

Eclipsed | Episode 41

Aired: November 8, 2003
Heroes: Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and The Flash
Supporting: Glorious Gordon Godfrey, Mophir, Artie Bauman and General McCormick
Villains: Mirror Master, Captain Boomerang, Heatwave (All Actors) and Ophidians
Objects: Heart of Darkness, Light Speed Energy Bar, Power Ring, Flashmobile, The Innocent Seduced, Lasso of Truth, Anti-Fusion Device, and Mophir's Gem
Places: Middle East, Central City, and Justice League Watchtower
Writer: Joseph Kuhr
Director: Dan Riba

Eclipsed | Episode 42

Aired: November 8, 2003
Heroes: Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, J'onn Jonzz and Hawkgirl
Supporting: Glorious Gordon Godfrey, Mophir, Artie Bauman, General McCormick and Spunky Spencer
Villains: Ophidians
Objects: Power Ring, Lasso of Truth, Heart of Darkness, Mophir's Gem, Javelin, Anti-Fusion Device, Nth Metal, Justice League Communication Link, Flashmobile, and Gluxitol
Places: Central City, Justice League Watchtower, and Middle East
Written By: Joseph Kuhr
Directed By: Dan Riba