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July 21
San Diego
Comic Con
Ballroom 20
7-9 pm

July 21
San Diego
Comic Con
Ballroom 20
9:30-11 pm

July 31
Harley Quinn and Batman
Digital Comic
Issue #1
For Sale Online

August 14
Fathom Theater Screening
7:30 pm

August 15
Digital HD
For Sale

August 28
Harley Quinn and Batman
Digital Comic
Issue #2
For Sale Online

August 29
For Sale

September 11
Harley Quinn and Batman
Digital Comic
Issue #3
For Sale Online

September 25
Harley Quinn and Batman
Digital Comic
Issue #4
For Sale Online

October 6
For Sale

October 23
Batman and Harley Quinn
Digital Comic
Issue #1
For Sale Online

October 30
Batman and Harley Quinn
Digital Comic
Issue #2
For Sale Online

November 6
Batman and Harley Quinn
Digital Comic
Issue #3
For Sale Online

November 13
Batman and Harley Quinn
Digital Comic
Issue #4
For Sale Online

November 20
Batman and Harley Quinn
Digital Comic
Issue #5
For Sale Online

November 27
Batman and Harley Quinn
Digital Comic
Issue #6
For Sale Online

December 4
Batman and Harley Quinn
Digital Comic
Issue #7
For Sale Online

December 12
Harley Quinn and Batman
Digital Comic
Issue #5
For Sale Online


March 7
For Sale


Back to Villains Main > Blockbuster

Real Identity: Mark Desmond
Appearances (Comics): Batman and Harley Quinn (Batman: "Busted")
Powers/Skills: Enhanced Strength
Voiced By: Not Applicable

Mark Desmond was given the Blockbuster compound by Project Cadmus. When he lost control of his emotions, Desmond transformed into a super strong but near mindless behemoth. Six days after the Weinwright Swamp battle, Mark Desmond ordered two shots of Espresso at a cafe in Gotham City's Bowery but the barista got it wrong and he was triggered. Desmond transformed into Blockbuster and went on a rampage, wrecking anything in sight. He declared the Bowery was Blockbuster's neighborhood. Batman found Blockbuster and moved him away from civilians by ramming him with the Batmobile. He confirmed with Alfred Pennyworth to meet up. Blockbuster tried picking up the Batmobile but Batman fired the thrusters in his face. He threw a dumpster at it. To make matters worse, Pennyworth had to contend with traffic coming out of the Bowery. Batman clamped Blockbuster's right leg but he pulled on the cable. It snapped and he fell into the river.

Pennyworth arrived and gave Batman a serum. Blockbuster jumped to the side of a building. Batman glided after him but their conflict spilled into a room and they scared a boy and a girl. Batman double kicked Blockbuster in the chest and he crashed into pavement. Batman quickly sprayed the serum into his mouth. The compound was suppressed and he returned to normal with no memory of Blockbuster's latest incident. Desmond realized it happened again. Batman asked him what happened. Desmond remembered the barista's mistake. Batman made sure fliers of Desmond were posted in every cafe in Gotham not to serve him.