower, intent on destroying the League himself. Mister Miracle had a plan and asked Big Barda to tell the rest of the League to take cover. Miracle used his Mother Box to trace the Boom Tubes used by Granny Goodness and Big Barda, reversed their polarities, and sucked them and their forces back through their tubes to Apokolips. Flash declared it was the best birthday party ever. Batman was "glad" and told him to clean the mess up. Flash complied and took 7.5 seconds.
In the 2050's, the Metrotower complex has since undergone renovations and upgrades. It now appears to be a hot tourist destination in Metropolis. One of the main buildings contains at least one training facility and several monitoring rooms. Aquagirl has her own massive tank to train in. Green Lantern chooses to meditate in an enclosed garden. The Medical Bay is home to cutting edge Stasis Fields. Unlike Bio-Regenerators, the Fields run automatically on the patient's bio-feedback.